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kanalB  migration and deportation Action Days 2003 in Fürth


snippet  // german  // 4 Min  // 12.09.2003  // Hits: 70
Nuernberg, 12.9.03 - a refugee introduces the Africa Conference at the public hearing in the town centre, due to take place in Berlin in 2004 in relation to the "Berlin-Conference" of 1884, which will be critically examined . at the "Berlin Conference" of 1884 colonial powers decided upon Africa"s fate. the subject of the reparations for the colonisation of Africa will be discussed, as well as the profit from the war, deportation and military interventions.

more clips: Action Days 2003 in Fürth
more information: www.akweb.de/ak_s/ak457/27.htm
Team: jens blatt

Action Days 2003 in Fürth

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