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kanalB  topics Class struggle

5 videoclips3 linkscomments

Big retail and apparel companies are in a global race to increase profits by driving down costs. As they source merchandise from all over the world, they search for places where workers are paid the ... more


short-docu  // english  // 3:10 Min  // 15.01.2004  // Hits: 471
Berlin, 15.1.04, 17:00 - Solidarity preaching against sweatshops and working conditions in the so called Third World on Potsdamer Platz -... "it is slavery! it is evil!"... 30 min later the reverend gets arrested.

more clips: Sweatshops • students protests berlin
more information: revbilly.com/index.php
Team: jens blatt, wanja

short-docu Sweatshops
"In China there is a new syndrome: death by overworking". At the European Social Forum in Florence in 2003 seminars about sweatshops were given. Sweatshops are factories in which workers graft for a pittance, without rights and without union support, to produce cheap goods that are sold expensively in western countries. Activists and workers talk about working-conditions and struggles in the factories of ... more
length: 6 min  | date: 11.01.2007  | video-hits: 1.522
short-docu Play Fair
Play Fair
please translate this description: Während die Anti-Doping-Richtlinien des Internationalen Olympischen Comité (IOC) gerade die öffentliche Diskussion bestimmen, vergisst das IOC auf die Arbeitsbedingungen der ArbeiterInnen in der Sportartikelindustrie. Anlässlich der Olympischen Spiele Turin 2006 fordert daher die Clean ... more
length: 2,16 min  | date: 07.03.2006  | video-hits: 551
short-docu Reverend Billy
Reverend Billy
Berlin, 15.1.04, 17:00 - Solidarity preaching against sweatshops and working conditions in the so called Third World on Potsdamer Platz -... "it is slavery! it is evil!"... 30 min later the reverend gets arrested.
length: 3:10 min  | date: 15.01.2004  | video-hits: 471
short-docu Honduras
The women in the maquilas-industry of Central America.

Honduras is the country in Central America with the most employees in the free production zones (Maquilas): 125 000 in 25 factories, over 80 per cent are women. They produce for labels such as GAP, Levis, Nike, Adidas and Liz Claiborne. Working weeks of more than 70 hours, short wages and dismissals of workers belonging to trade unions are usual.
length: 5 min  | date: 23.03.2003  | video-hits: 384
short-docu Nikewoman
On womens day, that also happenes to be international sweatshop day, there was an action happening in front of Niketown in Berlin.
Workers all over the world work in sweatshops under inhumane conditions, for a salary which they can't live off.
length: 2,20 min  | date: 10.03.2003  | video-hits: 951
3 links
saubere kleidung hier steht welche firmen in sweatshops produzieren lassen.
juni 2003: Adidas, FIFA, Gap, Gucci, Disney, Levi Strauss, Mexx, Liz Claiborne, Nike, Puma, Reebok, Triumph Int., Vendex KBB

INKOTA foerderte eine gegenoeffentlichkeit von menschen, die fuer die vision eines solidarischen lebens und fuer nord-sued-partnerschaften ueber die geschlossenen grenzen hinweg eintraten. der INKOTA-brief entstand, informationen wurden ausgetauscht, aktionen koordiniert, tagungen veranstaltet. so entstand unser name: ?INformation, KOordination, TAgungen zu Themen des nord-sued-konflikts und der konziliaren Bewegung.?

clean clothes campagne fuer faire arbeitsbedingungen weltweit

Class struggle
unemployeds movement
Strike of the retail employees
Organizing in Germany
Strike at Gate Gourmet
GDL strike
Bertelsmann Congress 2006
TPP Section Colombia
Strike in Bochum
Monday demonstrations
April 3rd, 2004
Attack on wage agreements
opernballdemo 2004
November 1st 2003
Dismantling the welfare state
opera ball demo 2003
Less jobs at Siemens and Osram
Demo Cologne
Play Fair
Reverend Billy

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