Ein Dokumentarfilmprojekt mit SchülerInnen des OSZ für Bürowirtschaft und Verwaltung in Berlin-Lichterfelde im Jahr 2008 |
length: 35 min
| date: 26.08.2010
| video-hits: 1.127
please translate this description: PORTRAIT- REIHE VISIBLE
Ceija Stojka
Sie hat den Massenmord an Roma und Sinti in den Konzentrationslagern als eine der wenigen überlebt: die Künstlerin Ceija Stojka. Die Angst, die durch ihre Erinnerungen an die grauenhafte Kindheit im Todeslager ... more |
length: 10.07 min min
| date: 21.04.2010
| video-hits: 98
It was a bagatelle that brought me in front of the court martial in Africa. If they had known what I really did, I would have been summarily executed. But as it was, I was taken to the court martial and condemned to the punishment battalion in Africa. That was horrible because you were totally isolated and because you were often sent out in front of the tanks – as cannon catch, so to say; near the Highfalla ... more |
length: 2:49 min
| date: 18.06.2008
| video-hits: 950
During the illegal fight emotions had to be pushed back as far as possible. Before the Nazis marched in at our place, from 33 activists in the anti-fascist resistance 11 were female comrades. They achieved the same as the men and there I had to kiss unwillingly, once. The pupils love hearing about that, when I relate my story in a school class. While hanging up posters, we were caught by an SS-patrol, which ... more |
length: 2:58 min
| date: 18.06.2008
| video-hits: 222
You always took different things with you at that time.
My family knew everything. They knew everything at home. The other ones were illegal, as well, really. I was the only one, who had a connection to the partisans and the resistance group. We took on different tasks: mail, messenger service, food (that was important, too), clothes, and a very important thing: medical supplies. They were important, because ... more |
length: 0:49 min
| date: 16.06.2008
| video-hits: 164
They were very frightened – of course. They heard when there was one caught and another one… And we always thought: ‘hopefully that won’t happen to us’ – well. Everybody was living with fear at this time; at home, as well. They did not know what was going to happen. In our family: my brother fell in 1942 in Russia, 1943 they enlisted the second brother, 1944 I was arrested, and in January 1945 my other brother ... more |
length: 1:01 min
| date: 16.06.2008
| video-hits: 1.062
I had already been mustered in Aschendorfer Moor. There we got an army exclusion certificate; so we were unworthy for the army. Convicts and political prisoners were all unworthy for the army. In
1941/42 we were mustered again. That was due to the massive losses at the eastern front. They needed human material now. There may have been a decree of the ‘Fuehrer’– or whatever that was so we were called up. Erwin, ... more |
length: 4:29 min
| date: 13.06.2008
| video-hits: 666
please translate this description: Herr Dušek war in verschiedenen Lagern inhaftiert: Dachau, Neuengamme und Sachsenhausen (Außenlager Lichterfelde). Er berichtet über die Zustände der Lager. |
length: 6:40 min
| date: 09.06.2008
| video-hits: 839
Die Zeitzeugin berichtet von einer Situation auf der Straße mit der Hitlerjugend. (Polnisch - Deutsch) |
length: 2:57 min
| date: 28.01.2008
| video-hits: 1.845
Der Alltag von Frau Stefania Tokarska-Kaszubowa war geprägt durch die zwölfstündige Zwangsarbeit und durch das Familienleben. (Polnisch - Deutsch) |
length: 1:00 min
| date: 28.01.2008
| video-hits: 1.288
Durch den Einmarsch der Deutschen, war es der polnische Bevölkerung untersagt weiterhin die Schule zu besuchen. Aus diesem Grund bildeten sich kleine geheime Lerngruppen. Zwei Tanten der Zeitzeugin unterrichteten kleine Gruppen. (Polnisch - Deutsch) |
length: 6:30 min
| date: 28.01.2008
| video-hits: 487
Während des 2. Weltkriegs bekam die polnische Bevölkerung Lebensmittelkarten, die Rationen waren aber nur sehr knapp. Aus diesem Grund hatte sie oft Hunger. (Polnisch - Deutsch) |
length: 2:57 min
| date: 28.01.2008
| video-hits: 520
Sneps Vater arbeitete als Reiseführer in Amsterdam und konnte vielen jüdischen Händlern zur Flucht von Deutschland in die Niederlande verhelfen. |
length: 4:15 min
| date: 29.06.2007
| video-hits: 444
length: 5:50 min
| date: 29.06.2007
| video-hits: 434
Snep berichtet, wie er und sein Vater während der Fluchthilfe überführt und verhaftet und anschließend ins Durchgangslager Amersfoort deportiert worden. |
length: 8:13 min
| date: 29.06.2007
| video-hits: 334
length: 4:59 min
| date: 29.06.2007
| video-hits: 273
length: 4:05 min
| date: 29.06.2007
| video-hits: 905
length: 5:05 min
| date: 29.06.2007
| video-hits: 619
Der Niederländer berichtet über die Bestrafungen der SS. Kleinste Vergehen wurden mit unmenschlichen Strafen getadelt. Oftmals mussten die Häftlinge dabei ihr Leben lassen. |
length: 6:16 min
| date: 29.06.2007
| video-hits: 547
length: 2:39 min
| date: 29.06.2007
| video-hits: 268