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Strike of the retail employees

12 videoclips3 links1 textcomments

Since the beginning of 2007 the German retail sector has not reached collective agreement on tariffs. The retail employees in Berlin go on strike, although this often leads to repression against them ... more


short-docu  // german  // 6 Min  // 11.06.2008  // Hits: 3.490
Berlin, 6 June 2008 - The tariff disputes in the retail sector have lasted over one year by now. Striking retail employees and those from social groups block a supermarket store from Reichelt in Berlin. Customers are invited to join in the strike and to not go shopping there on this day.

on kanalB edition no_33: InternatIonal Video Network DVDzine
more clips: Strike of the retail employees
more information: www.taz.de/regional/...ieb-bleiben/?type=98
Team: Bärbel Schönafinger/Samira Fansa

short-docu Embattled Dismissals
Embattled Dismissals
On June 1st, 2010, a public panel discussion on the "fight over dismissals" took place in the church Heilig - Kreuz - Kirche in Berlin Kreuzberg, and was attended by 120 people.
Participants were:
Herta Däubler-Gmelin (former German Minister of Justice), Ingrid Artus (industrial sociologist), Klaus Hennemann (labour judge & spokesperson of the work group "labour law" of the German New Federation of ... more
length: 21 min  | date: 01.06.2010  | video-hits: 598
short-docu The superfluous visit the Kaiser's supermarket
The superfluous visit the Kaiser's supermarket
On 23 February 2009 the superfluous entered a Kaiser's supermarket in Berlin call attention for the case of Emmely and demand fair working conditions for all people.

Kaiser's had dismissed the cashier and claimed that she had illegally taken vouchers for 1,30 Euros. Actually Kaiser's wanted to fire Emmely because she participated in the union strike 2007/2008.

Emmely fights against ... more
length: 2:30 min  | date: 24.02.2009  | video-hits: 3.689
interview the dismissal of Barbara E.
the dismissal of Barbara E.
Barbara E., store cashier of a Kaiser's store speaks about her dismissal. She was dismissed because she went on strike and because she defended herself against the harassments which the striking employees where confronted with. Now it is claimed that she stole vouchers for 1,30 Euro. The current legal practise of labour courts makes it possible that one can get fired without the employer having to prove the ... more
length: 4,28 min  | date: 19.10.2008  | video-hits: 1.741
short-docu fired for striking!
fired for striking!
Berlin, 31 July 2007 - Informational activity infront of a Kaiser's store in Berlin-Hohenschönhausen - Emmely, who was employed there, took part in the retail sector, even though the management put her under pressure. So she got dismissed. The reason for the dismissal: the suspicion that she had cashed two bottle deposit vouchers that were not correctly signed. Value of the vouchers: 1,30 Euro. Period of ... more
length: 6 min  | date: 07.08.2008  | video-hits: 2.423
short-docu Blockade of a supermarket
Blockade of a supermarket
Berlin, 6 June 2008 - The tariff disputes in the retail sector have lasted over one year by now. Striking retail employees and those from social groups block a supermarket store from Reichelt in Berlin. Customers are invited to join in the strike and to not go shopping there on this day.
length: 6 min  | date: 11.06.2008  | video-hits: 3.490
short-docu in Berlin-Spandau
in Berlin-Spandau
07 March 2008, Berlin - About 300 retail employees demonstrate infront of the Karstadt department store. One striking woman explains that the Karstadt employees have to work more and more over the years whereas they get even less money.
length: 3,30 min  | date: 07.03.2008  | video-hits: 730
interview Strike-breaking with temporary workers
Strike-breaking with temporary workers
07 March 2008 - Interview with an employee of German supermarket chain real,- in Berlin. He tells that striking work mates in his store are put under pressure. The temporary workers who are hired to break the strike often come from Eastern Germany. Some get up at 3 a.m. to "travel all the way through the republic", so that they can begin on time. They have "their back to the wall so much that they work for ... more
length: 2,29 min  | date: 07.03.2008  | video-hits: 363
short-docu Consumers strike at real,-
Consumers strike at real,-
On 29 February 2008, around 5.30 pm, 20 angry consumers disturbed the sale at the "real,-" supermarket in Berlin-Treptow. Shopping carts block all checkouts. The action was aimed to support the employees who have been striking for 8 months for better pay and late and night bonuses.
length: 3 min  | date: 29.02.2008  | video-hits: 1.770
short-docu Demonstration at Wertheim
Demonstration at Wertheim
12 February 2008, Berlin - Retail employees demonstrate in front of Wertheim.
length: 4,20 min  | date: 12.02.2008  | video-hits: 490
short-docu Last strike days before Christmas
Last strike days before Christmas
Berlin, 14th and 15th of december 2007 - The strikers walk
to the department store Alexa at Alexanderplatz. For most of them it's the end of the second week of the strike.
The REWE corporation has presented an offer, while Metro
rejects all demands. The point is to decide wether to
continue the strike during chrismas. The decision was
made at the 18th of december from the tariff ... more
length: 5,16 min  | date: 15.12.2007  | video-hits: 735
short-docu Demo of striking retail employees
Demo of striking retail employees
7.12.2007, Berlin - striking shop workers demonstrate to Berlin City Hall. Many of their workmates are too scared to strike, some because they only have temporary contracts, others because they don't want to get noticed by their employer. Agency workers who are being used to break the strike get paid as little as 3 Euro per hour. The distribution companies should strike, to support us, says one shop workers, ... more
length: 7,11 min  | date: 07.12.2007  | video-hits: 1.986
short-docu Strike of retail chains
Strike of retail chains
Berlin, 30 November and 3 December 2007 - Employees of big German retail chains strike against further deterioration of their working conditions. The employers want to cut the night shift premium, the holiday pay and the christmas bonus. On 7 December the striking employees of Berlin retail will walk from the central of their union Verdi to the Rote Rathaus (townhall. Begin of Demo: 11 am.
length: 8,47 min  | date: 03.12.2007  | video-hits: 1.615
3 links
2009.08.01 Filmisches Lehrstück gegen gewerkschaftliches Rumgammeln "Dieser Dokumentarfilm zeigt exemplarisch, wie sehr eine basisdemokratisch und föderalistisch strukturierte Gewerkschaft notwendig ist. " Rezension Ende der Vertretung (DA, 08/2009)

2009.04.03 - Nachrichten aus der Niedriglohnbranche Ein Film erklärt, warum die Kündigung der Berliner Kassiererin "Emmely" bundesweit Schlagzeilen machte - und wie sich die Lage der Beschäftigten im Einzelhandel verändert hat, kanalB nr_34, taz - Peter Nowak

Solidaritätsarbeit für Emmely Informationen zur Geschichte, Solidaritätsarbeit und Prozessen von Emmely. Sie war Kassiererin bei Kaiser's und wurde nach 31 Jahren gekündigt, weil sie angeblich Pfandbon's für 1,30 Euro unterschlagen hat. Tatsächlich wurde ihr eine Falle gestellt, weil sie trotz Einschüchterungen weiter am ver.di-Streik teilgenommen hatte.

Class struggle
unemployeds movement
Organizing in Germany
Strike at Gate Gourmet
GDL strike
Bertelsmann Congress 2006
TPP Section Colombia
Strike in Bochum
Monday demonstrations
April 3rd, 2004
Attack on wage agreements
opernballdemo 2004
November 1st 2003
Dismantling the welfare state
opera ball demo 2003
Less jobs at Siemens and Osram
Demo Cologne
Embattled Dismissals
The superfluous visit the Kaiser's supermarket
the dismissal of Barbara E.
fired for striking!
Blockade of a supermarket
in Berlin-Spandau
Strike-breaking with temporary workers
Consumers strike at real,-
Demonstration at Wertheim
Last strike days before Christmas
Demo of striking retail employees
Strike of retail chains

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