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Unter der Leitung Heydrichs "Staatssekretärenkonferenz" der an der "Endlösung" zu beteiligenden Reichsressorts und der Verwaltung des Generalgouvernements in Berlin more


interview  // german  // 2:49 Min  // 18.06.2008  // Hits: 950
It was a bagatelle that brought me in front of the court martial in Africa. If they had known what I really did, I would have been summarily executed. But as it was, I was taken to the court martial and condemned to the punishment battalion in Africa. That was horrible because you were totally isolated and because you were often sent out in front of the tanks – as cannon catch, so to say; near the Highfalla Pass, near Tobruk. I was seriously wounded after six weeks in the punishment battalion. I was unconscious for two days and then came to Athens and there my eye had to be removed. The one side of my face is paralysed because of this one injury. I was not fit for war any more and was then retrained as a radio operator. In spite of all my bad luck, this was the best that could happen, because radio operators were not only privileged. Due to their occupation they were able to listen to what BBC or the station ‘Freies Deutschland’ were broadcasting. Every radio operator did that, regardless whether he was a Nazi or an anti-fascist. Everyone did that, when searching for his remote station he had to contact as ordered to. If he came across any other station he listened into that. But that wasn’t the only thing a clever radio operator could do. He could also get in touch with another radio station where a comrade sat. My big advantage was that I gave and received the highest speed when I was retrained, that is to say 140 characters per minute, which was the police radio. The highest speed that was generally used in the ‘Wehrmacht’ was 120 characters, giving and receiving. Because I gave 140, I was of interest to the generals. They knew, the police radio was not intercepted by the ‘Gestapo’ and the ‘SS’. The generals who did not agree with Hitler, also wanted to correspond with each other via radio. For that they needed people who gave 140 characters - and I was one. Insofar I got to the highest post and had contact to generals, who were anything but anti-fascists. But they were objectors to Hitler for many reasons. As a radio operator I was able to do a lot more illegally than before and that went on until the end of the war.

film Damals waren wir Nummern, heute sind wir Menschen
Damals waren wir Nummern, heute sind wir Menschen
Ein Dokumentarfilmprojekt mit SchülerInnen des OSZ für Bürowirtschaft und Verwaltung in Berlin-Lichterfelde im Jahr 2008
length: 35 min  | date: 26.08.2010  | video-hits: 1.127
film Ceija Stojka Lungo Drom. Long Way

please translate this description: PORTRAIT- REIHE VISIBLE

Ceija Stojka
Sie hat den Massenmord an Roma und Sinti in den Konzentrationslagern als eine der wenigen überlebt: die Künstlerin Ceija Stojka. Die Angst, die durch ihre Erinnerungen an die grauenhafte Kindheit im Todeslager ... more
length: 10.07 min min  | date: 21.04.2010  | video-hits: 98
interview Injuries and being a radio operator (Lorenz Knorr)

It was a bagatelle that brought me in front of the court martial in Africa. If they had known what I really did, I would have been summarily executed. But as it was, I was taken to the court martial and condemned to the punishment battalion in Africa. That was horrible because you were totally isolated and because you were often sent out in front of the tanks – as cannon catch, so to say; near the Highfalla ... more
length: 2:49 min  | date: 18.06.2008  | video-hits: 950
interview Relationship between men and women of resistance (Lorenz Knorr)

During the illegal fight emotions had to be pushed back as far as possible. Before the Nazis marched in at our place, from 33 activists in the anti-fascist resistance 11 were female comrades. They achieved the same as the men and there I had to kiss unwillingly, once. The pupils love hearing about that, when I relate my story in a school class. While hanging up posters, we were caught by an SS-patrol, which ... more
length: 2:58 min  | date: 18.06.2008  | video-hits: 222
interview Ana´s tasks in the resistance group (Ana Zablatnik)

You always took different things with you at that time.
My family knew everything. They knew everything at home. The other ones were illegal, as well, really. I was the only one, who had a connection to the partisans and the resistance group. We took on different tasks: mail, messenger service, food (that was important, too), clothes, and a very important thing: medical supplies. They were important, because ... more
length: 0:49 min  | date: 16.06.2008  | video-hits: 164
interview Life in fear (Ana Zablatnik)

They were very frightened – of course. They heard when there was one caught and another one… And we always thought: ‘hopefully that won’t happen to us’ – well. Everybody was living with fear at this time; at home, as well. They did not know what was going to happen. In our family: my brother fell in 1942 in Russia, 1943 they enlisted the second brother, 1944 I was arrested, and in January 1945 my other brother ... more
length: 1:01 min  | date: 16.06.2008  | video-hits: 1.062
interview Military service, murder of a bible scholar (Erwin Schulz)

I had already been mustered in Aschendorfer Moor. There we got an army exclusion certificate; so we were unworthy for the army. Convicts and political prisoners were all unworthy for the army. In
1941/42 we were mustered again. That was due to the massive losses at the eastern front. They needed human material now. There may have been a decree of the ‘Fuehrer’– or whatever that was so we were called up. Erwin, ... more
length: 4:29 min  | date: 13.06.2008  | video-hits: 666
interview Zustände in den Lagern (Veroslav Dušek)

please translate this description: Herr Dušek war in verschiedenen Lagern inhaftiert: Dachau, Neuengamme und Sachsenhausen (Außenlager Lichterfelde). Er berichtet über die Zustände der Lager.
length: 6:40 min  | date: 09.06.2008  | video-hits: 839
interview Hitlerjugend (Stefania Tokarska-Kaszubowa)

Die Zeitzeugin berichtet von einer Situation auf der Straße mit der Hitlerjugend. (Polnisch - Deutsch)
length: 2:57 min  | date: 28.01.2008  | video-hits: 1.845
interview Alltag (Stefania Tokarska-Kaszubowa)

Der Alltag von Frau Stefania Tokarska-Kaszubowa war geprägt durch die zwölfstündige Zwangsarbeit und durch das Familienleben. (Polnisch - Deutsch)
length: 1:00 min  | date: 28.01.2008  | video-hits: 1.288
interview Geheimes Lernen (Stefania Tokarska-Kaszubowa)

Durch den Einmarsch der Deutschen, war es der polnische Bevölkerung untersagt weiterhin die Schule zu besuchen. Aus diesem Grund bildeten sich kleine geheime Lerngruppen. Zwei Tanten der Zeitzeugin unterrichteten kleine Gruppen. (Polnisch - Deutsch)
length: 6:30 min  | date: 28.01.2008  | video-hits: 487
interview Lebensmittelversorgung (Stefania Tokarska-Kaszubowa)

Während des 2. Weltkriegs bekam die polnische Bevölkerung Lebensmittelkarten, die Rationen waren aber nur sehr knapp. Aus diesem Grund hatte sie oft Hunger. (Polnisch - Deutsch)
length: 2:57 min  | date: 28.01.2008  | video-hits: 520
interview Vater leistet Hilfe (Peter Josef Snep)

Sneps Vater arbeitete als Reiseführer in Amsterdam und konnte vielen jüdischen Händlern zur Flucht von Deutschland in die Niederlande verhelfen.
length: 4:15 min  | date: 29.06.2007  | video-hits: 444

length: 5:50 min  | date: 29.06.2007  | video-hits: 434
interview Überführung und Deportation nach Amersfoort (Peter Josef Snep)

Snep berichtet, wie er und sein Vater während der Fluchthilfe überführt und verhaftet und anschließend ins Durchgangslager Amersfoort deportiert worden.
length: 8:13 min  | date: 29.06.2007  | video-hits: 334

length: 4:59 min  | date: 29.06.2007  | video-hits: 273

length: 4:05 min  | date: 29.06.2007  | video-hits: 905

length: 5:05 min  | date: 29.06.2007  | video-hits: 619
interview Strafen für die Häftlinge (Peter Josef Snep)

Der Niederländer berichtet über die Bestrafungen der SS. Kleinste Vergehen wurden mit unmenschlichen Strafen getadelt. Oftmals mussten die Häftlinge dabei ihr Leben lassen.
length: 6:16 min  | date: 29.06.2007  | video-hits: 547

length: 2:39 min  | date: 29.06.2007  | video-hits: 268
audio interview Zwangsarbeiter bei Askania (Elli Rach)
Um die Produktion aufrecht zu erhalten und als billige Arbeitskräfte, arbeiteten polnische und russische Zwangsarbeiter bei Askania. Der Kontakt zu ihnen war strengstens untersagt. Frau Rach arbeitete in der Verwaltung und gab den Frauen immer wieder etwas zu Essen.
german: download
more medias: Rach, Elli || DEPORTATION / CONCENTRATION CAMPS / EXTERMINATION || THE SECOND WORLD WAR || 1942 || Contemporary witnesses of the Nazi-Regime
team: Birgit Marzinka (web)
language: german  | length: 1:28 min  | size: < 1 MB
format: mp3  | date: 14.03.2008  | media-hits: 2793
recommend audio | comment | permanent link

audio interview Fluchtversuch in die Schweiz (Werner Bab)
please translate in english.
german: download
more medias: Bab, Werner || EXILE / ESCAPE || 1942 || Contemporary witnesses of the Nazi-Regime
more info  www.imdialog-ev.org
team: Pankower Jugendliche
language: german  | length: 3:26 min  | size: 3 MB
format: mp3  | date: 16.02.2008  | media-hits: 2999
recommend audio | comment | permanent link

audio interview Deportation von Waldshut nach Auschwitz (Werner Bab)
please translate in english.
german: download
more medias: Bab, Werner || DEPORTATION / CONCENTRATION CAMPS / EXTERMINATION || 1942 || Contemporary witnesses of the Nazi-Regime
more info  www.imdialog-ev.org
team: Pankower Jugendliche
language: german  | length: 2:15 min  | size: 2 MB
format: mp3  | date: 16.02.2008  | media-hits: 2976
recommend audio | comment | permanent link

audio interview Im Untergrund (Adolf Burger)
A. Burger lebte als Drucker in der Slowakei. Die antifaschistische Untergrundbewegung fragte ihn an, Taufscheine zu drucken. Diese waren für Juden gedacht, damit diese sich als Christen ausgeben konnten und so vor der Deportation geschützt waren.
german: download
more medias: Burger, Adolf || Verfolgung || || 1942 || Contemporary witnesses of the Nazi-Regime
team: MUT Team
language: german  | length: 2:19 min  | size: 2 MB
format: mp3  | date: 21.08.2007  | media-hits: 3164
recommend audio | comment | permanent link

audio interview Fahrt nach Auschwitz (Adolf Burger)
Deportation nach Auschwitz. 1942 wird A Burger verhaftet und nach Ausschwitz deportiert.
german: download
more medias: Burger, Adolf || DEPORTATION / CONCENTRATION CAMPS / EXTERMINATION || || 1942 || Contemporary witnesses of the Nazi-Regime
team: MUT Team
language: german  | length: 0:39 min  | size: < 1 MB
format: mp3  | date: 21.08.2007  | media-hits: 3497
recommend audio | comment | permanent link

audio interview Aufräumkommando Auschwitz (Adolf Burger)
A Burger kam in Auschwitz in ein Aufräumkommando. Diese Arbeit sicherte sein Überleben. Er musste die Koffer der Leute sortieren, die an der Rampe direkt in die Gaskammern geschickt wurden und direkt ermordet wurden.
german: download
more medias: Burger, Adolf || Verfolgung || || 1942 || Contemporary witnesses of the Nazi-Regime
team: MUT Team
language: german  | length: 1:14 min  | size: 1 MB
format: mp3  | date: 21.08.2007  | media-hits: 3242
recommend audio | comment | permanent link

audio interview
german: download
more medias: Pick-Goslar, Hannah Elisabeth || Zerschlagung der Demokratie || Widerstand || Verfolgung || DEPORTATION / CONCENTRATION CAMPS / EXTERMINATION || THE SECOND WORLD WAR || 1943 || 1942 || 1941 || 1940 || Contemporary witnesses of the Nazi-Regime
team: Anette Dietrich und Birgit Marzinka (web)
language: german  | length: 02:50 min  | size: 2 MB
format: mp3  | date: 25.07.2007  | media-hits: 3297
recommend audio | comment | permanent link

audio interview
german: download
more medias: Pick-Goslar, Hannah Elisabeth || EVERYDAY LIFE UNDER THE SWASTIKA || Verfolgung || DEPORTATION / CONCENTRATION CAMPS / EXTERMINATION || 1943 || 1942 || 1941 || 1940 || Contemporary witnesses of the Nazi-Regime
team: Anette Dietrich und Birgit Marzinka (web)
language: german  | length: 07:08 min  | size: 6 MB
format: mp3  | date: 25.07.2007  | media-hits: 3355
recommend audio | comment | permanent link

audio interview Kinderlandverschickung (Dorit Ebert)
Frau Ebert kam durch eine freiwillige Kinderlandverschickung 1942 nach Thüringen, später musste sie nach Ostpreußen. Die lange Trennung von ihren Eltern fiel ihr schwer
german: download
more medias: Ebert, Dorit || THE SECOND WORLD WAR || 1942 || Contemporary witnesses of the Nazi-Regime
team: Emil Molt Schule 12. Klasse
language: german  | length: 2:39 min  | size: 1 MB
format: mp3  | date: 16.05.2007  | media-hits: 3677
recommend audio | comment | permanent link

audio interview Organisation von Kinderlandverschickungen (Dorit Ebert)
Frau Ebert berichtet, wie Kinderlandverschickungen organisiert wurden.
german: download
more medias: Ebert, Dorit || THE SECOND WORLD WAR || 1942 || Contemporary witnesses of the Nazi-Regime
team: Emil Molt Schule 12. Klasse
language: german  | length: 2:03 min  | size: < 1 MB
format: mp3  | date: 16.05.2007  | media-hits: 3256
recommend audio | comment | permanent link

audio interview Anfänge Swingmusik (Manfred Omankowsky)
"War erst die Musik dann die Politik, oder erst die Politik dann die Musik?"
german: download
more medias: Omankowsky, Manfred || EVERYDAY LIFE UNDER THE SWASTIKA || 1942 || Contemporary witnesses of the Nazi-Regime
team: Nicolai, Fiona, Cyrill, Loritta, Lisette, Lillith (web)
language: german  | length: 3:56 min  | size: 3 MB
format: mp3  | date: 03.12.2006  | media-hits: 2723
recommend audio | comment | permanent link

audio interview Anti gegen Hitlerjugend (Manfred Omankowsky)
"Es wurde damit gedroht das man sonst in die Plicht-HJ kommt........."
german: download
more medias: Omankowsky, Manfred || YOUTH ORGANISATION || 1942 || Contemporary witnesses of the Nazi-Regime
team: Nicolai, Fiona, Cyrill, Loritta, Lisette, Lillith (web)
language: german  | length: 12:5 min  | size: 11 MB
format: mp3  | date: 03.12.2006  | media-hits: 2821
recommend audio | comment | permanent link

audio interview
german: download
more medias: Cornelius, Heinz || EVERYDAY LIFE UNDER THE SWASTIKA || YOUTH ORGANISATION || 1942 || Contemporary witnesses of the Nazi-Regime
team: Jin-A Shim, Marleen Deschner, Janina Stadler, Norma Kemper (web)
language: german  | length: 2:15 min  | size: 2 MB
format: mp3  | date: 22.11.2006  | media-hits: 3325
recommend audio | comment | permanent link

audio interview In der Wehrmacht (Fritz Schmid)
Im Winter 1942 verhilft Fritz Schmid zwei Wachposten aus seiner Kompanie zur Roten Armee überzulaufen.
german: download
more medias: Schmid, Fritz || THE SECOND WORLD WAR || 1942
team: MuT Team (web)
language: german  | length: 2:06 min  | size: 1 MB
format: mp3  | date: 31.10.2006  | media-hits: 3260
recommend audio | comment | permanent link

1 topic
Jahreszahlen Sammlung Zeitzeugen
Damals waren wir Nummern, heute sind wir Menschen
Ceija Stojka Lungo Drom. Long Way
Injuries and being a radio operator (Lorenz Knorr)
Relationship between men and women of resistance (Lorenz Knorr)
Ana´s tasks in the resistance group (Ana Zablatnik)
Life in fear (Ana Zablatnik)
Military service, murder of a bible scholar (Erwin Schulz)
Zustände in den Lagern (Veroslav Dušek)
Hitlerjugend (Stefania Tokarska-Kaszubowa)
Alltag (Stefania Tokarska-Kaszubowa)
Geheimes Lernen (Stefania Tokarska-Kaszubowa)
Lebensmittelversorgung (Stefania Tokarska-Kaszubowa)
Vater leistet Hilfe (Peter Josef Snep)
Überführung und Deportation nach Amersfoort (Peter Josef Snep)
Strafen für die Häftlinge (Peter Josef Snep)
Kontakt zu anderen Häftlingen (Peter Josef Snep)
Politische Arbeit im Londoner Exil (Dr. Inge Lammel)
Kirche (Margit Siebner)
Aufenthalt in der Sowjetuntion (Dr. Karl-Heinz Rinne)
Die Ausreise ihres Vaters und Motive der Helfenden (I
Wie sie von den Massenmorden erfuhr (Inge Deutschkron)
Die Entscheidung in den Untergrund zu gehen (Inge Deutschkron)

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