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Labor News Production

3 linkskommentare

Die Mission von Labor News Production (LNP) ist es, Video und die Mittel digitaler Kommunikation zu nutzen, mit dem Ziel die ArbeiterInnenbewegung in Korea kulturell wie politisch zu unterstützen und ... mehr

3 links
Labor News Production (South Korea) link to english page of Labor News Production (South Korea)

Korea’s Migrant Workers Find a Voice on Air An Interview by Tessa Morris Suzuki, Julia Yonetani & Hyun Mooam with Mahbub and Minod Moktan from MWTV
In 2005, the Korean Community TV Channel RTV launched a new initiative: Migrant Worker’s Television (MWTV). Unlike some more “mainstream” versions of multicultural broadcasting, this is television made both for and by members of the migrant worker
community itself.

Labor News Production (Korea) Link to English part of the website of LNP


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