short-docu // spanish // 10 Min // 23.11.2008
// Hits: 1.664
Cali, 2 October 2008 - The families of the striking sugar cane cutters have travelled to Cali to draw attention to their situation and to support the strike. Despite enormous efforts, the cane workers earn too little to ensure the physical survival of their families. So they stopped work on 15 September 2008. The "cooperatives" mentioned in the clip are labour cooperatives, a form of organisation the workers were pressured into in 2005. By that they lost their direct employment contracts with the sugar farm owners and the attendant rights and securities, such as social insurance, health insurance and the right to unionise.
Corteros der cana dal Valle del Cauca...
Esta rebelión, que comenzó en siete de los grandes productores de azúcar, amenaza con extenderse por la región. El tema es delicado pues el 99,7 por ciento del azúcar que consumen los colombianos se produce en este departamento. (El Tiempo)
23.11.2008 hits: 2976
Massenproteste in Kolumbien
In Kolumbien halten die Proteste gegen die Regierung Uribe unvermindert an. Soziale Organisationen des Landes haben am 23. Oktober einen landesweiten eintätigen Streik durchgeführt. Es gab Grosskundgebungen in mehreren Städten, u.a. eine Grossdemonstration in der Hauptstadt Bogotá. Dabei kam es in der Stadt an verschiedenen Stelle zu sechs Bombenexplosionen.
28.10.2008 hits: 1751