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snippets  // german  // 8:04 Min  // 16.09.2009  // Hits: 164
please translate the description: Tiécoura Traoré spricht bei einer Veranstaltung am 19.1.2009 zu »Neuen Sozialen Bewegungen in Afrika« auf Einladung von Afric Avenir über Cocidirail.

12 topicen found for laborB
topic Le Grand Magasin
„Le Grand Magasin“ ist ein Kaufhaus, in dem aussschließlich Produkte verkauft werden, die in Produktivgenossenschaften hergestellt wurden. Es wurde im Herbst 2008 als zunächst temporäres Kunstprojekt in Berlin-Neukölln eröffnet. Mittlerweile hat sich das Projekt in einen Verein umgewandelt mit dem Ziel eine Konsumgenossenschaft für kooperativ hergestellte Produkte ins Leben zu rufen und eine Schnittstelle zwischen Genossenschaften und Projekten aus dem Design-Bereich herzustellen.more info...
last clip entry: 01-10-2009 09:12 number of clips in topic: 3
topic Cocidirail - Caravane Citoyenne Solidaire
vom 3. bis 11. November 2007 organisierte Cocidirail zusammen mit der franz. organisation Icilabas eine »Bürgerkarawane«. diese hat entlang der privatisierten und vielfach stillgelegten eisenbahnstrecke 11 orte besucht, um sich ein bild über die desatrösen konsequenzen der folgen der privatisierung zu machen - und mit den bürgern vor ort zu beratschlagen, was zur wahrung öffentlicher güter unternommen werden soll.
eine solidaritäts-delegation von transnational information exchange (tie) aus Deutschland besuchte den abschluss der karawane.
last clip entry: 30-09-2009 20:44 number of clips in topic: 3
topic INNSE - factory occupation
über ein jahr kämpfen 50 arbeiterInnen beim pressmaschinen-hersteller INNSE gegen die abwicklung. früher ein werk mit 2000 beschäftigten und teil des starken industriegürtels in nord-italien, findet der kampf anfangs ohne nachhaltige gewerkschaftliche unterstützung statt, mit wenig aufmerksamkeit und unterstützung. ihre entschlossenheit, ihr durchhaltevermögen, die lokale unterstüzung und ihre vernetzung mit anderen belegschaften, insbesondere SBB-Officine in der Schweiz, sichert ihnen allerdings im september 2009 einen unerwarteten achtungserfolg - der betrieb wird nun gegen die ursprünglichen pläne von einem neuen besitzer weitergeführt. alle 50 arbeiterinnen bekommen ihre alten arbeitsplätze zurück.more info...
last clip entry: 16-08-2009 12:04 number of clips in topic: 4
topic Labor News Production
»The mission of Labor News Production (LNP) is to use video and digital
communication tools to politically and culturally support the labor
movement in Korea and build national and international solidarity for economic justice. Through video production, training, research, collaboration, and advocacy, LNP is helping to build an international, independent media network capable of delivering on the promise of democracy.«

»The world must be analyzed from the people's point of view, and though there are always things that can't be predicted it is important to think systematically and act decisively without losing the belief in progress in the world, without being trapped by unreal expectations. Then we can change ourselves and change the world.«

The work of LNP is productively connected to some other structures and projects in the field of labor media culture in Korea, like MediaAct, labor film festival or Migrant Workers
Television (MWTV).
last clip entry: -- : number of clips in topic: 0
topic Euzkadi/Continental
After a three-year strike at the tire work of Continental in Mexico the factory became the property of the workers. They founded the cooperative Euzkadi. The strike was massively supported by neighbours, friendly cooperatives and other activists. It was flanked by international solidarity activities.
last clip entry: 25-04-2008 00:27 number of clips in topic: 1
topic Prekariat – precariuous organizing
Meanwhile the discourse on precarity is a well established one . Precarious lifes and biographies have – again – become a widespread reality within the traditional indutrialized countries. (as outside of these they have always been...).
There are truly different takes on what the "precariat" is or whether it really labels a coherent phenomenon . But certainly in the far-flung territories of temporary workers, part-timers, informal labor, and the new strata of the "creative service industry" linked to "self-employment" there arise new profiles of life, new kinds of problems and new necessities and rules of self-organization. The latter are still in the process of being found. But already there exist some beginnings and early attempts like the international MayDay-movement or special platforms like "ChefDuzen".
last clip entry: 01-01-2010 20:23 number of clips in topic: 12
topic Strike Bosch-Siemens-Hausgeräte-Werk (BSHG)
Im Herbst 2006 wird entwickelt sich aus der Ankündigung zur Entlassung von über 300 KollegInnen ein spontaner Arbeitskampf mit einer Quasi-Betriebsbesetzung in Form einer permanenten Belegschaftsversammlung. Dieser Kampf wird später von der IG-Metall aufgenommen und führt zu einem sehr zwiespältigen Ergebnis. Nichtsdestoweniger zeigen sich in dieser Bewegung viele positive Merkmale einer betrieblichen Bewegung insbesondere in einem Werk mit Beschäftigten sehr vielfältiger Herkunft. ... aber auch die Schwächen dieses Versuchs die Arbeitsplätze aller zu retten werden im nachhinein – in Diskussionen, einem Film, mehreren Broschüren – lebendig ausgewertet.more info...
last clip entry: 31-10-2002 19:28 number of clips in topic: 4
topic exChains
Garments sold in shops like H&M, Metro, Neckermann, Karstadt Quelle or Otto make a long journey before they end up on display. Workers may have produced cotton fibres in Kenya; other workers may have spun, woven and sewn the garments in factories in Sri Lanka, China or Bangladesh; until they come to be sold by retail workers in Europe. ExChains! organises these workers in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Mexico, Turkey and Germany with the objective of mutually supporting each other along the subcontracting chain of the textile, garment and retail sector. Trough meeting each other and discover each other’s working situations, organising efforts and demands we establish concrete solidarity links…more info...
last clip entry: 20-06-2009 01:28 number of clips in topic: 2
topic »Resistance without Borders« - Rank and File caucus at Opel Bochum
IN 1972 the shopfloor caucus »»Gewerkschaftlichen Oppositions-Gruppe« (Trade Union Opposition Group«) was founded, initiated by activists from the students movement of the 70s. Later the name was changed to »Resistance withougt Borders«, which made it possible for the group to keep their german acronym »GoG«.
This group played an important role inbetween the culture of »independent« and »progressive« factory groups and real trade union politics - being engaged with the IG Metall as the trade union in this sector and alo part of the German shop-stewards- and works-council-system. In addition this group reflects much of the experiences and changes within industrial labor politics happening between the 1970s and today.
more info...
last clip entry: 21-06-2009 11:03 number of clips in topic: 6
topic SBB-Officine/Bellinzona
2008 the labor force at the SBB-bodyshop (Swiss railways) occupied their shop - and defeated plans to make half the workforce redundant, and split and privatize the factory.
last clip entry: 06-07-2009 09:15 number of clips in topic: 9
topic John Holloway on global labor
Holloway is known for formulating a political theory which is geared to the culture of Zapatism and includes the central notion of »Changing the world without taking power«.
His theory on social tensions between »doing« (work, labor) and »done« (capital) is aiming for a language describing social antagonisms (a dialectic), which corresponds to political realities and therefore is neither wholly descriptive nor purely normative.
Approaching the real metaphor of »The Scream« and the like, he considers the real conflict of supressed subjects and asks questions touching on »creative power«, formulating a theory about the possibility of revolution, which does not reside in the seizure of state apparatuses, but in day-to-day acts of abject rejection of capitalist society.
On a visit to Berlin Holloway answers questions specifically concerning his views on »global labor«.
more info...
last clip entry: 27-04-2004 21:35 number of clips in topic: 4
topic Strike in Bochum
In German history the year 2004 will not only go down as the year of Hartz IV and the Monday Demonstrations. The massive social cutbacks at the factory level were important too. While the heads of the unions organized nothing more than withdrawal, employees of Opel in Bochum provided a symbol of resistance by going on a wildcat strike. Also taking part was the labor-based opposition group 'Resistance Without Borders' and Manfred Strobel, one of its most active members. For many years he was electrician at Factory II of Opel Bochum.more info...
last clip entry: 17-03-2005 20:50 number of clips in topic: 8
81 videoclips found for laborB
snippets [rVoL] Chainworkers : 02 : precarity – actions – MayDay
[rVoL] Chainworkers : 02 : precarity – actions  – MayDay
please translate this description: Zoe Romano führt aus wie die 'Chainworkers' mithilfe von eigenen aktionen 'prekarität' in der bewegung thematisierten und mit der MayDay-parade und aktionen an den neuen öffentlichen treffpunkten, den privaten shopping-malls, neue aktionsformen etablierten... in absetzung von alten ritualen ... more
length: 4:57 min  | date: 01.01.2010  | video-hits: 81
snippets [rVoL] Chainworkers : 02 : new impulses + new language
[rVoL] Chainworkers : 02 : new impulses + new language
please translate this description: Zoe Romano von den 'Chainworkers' erzählt von den anfangsimpulsen zur gründung dieses projektes: den erfahrungen neuer sozialer, räumlicher und ästhetischer formen des us-amerikanischen kapitalismus. der eindruck der shopping-malls, von 'No Logo' (Naomi Klein) und der neuen formen des ... more
length: 2:34 min  | date: 01.01.2010  | video-hits: 32
snippets Le Grand Magasin : 1 : matters of concern
Le Grand Magasin : 1 : matters of concern
please translate this description: drei der betreiber von 'Le Grand Magasin' sprechen über das, was sie mit dem projekt im kontext der aktuellen situation erreichen und bewegen wollen.
length: 3:53 min  | date: 01.10.2009  | video-hits: 159
animation Le Grand Magasin : 1 : point of departure
Le Grand Magasin : 1 : point of departure
please translate this description: im interview erläutern Andreas Wegner, Antonia Herrscher und Hemut Höge die hinter- und beweggründe für das projekt eines 'Modellkaufhauses' für waren aus genossenschaftlicher produktion.
length: 7:11 min  | date: 01.10.2009  | video-hits: 345
snippets Le Grand Magasin : 1 : framing
Le Grand Magasin : 1 : framing
please translate this description: das projekt 'Le Grand Magasin' stellt ab herbst 2008 die produkte von 40 europäishcen genossenschaften in einem verkaufsraum in Neukölln (Berlin) aus.
es will ein schaufenster zu der immer noch vorhandenen tradition der genossenschaftlichen produktion zur verfügung stellen, um so erneut die ... more
length: 3:31 min  | date: 30.09.2009  | video-hits: 40
snippets | Caravane Citoyenne Solidaire : Kayes : monument (1)
| Caravane Citoyenne Solidaire : Kayes : monument (1)
please translate this description: zum abschluss der Bürgerkarawane enthüllt Cocidirail in Kayes, der alten "Hauptstadt der Eisenbahner" ein Denkmal für die Opfer der Privatisierung der Eisenbahn" auf, das die folgen der privatisierung für die bevölkerung Malis hinweisen soll.
die aktivistInnen der Bürgerkarawane versammeln ... more
length: 5:46 min  | date: 30.09.2009  | video-hits: 432
snippets Caravane Citoyenne Solidaire : Kayes : Monument (1)
Caravane Citoyenne Solidaire : Kayes : Monument (1)
please translate this description: zum abschluss der Bürgerkarawane stellt Cocidirail in Kayes, der alten "Hauptstadt der Eisenbahner" ein Denkmal für die Opfer der Privatisierung der Eisenbahn" auf. es wird nicht weit vom "Denkmal für die Martyrer und Opfer des Kolonialismus" an die folgen der privatisierung für die bevölkerung ... more
length: 6:28 min  | date: 30.09.2009  | video-hits: 129
snippets Tiécoura Traoré @ Grüner Salon : On Cocidirail
Tiécoura Traoré @ Grüner Salon : On Cocidirail
please translate this description: Tiécoura Traoré spricht bei einer Veranstaltung am 19.1.2009 zu »Neuen Sozialen Bewegungen in Afrika« auf Einladung von Afric Avenir über Cocidirail.
length: 8:04 min  | date: 16.09.2009  | video-hits: 164
musicvideo Holger Burner (live) : Underclass
Holger Burner (live) : Underclass
please translate this description: Live-Auftritt von Holger Burner

In dem Stück wird die fragwürdige Debatte um die »Unterschicht« in der BRD thematisiert.
Diese wurde erst in Folge der zunehmenden Reichtumsschere in der BRD im Jahr 2006 von Kurt Beck (SPD) benannt und ausgerufen und dann umgehend wieder im ... more
length: 3:20 min  | date: 28.08.2009  | video-hits: 844
musicvideo Holger Burner (live) : Si Se Puede (Maria)
Holger Burner (live) : Si Se Puede (Maria)
please translate this description: Liveauftritt von Holger Burner

Si Se Puede (Maria) beschreibt in einem HipHop-Song die neuen prekären Arbeits- und Ausbeutungsverhältnisse insbesondere für migrantische Menschen.

Parallelen werden aber auch gezogen zwischen der rechtlosen Arbeitssituation ... more
length: 3:20 min  | date: 28.08.2009  | video-hits: 34
short-docu INNSE/Mailand : 05 : call to solidarity + unity (Enzo Acerenza)
INNSE/Mailand : 05 : call to solidarity + unity (Enzo Acerenza)
please translate this description: Enzo Acerenza richtet - bezugnehmend auf die gründunge eines politischen netzwerks der kämpfenden betriebe in italien (solidarity opereia) einen apell an beschäftigte in anderen ländern, insbesondere deutschland, sich gerade in der anstehenden krise auf die eigene stärke und ... more
length: 2:12 min  | date: 16.08.2009  | video-hits: 94
snippets INNSE/Mailand : 04 : learning (Enzo Acerenza)
INNSE/Mailand : 04 : learning (Enzo Acerenza)
please translate this description: die betriebsbesetzung bei INNSE fand in direktem austausch mit einem ähnlichen kampf in Bellinzona, in der Schweiz statt. Enzo Acerenza beschreibt den praktischen wie moralischen übertrag von betrieblichen auseinandersetzungen auch über ländergrenzen hinweg.

- interview vom 5.4.2009 ... more
length: 2:25 min  | date: 16.08.2009  | video-hits: 16
snippets INNSE/Mailand : 03 : occupation (Enzo Acerenza)
INNSE/Mailand : 03 : occupation (Enzo Acerenza)
please translate this description: in diesem teil berichtet Enzo Acerenza über die 1m 17.9.2008 beginnende besetzung und die staatliche intervention auf seiten des unternehmer bei INNSE Mailand. nach der anfänglichen besetzung des betriebs selber, haben sich die 50 arbeiter - zusammen mit unterstützern aus dem umfeld darauf ... more
length: 5:32 min  | date: 16.08.2009  | video-hits: 25
snippets INNSE/Mailand : 02 : occupation (Enzo Acerenza)
INNSE/Mailand : 02 : occupation (Enzo Acerenza)
please translate this description: Enzo Acerenza, betriebselektroniker und langjähriger aktivist beim betrieblichen vertrauenskörper, berichtet über die ausgangslage des konfliktes bei INNSE, nahe Mailand. dort sollte im Mai 2008 das werk geschlosen werden. Im ersten teil des gesprächs berichtet Enzo über den dramatischen rückgang ... more
length: 4:19 min  | date: 16.08.2009  | video-hits: 14
snippets Officine/Bellinzona [06] : communication (Gianni Frizzo - 5)
Officine/Bellinzona [06] : communication (Gianni Frizzo - 5)
The striking wokforce of SBB-Officine regards communication with the general public as the lifeline of their struggle. Manifold contacts with the people of Bellinzona and beyond secure the exchange and general support. The factory becomes a public space.
length: 3:28 min  | date: 06.07.2009  | video-hits: 142
snippets GoG : 5 : working hours issue in 80ies (Wolfgang Schaumberg)
GoG : 5 : working hours issue in 80ies (Wolfgang Schaumberg)
the discussion for a better life in the trade union movement became relevant and escalated with the IG-Metall strike for a 35-hours working week. Wolfgang Schaumberg recalls this discussion and the social and political debates from the perspective of Opel-Bochum and the GoG-group. linked to the this debate is the phenomenon of mass unemployment as strategical factor for all union issues but also the hollow ... more
length: 5:21 min  | date: 21.06.2009  | video-hits: 276
snippets exChains (t.i.e.) - 2 - Bangladesh + NGWF (Amirul Haque Amin)
exChains (t.i.e.) - 2 - Bangladesh + NGWF (Amirul Haque Amin)
Amirul Haque Amin – Vorsitzender der National Garment Workers Union – spricht über die Bedeutung der Austauschprogramme von exChains, bei denen sich die ArbeiterInnen aus verschiedenen Teilen der Welt und von verschiedenen Teilen der Produktionskette, persönlich begegnen. Er berichtet über die Bedeutung dieser persönlichen Begegnungen von Beschäftigten aus Bangladesch, Sri Lanka und der BRD, die letztlich für ... more
length: 5:21 min  | date: 20.06.2009  | video-hits: 77
snippets exChains (t.i.e.) - 1 - beginnings
exChains (t.i.e.) - 1 - beginnings
Three Activist from exChains talk about the beginnings of this project dedicated to "worker-to-worker-solidarity" in the international garment industries.
Anton Marcus speaks about first meetings, aims and intentions ... and about concrete chances and problems of globalization from the point of view of a project like exChains.
length: 6:30 min  | date: 13.06.2009  | video-hits: 58
snippets GoG - History of Oppositional Shopfloor Politics (Wolfgang Schaumberg) - 4 - globalization
GoG - History of Oppositional Shopfloor Politics (Wolfgang Schaumberg) - 4 - globalization
In the 80s computerization comes to the industry. Methods and logistics of management change – and with this there is the need for a transformation in shopfloor politics: it is becoming more international in outlook.
length: 4:04 min  | date: 12.06.2009  | video-hits: 40
snippets GoG - History of opositional shopfloor politics (Wolfgang Schaumberg) - 3 - programmaticals
GoG - History of opositional shopfloor politics (Wolfgang Schaumberg) - 3 - programmaticals
GoG defines its own specific position toward the question of the factory comittees in relation to progressive critical politics and enters into discussion with other acteurs, like the famous Plakatgruppe
length: 3:13 min  | date: 12.06.2009  | video-hits: 38
snippets GoG - Geschichte alternativer Betriebspolitik (Wolfgang Schaumberg) - 2 - images
GoG - Geschichte alternativer Betriebspolitik (Wolfgang Schaumberg) - 2 - images
Wolfgang Schaumberg reasons about the images and concepts on the »working class« brought along by the political students movement, its visions and the confrontation with real life experiences when he started working at Opel Bochum and engaged in shopfloor politics.

- clip version 0.1
length: 5:40 min  | date: 11.06.2009  | video-hits: 36
snippets GoG - History of alternative rank + file politics (Wolfgang Schaumberg) - beginnings [vers. 01]
GoG - History of alternative rank + file politics (Wolfgang Schaumberg) - beginnings [vers. 01]
Wolfgang Schaumberg talks about the beginnings of GoG in the early 1970s, where this alternative rank + file group was born as an offshoot of the students movement. He talks about projects, insights and surprises.
length: 3:50 min  | date: 11.06.2009  | video-hits: 55
snippets Officine/Bellinzona [04] : critical moments (Gianni Frizzo - 3) [ver. 0.1]
Officine/Bellinzona [04] : critical moments (Gianni Frizzo - 3) [ver. 0.1]
Gianni Frizzo vom »Giu le Mani«-Kommitee describes the pressure and some critical moments at SBB-Officine after first strike activities.
length: 3:50 min  | date: 11.06.2009  | video-hits: 40
snippets Officine/Bellinzona [03] : sparks of the struggle (Gianni Frizzo) [vers. 0.1]
Officine/Bellinzona [03] : sparks of the struggle (Gianni Frizzo) [vers. 0.1]
Gianni Frizzo tells about the history of the »Giu le Mani«-commitee, which develops as bridge between active workers, trade union structures and the general public. He describes how the existence of this commitee sparks the struggle when the SBB-management discloses its plans for »restructuring«...
length: 6:20 min  | date: 10.06.2009  | video-hits: 38
snippets Officine/Bellinzona [02] : beginnings (Gianni Frizzo)
Officine/Bellinzona [02] : beginnings (Gianni Frizzo)
Gianni Frizzo one of the initiators of the comittee »Giu le mani dell Ofiicine« (»Hands off the shopfloor«) talks about the pre-history of the strike and the occupation at SBB-Officine in the spring of 2008 in Bellinzona (Switzerland)
length: 5:30 min  | date: 08.06.2009  | video-hits: 61
snippets Officine/Bellinzona [01] : success story | vers.0.1
Officine/Bellinzona [01] : success story  | vers.0.1
SBB-Officine in Bellinzona. The occupation of the shopfloor brings success: no redundanvcies. and even more improvements.
Happening in Switzerland, the country known for its 'peacefulness' in industrial relations. The seccess even travels...
length: 3:15 min  | date: 04.06.2009  | video-hits: 237
interview Gianni Frizzo - Officine/Belinzona Interview [raw edit | ital | 3/3]
Gianni Frizzo - Officine/Belinzona Interview [raw edit | ital | 3/3]
Gianni Frizzo about the successful strike in the sbb-bodyshop in Bellinzona (Switzerland)
length: 13:30 min min  | date: 12.05.2009  | video-hits: 31
interview Gianni Frizzo - Officine/Belinzona Interview [raw edit | ital | 2/3]
Gianni Frizzo - Officine/Belinzona Interview [raw edit | ital | 2/3]
Gianni Frizzo about the successful strike in the sbb-bodyshop in Bellinzona (Switzerland)
length: 12 min min  | date: 12.05.2009  | video-hits: 81
interview working class
working class
Political movements often have no economic vision and no class consciousness. The movement against nuclear power has never questioned what the cancellation of nuclear energy meant for the people employed in the nuclear industry. Like more coal energy and more lung diseases. In the movement this perspective is missing absolutely. Many political movements do not adopt the perspective of the working class. That is ... more
length: 7.37 min  | date: 03.11.2006  | video-hits: 2.005
interview Argentina
The problem in Argentina was not state power but the movement internally running out of steam. The people who occupied factories i.e. had not a clear vision of how to organize work differently with equity.
length: 4,47 min  | date: 03.11.2006  | video-hits: 925
interview Overcome TINA
Overcome TINA
We need an economic vision to overcome TINA.
length: 2,05 min  | date: 03.11.2006  | video-hits: 355
interview Passive people
Passive people
The economy affects who we are. It doesn't do to have an economy that produces passive people and a polica, that requires participation.
length: 2 min  | date: 02.11.2006  | video-hits: 631
interview Participatory Planning
Participatory Planning
Unlike as in the planned economy of the real socialism, plans in the modell of the participatory economics are not drawn up by a certain group of people, who stand above the population as an elite, but by the population itself: the workers and consumers plan their activities in a cooperative process of negotiation.
length: 2,28 min  | date: 02.11.2006  | video-hits: 671
interview Participatory economics
Participatory economics
Parecon is a set o key institutions for different economics: remuneration for effort and sacrifice, workers and consumers councils, a selfmanaged decision-making, balanced job complexes instead of a corporated division of labor, participatory planning instead of market or central planning. the claim is that this set of institutional features gives you an economy in wich in the act of doing production, ... more
length: 3,30 min  | date: 02.11.2006  | video-hits: 525
interview Why do we need PARECON?
Why do we need PARECON?
Berlin, 05.10.2006 - Michael Albert from Znet.org is on tour in Europa and explains the concept of a participatory economics and why we need an alternative model of economy.
length: 2,27 min  | date: 07.10.2006  | video-hits: 646
short-docu why capitalism reloaded?
why capitalism reloaded?
Berlin, 11.-13.11.2005, the international congress 'capitalism reloaded' takes place in the Humbold University Berlin. it is focusing on the destructional power of capitalistic utilisation logics. here you find the first part on the topic.
length: 4.40 min  | date: 21.01.2006  | video-hits: 1.517
short-docu military base in usbekistan
military base in usbekistan
please translate this description: Tobias Pflüger spricht über den deutschen militärstützpunkt in Termes/Usbekistan (das interview wurde am 13.11.2005 im rahmen des "kapitalismus reloaded" kongreß in Berlin geführt).

length: 3,34 min  | date: 09.12.2005  | video-hits: 747
short-docu Self organisation
Self organisation
The striking workers organised the strike themselves. "Such a societal conflict could change a part of the awareness. - Maybe in a direction that we all dream of."
length: 2 min  | date: 17.03.2005  | video-hits: 4.480
snippets The works council
The works council
The works council negotiates with the corporation and helps to save Germany as a location and to organise the capacity utilisation.
length: 1 min  | date: 17.03.2005  | video-hits: 4.261
snippets Disprofit
What it means when corporations speak of disprofit.
length: 1 min  | date: 17.03.2005  | video-hits: 4.389
snippets IG Metall
IG Metall
German labour union IG Metall had created an atmosphere of sacrifices.
length: 1 min  | date: 17.03.2005  | video-hits: 4.331
snippets Reasons
The reasons for the wildcat strike in October 2004 were firstly the announcement of General Motors to save 10 % of the expenses and then the announcement to dismiss 10.000 employees in Germany.
length: 2 min  | date: 17.03.2005  | video-hits: 4.472
short-docu Resistance without borders
Resistance without borders
Manfred introduces the group "Gegenwehr ohne Grenzen" (resistance without borders). They participate in labour politics at Opel Bochum since the 1970ies.
length: 2 min  | date: 16.03.2005  | video-hits: 4.652
snippet mondaydemonstrations as a perspective !?
mondaydemonstrations as a perspective !?
please translate this description: Berlin, 21.09.2004 - weitere ergebnisse der untersuchung:

- gewerkschaften und die montagsdemos
& momtagsdemos als perspktive im sozialen protest !?
length: 3,00 min  | date: 14.10.2004  | video-hits: 206
snippet mondaydemo in the context of the europ.situation
mondaydemo in the context of the europ.situation
please translate this description: Berlin, 21.09.2004 - die montagsdemonstrationen im kontext zur europaeischen/globalen lage. prof. dieter rucht erklaert: >>[...] weil es sich hier um nationale gesetzgebungen handelt, die unter anderem namen, zu anderen zeiten, mit anderen modalitaeten (und) in anderen laendern eine rolle spielen ... more
length: 2,20 min  | date: 14.10.2004  | video-hits: 138
short-docu who demonstrates against Hartz IV?
who demonstrates against Hartz IV?
please translate this description: Berlin, 21.09.2004 - der soziologe und "protestforscher" prof. dieter rucht stellt die ergebnisse der Untersuchung zur sozialen und politischen zusammensetzung der montagsdemos vor. die untersuchung charakterisiert die montagsdemos auf grund einer
repraesentativen untersuchung in Berlin, ... more
length: 3,50 min  | date: 14.10.2004  | video-hits: 346
short-docu following up the 3rd of april?
following up the 3rd of april?
Berlin 1 May 2004, demo of the Federation of German Trade Unions DGB. The head of DGB Sommer has to speak infront of only half the people from last year - even though 500.000 were out on the streets on the 3 April.
length: 3 min  | date: 01.05.2004  | video-hits: 228
short-docu end of DGB demonstration
end of DGB demonstration
1. may 2004 Berlin, final manisfestation of the german Unions. some unionists are not satisfied with the lack of will to fight of their absent colleagues and the union.
length: 2 min  | date: 01.05.2004  | video-hits: 128
snippet end of demonstration
end of demonstration
Berlin 3. apr 2004, european actiondays against the social cuts - although it has been the biggest demonstration against social cuts in the history of Germany some questions concerning resistance stayed open.
length: 4 min  | date: 04.04.2004  | video-hits: 64
short-docu Working time
Working time
and unemployment. Some comments from existing and shut down companies.
length: 3,5 min  | date: 04.04.2004  | video-hits: 177
short-docu 39 hour week
39 hour week
3 april 2004, Berlin- Demonstration against social cutbacks. The spirit among the demonstrators is not very optimistic. Colleagues from the DGB tell that instead of 37,5 they have to work 39 hours per week again. Even though rights which have been fighted for are now cut back, they have an understanding for the German Chancellor, who is "probably pressured by his own people".
length: 3 min  | date: 17.04.2004  | video-hits: 61
short-docu germany - welfare state
germany - welfare state
please translate this description: 3.4.2004 - Berlin, demonstration gegen den sozialabbau. gewerkschaftsmitglieder tragen schilder mit der seltsam anmutenden aufschrift "modell deutschland". dabei gibt es einiges zu beklagen, etwa 45% arbeitslosigkeit in Premnitz und die mangelnde gleichstellung der arbeitnehmerInnen ist ost und west.
length: 1,5 min  | date: 16.04.2004  | video-hits: 78
short-docu against social cuts
against social cuts
3.4.04, Berlin: 250.000 people are on the streets to protest against social cuttings. a view impressions.
length: 3,20 min  | date: 15.04.2004  | video-hits: 77
short-docu law wage agreement
law wage agreement
length: 1 min  | date: 01.02.2004  | video-hits: 124
snippet what follows?
what follows?
this ist fatal
length: 2 min  | date: 01.02.2004  | video-hits: 107
snippet schroeder likes it
schroeder likes it
Schroeder too wants to eliminate the wage agreements
length: 3 min  | date: 01.02.2004  | video-hits: 104
snippet a new law
a new law
the principle of favorability
length: 4 min  | date: 01.02.2004  | video-hits: 118
snippet defence of the wage agreement
defence of the wage agreement
wage agreements can not fall under.
length: 3 min  | date: 01.02.2004  | video-hits: 82
short-docu attacks on wage agreements
attacks on wage agreements
there are attacks on the wage agreements since about 15 years in Germany.
length: 4 min  | date: 01.02.2004  | video-hits: 159
snippet the wage agreement
the wage agreement
Benedikt Hopmann, sindicalist and lawyer explaines importance and history of the wage agreement
length: 2 min  | date: 01.02.2004  | video-hits: 299
short-docu Agenda 2003
Agenda 2003
1.11.2003, Berlin - People from all walks of life attended the demo on the 1.11.2003 against social cutbacks. From unemployed academics to enginieers to pensioners - on the outskirts of the demo different trade union activists explain why their colleagues have to be active in their own interest despite a trade union leadership "infiltrated" by the SPD.
length: 3 min  | date: 06.11.2003  | video-hits: 153
short-docu Rainer Roth
Rainer Roth
1.11.03 Berlin - Final demonstration. Prof. Rainer Roth, sociologist, draws attention to international connections. The international competition, for which salaries and pensions are cut and working hours are prolonged in Germany, will not bring the promised prosperity to the people. It will definately lead to further wage dumping in other countries. -Different activists explain why workers have to fight for ... more
length: 2 min  | date: 03.11.2003  | video-hits: 760
short-docu LabourNet
1.11.03 Berlin - A pensioner thinks that more has to happen. Mag Wompel from LabourNet Germany, the "virtual meeting point for the trade union Left", is pleased that the banners are hand painted, i.e, that the demo is union led and takes to the streets without waiting for leadership.
length: 2 min  | date: 02.11.2003  | video-hits: 141
short-docu Stroebele
1.11.03 Berlin - the member of parliament Stroebele comes to the final rally at the demo against social cut backs and tries to create understanding for the cutbacks, which are to be "as socially just as possible".
length: 3 min  | date: 02.11.2003  | video-hits: 88
short-docu Demonstration bureau
Demonstration bureau
Visit to the demonstration bureau "against social cutbacks". Laura v. Wimmersperg talks about the mobilisation and the reasons for the demonstration.
length: 2 min  | date: 01.11.2003  | video-hits: 70
short-docu anti war drive
anti war drive
15.03.2003 a swaying mass goes through the streets of Prenzelberg and Mitte alongside a loudspeaker car, from which pictures of the war are projected onto the walls.
length: 3 min  | date: 15.03.2003  | video-hits: 79
short-docu naetebusch
Berlin, 15.2.2003 - IG BAU chairman Naetebusch talks about how the unionized workers also have to drop their work to prevent war.
length: 1 min  | date: 15.02.2003  | video-hits: 79
short-docu view
15.02.03 Berlin - Tobias Pflueger in question: what are the next steps for the peace movement? direct actions against the train stations and air bases (e.g on 22.02.2003 in Frankfurt am Main) are only a part of what is needed.
length: 2 min  | date: 19.02.2003  | video-hits: 68
short-docu social forum Florence
social forum Florence
at the beginning of November 2002 the first european social forum took place in Florence. 60,000 activists came to think of another world together. there were mostly socialists present, but also anarchists, theorists, unionists and representatives from NGO"s and left wing parties. at the end there was a huge peace demo with a million participants.
length: 27 min  | date: 21.01.2003  | video-hits: 252
snippet warning strike Siemens 11. 10. 2002
warning strike Siemens 11. 10. 2002
huesseyn, workers" council at Bosch-Siemens household appliances: " since 1990, 13.000 positions have been cut.less work, and better allocation of jobs would be a good solution.
by talking you reach nothing, only by fighting. its possible, that we will seize the firm, if nothing changes
length: 3 min  | date: 11.10.2002  | video-hits: 118
snippet warning strike siemens 11.10.2002
warning strike siemens 11.10.2002
at Bosch-Siemens household appliances 731 jobs are cut. the workers council is not doing much about it at the moment. it"s all about how the jobs get sold, cheap or expensive.
length: 1 min  | date: 11.10.2002  | video-hits: 115
snippet trust-women from OSRAM
trust-women from OSRAM
" be honest, our chiefs, they are just not human."
two trust-women from OSRAM narate why temporary workers and people whith short-term employment contracts are afraid of fighting for their interests, because they hope to get a permanent working contract one day.
length: 3 min  | date: 11.10.2002  | video-hits: 270
snippets The terminable
The terminable
People with terminable employment contracts are not able to plan their life. They are afraid to speak for themselves when it comes to their rights.
length: 1 min  | date: 11.10.2002  | video-hits: 159
snippets Temporary workers
Temporary workers
A small talk after the event about the situation of those, who have worked in the same company for years but don't get a permanent work contract. They are afraid to speak for their rights because they are the first to get dismissed.
length: 2 min  | date: 11.10.2002  | video-hits: 157
snippet end of the demonstration
end of the demonstration
an osram representative"s speech and the contribution of the chairwoman of bosch-siemens-domestic appliances end the demonstration. afterwards the workers go back into the firms.
length: 2 min  | date: 11.10.2002  | video-hits: 126
snippet 30 hour week
30 hour week
an employee of the turbine factory talks about the possibilities, how to distribute work so everybody can profit from it.
length: 2 min  | date: 11.10.2002  | video-hits: 88
snippet warning strike in Spandau
warning strike in Spandau
1000 employees assemble in front of the administration building in spandau, Berlin. there the ig metal company leads a protest action. the labour union officials talk in the abscence of Siemens AG, not to abolish so workplaces. one member expresses her skepsis in regard to ig metal.
length: 2 min  | date: 11.10.2002  | video-hits: 163
short-docu about utopia
about utopia
the thing to go for is a society where people can develop their abilities. only then real change will be achieved.
the role of the greens in german society was, to gain the acceptance of the alleged lefties in germany to the new german war-policy: the acceptance of what is stated in the military directives of 1992, that Germany uses military means to assert its economic interests.
length: 3 min  | date: 26.09.2002  | video-hits: 410
short-docu Young-unionist demonstration in Cologne, Germany
Young-unionist demonstration in Cologne, Germany
14 September 2002. Two young employees talk about their economic situation, their workers' rights, the Riester-pension:
"You can't retire earlier anymore. Working on a building site until you are 65, it's a joke! At 58 you're finished. You get it in your back, in your feet, you can't walk anymore, it's a joke !"
length: 4 min  | date: 25.09.2002  | video-hits: 319
short-docu say no
say no
clip from an interview with Jutta Dittfurth on the labour unions demonstration on the 14.09.2002. is it ok to criticize when you have no concrete notion of a better world?does this work?
length: 2 min  | date: 23.09.2002  | video-hits: 309
short-docu Philippines update
Philippines update
war on terror: interview with philippine unionists about the situation in their country: the new US-interventions and the devastating impact of globalisation on the local economy
length: 4 min  | date: 12.06.2002  | video-hits: 265
1 link found for laborB
Global Labor Blog ... "ideas and resources for the global labor movement"

3 news found for laborB
  VISIONS OF LABOR – Ratschlag
  PDF Programm zum Download
26.05.2008  hits: 152
  unser standard
  Holger Burner slamt fuer streiken am dienstag statt demonstrieren am montag. mp3 auf der laborB seite
28.05.2005  hits: 9641
  nullnummer von labormov[i]e im rahmen der globale03
  laborB* hat ein filmfestival organisiert, dass sich voll und ganz den perspektiven von "global labor", inter-nationalem betriebs- und gewerkschaftsaktivismus widmet. und: samstag mittag gibt es kino umsonst im ACUD. alles kanalB supported...
04.12.2003  hits: 2097
2 screenings found for laborB
Perspektivenwechsel - filme fuer intelligenten widerstand
1... Widerstand gegen die Agenda 2010: 1.11.2003: 100.000 - 3.4.2004: 500.000 - (wie) geht es weiter?
mit Doku-Clips von kanalB/laborB*/AIDA
Samstag 15.5., 10-12

2 .... Privatisierung - Beispiel Wasser, Ort Berlin
mit dem Film: »Wasser, Macht, Geld« von Michael Schomers
Samstag 15.5., 14-16 uhr

3.... welcher »Standort«...?! - Standortdebatte und internationale Konzernwirklichkeit am Beispiel von Continental
und dem Kampf der mexikanischen KollegInnen in Euzkadi
mit dem Film »David gegen Goliath« von Michael Enger
Samstag 15.5., 17-19 uhr
15.05.2004 starting 10:00
TU Berlin Hauptgebaeude/Raum H 105 berlin, germoney

showing videoclips on the topics: Mayday 2004 Berlin April 3rd, 2004 November 1st 2003 Dismantling the welfare state
Eiszeit + Aufbruch im Schatten der Agenda2010
laborB* - labor[screening] #1: Vor-Premiere von »Eiszeit« (D2004, 78 min), der die auswirkungen von AGENDA
2010 u.ae. massnahmen auf einzelne menschen aufzeigt. - vorher: »KanalB goes labor # 1«; clips ueber die wut + den
protestam 1.11.2003, angriffe auf tarifvertraege u.a. - anschl. musik + programm zur Agenda2010 von »Geigerzaehler«
02.04.2004 starting 19:30
Nickelodeon, Torstr. 216 (U6 Oranienburger Tor) Berlin, deutschland
showing videoclips on the topics: November 1st 2003 Attack on wage agreements
2 texte found for laborB
Program – Dates
All events take place in the Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte, Greifswalder Straße 4, 1045 Berlin.

Friday, 20.6.08 Mayday

The Mayday movement, started by Italian, Spanish and French activists in 2001, wants to bring new life to the first of May as a symbolic day for workers and the exploited. The...
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Programm - Termine

Alle Veranstaltungen finden im Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte, Greifswalder Straße 4, 10405 Berlin...

Freitag, 20.06.08, 10:00h


Die MayDay-Bewegung, die 2001 von italienischen, spanischen und französischen AktivistInnen ausging, will eine Neu-Belebung des 1. Mai als symbolischen Tag für...
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