Yes, I was sent to Africa. I had to fight in a motorbike patrol. I have to say that we agreed before we became soldiers we would never shoot somebody who had been said to be an enemy. We would shoot into the air, we would never shoot anybody, except in self defence; that was something different. There I kept going on with my illegal work; e.g. in the military hospital in Tripoli I was approached by an ... more |
length: 3:42 min
| date: 18.06.2008
| video-hits: 1.771
Well, we had already heard before, in 1942, that the partisans were staying in our area. But the first contact was at Easter 1943 when the first partisans came and knocked at the door or the windows: “Mother, open! The partisans are here; the army of the Slovenian people. We will totally destroy fascism and you will be free once more.” Afterwards we had regular contact. We sang a song I will never forget as long as ... more |
length: 1:24 min
| date: 17.06.2008
| video-hits: 192
Well, there were only few that weren’t with the partisans, very few. In the town there were more. Bleiburg is a known town and Carinthia was Nazi stronghold, but the population outside was of different opinion. And if they weren’t, well, there were only few, they did not report us to the police – kept quiet and did not keep in touch with us. But only about 10 % weren’t with us. |
length: 0:44 min
| date: 17.06.2008
| video-hits: 109
In March 43 I had to go to the army physician because I had to enlist. But I already had connection to the partisans. They came every day. In August I received the call-up to the army. Then I said: “What shall we do?” They wanted me to enlist but the mother was against it. Mother was frightened: “they will destroy everything and burn our house down and so on” and she cried. But I thought that the families would ... more |
length: 3:17 min
| date: 17.06.2008
| video-hits: 990
So, I went home for 14 days. On the first evening the partisans, acquaintances were already there. After 14 days the holiday was over. “Well, what are we going to do, mother?” My mother was crying again: she sprinkled me with holy water and things like that. “Mother, that doesn’t help! I will not go back to the ones that sentenced us to death.” So I went and the commander of the partisans said: “We will come and ... more |
length: 3:17 min
| date: 17.06.2008
| video-hits: 82
A group of partisans, about 20 of them (a few were with us as well) went to the constabulary, the office, and the town hall and took things from everywhere; whatever they could do with. At the constabulary they seized weapons – wherever they found some – and the type writers and stationery. For us it was like this: the country constables were having their evening meal and unfortunately one was shot there, because ... more |
length: 1:43 min
| date: 16.06.2008
| video-hits: 142
I was not at home. I was at the neighbour’s. When the neighbour saw that the Gestapo went to our house, she hid us in an outhouse and warned us: “Please, don’t look out of the window and stay quiet.” But us as children, we didn’t understand that and didn’t keep quiet. We kept looking out of the window to see what was going on until we saw that they were marching our family and relatives off. Only then did we ... more |
length: 2:51 min
| date: 15.06.2008
| video-hits: 1.175
We were quite desperate. Then we remembered that we still had another aunt nearby. We would go there; it was aunty Amalija. She had three children of her own, and her husband (her partner, really) was still at home. We stayed there. But the aunt had such a small flat. So she went to our house, where she looked after the small animals and us children because we had enough to eat at home; plus the small animals to ... more |
length: 2:06 min
| date: 15.06.2008
| video-hits: 173
The reason was: the political prisoners, who were unworthy for the army, were living in Germany. And the Germans were dying at all possible fronts. Slowly but surely, they were short on personnel. So
there was the idea to establish these ones as kamikaze mission you just throw in. That was, why we were militarily equipped like this. As a self-dependent unit, we were able to absorb counter strikes of the ... more |
length: 5:07 min
| date: 13.06.2008
| video-hits: 1.041
Sie konnte mit niemanden richtig reden, denn ihre Geschwister nicht reden. Mit ihren Eltern konnte sie auch nicht sprechen. |
length: 00:49 min
| date: 31.05.2008
| video-hits: 881
Trotz starker Kontrollen von Seiten der deutschen Besatzung bildeten sich Widerstandsgruppen. (Polnisch - Deutsch) |
length: 3:13 min
| date: 28.01.2008
| video-hits: 261
please translate this description: Frau Lederman-Rodbell erzählt, wie sie vor den Nazis in den Amsterdamer Untergrund flüchtet und den Moment, als sie zum letzten Mal ihre Eltern sah. |
length: 08:24 min
| date: 17.10.2007
| video-hits: 541
Herr de Ruiter beschreibt die Besatzung der Niederlande durch die Deutschen und den Beginn der Judenverfolgung. Die politische Situation verschärfte sich ab 1942. Er geht in den Widerstand. Auf seiner Flucht wurde er verhaftet. |
length: 02:58 min
| date: 18.07.2007
| video-hits: 803
Franz Josef Fischer führt einen Stock vor, mit dem ihn die SS geschlagen hat. Er berichtet von Fluchtversuchen und einer kleinen Sabotageaktion in der Panzerfertigung und, wie die andere Häftlinge für solche Ereignisse büßen mussten. |
length: 03:46 min
| date: 10.07.2007
| video-hits: 459
length: 02:42 min
| date: 06.07.2007
| video-hits: 770
length: 07:51 min
| date: 06.07.2007
| video-hits: 414
length: 2:56 min
| date: 29.06.2007
| video-hits: 284
length: 3:08 min
| date: 29.06.2007
| video-hits: 235
length: 13:18 min
| date: 18.12.2006
| video-hits: 513
Im Rahmen der sogenannten Fabrikaktion 1943 wurden Juden direkt vom Arbeitsplatz, an dem sie Zwangsarbeit verrichten mussten, abgeholt und nach Ausschwitz deportiert. Auch die Eltern von Inge Lammel wurden dort ermordet. |
length: 4:07 min
| date: 21.11.2006
| video-hits: 691
Bei einer der größeren Bombenangriffen auf Berlin kam ihr Mann um. Die Frauen durften in den Bunker, die Männer erlebten den Bombenangriff im Splittergraben nahe des Bunkers. Herr Rach wurde von einer Bombe getroffen und ihr Haus wurde zerstört. Traumatisiert und "obdachlos" ging Frau Rach durch das zerstörte Berlin zu ihren Eltern, auf dem Weg traf sie noch die Schwiegermutter, die mit ihrer Mutter zusammen war. Sie durchquerte die halbe Stadt, um zu ihnen zu kommen. |
german: download
more medias:
Rach, Elli || THE SECOND WORLD WAR || 1943 || Contemporary witnesses of the Nazi-Regime
team: Birgit Marzinka (web)
language: german
| length: 16:12 min
| size: 7 MB
format: mp3
| date: 14.03.2008
| media-hits: 2962 recommend audio | comment | permanent link
Vor allem in Ostpreußen (Kinderlandverschickung) fiel Frau Ebert die Verfolgung anhand des Judensternes bzw. die Kennzeichnung von Zwangsarbeitern auf. |
german: download
more medias:
Ebert, Dorit || Verfolgung || 1943
team: Emil Molt Schule 12. Klasse
language: german
| length: 2:19 min
| size: 1 MB
format: mp3
| date: 16.05.2007
| media-hits: 3207 recommend audio | comment | permanent link
Um die genaue Stellung der Flieger zu hören, um rechtzeitig in den Keller bzw. Bunkr gehen zu können, hörte die Familie den Militärsender ab. Sie hatten hierfür noch eine nötige Karte an der Wand um die Stellung der Flieger genauer feststellen zu können. |
german: download
more medias:
Ebert, Dorit || THE SECOND WORLD WAR || 1943
team: Emil Molt Schule 12. Klasse
language: german
| length: 2:14 min
| size: 1 MB
format: mp3
| date: 16.05.2007
| media-hits: 2854 recommend audio | comment | permanent link