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NATO Conference 2003

22 videoclips10 linkscomments

clips about the resistance against the NATO 'security conference', which takes place in Munich every year. 2003the main topic was the upcoming war on Iraq. interviews and impressions of this years ... more


snippet  // german  // 1 Min  // 13.02.2003  // Hits: 174
"call me dead or capital-no-one gives a shit anywhere I go"
street theatre at the starting demo in Munich on friday the 7.02.03.

more clips: NATO Conference 2003
Team: lukas/zen

short-docu raid
during the evening of the 3rd of febuary 2003 in Munich, a day before the big demo against the nato security conference, the convergence centre in the youth club troepflerbad was stormed by police. a journalist reports:despite his status as a journalist, he was arrested along with 30 activists and held in custody for 18 hours. a woman is said to have nearly died during her custody due to incorrect medical ... more
length: 5:31 min  | date: 03.03.2003  | video-hits: 264
snippet street theatre
street theatre
"call me dead or capital-no-one gives a shit anywhere I go"
street theatre at the starting demo in Munich on friday the 7.02.03.
length: 1 min  | date: 13.02.2003  | video-hits: 174
snippet no nato action Munich
no nato action Munich
Demo of the opposition on the 8.2.03 in the context of the NO-NATO-Actions.
length: 5,57 min  | date: 08.02.2003  | video-hits: 315
snippet demo on saturday
demo on saturday
demo against NATO on saturday morning in Munich.
length: 2,57 min  | date: 08.02.2003  | video-hits: 119
snippet PinkSilver Munich
PinkSilver Munich
PinkSilver pinks against NATO and for freedom.
length: 4,03 min  | date: 08.02.2003  | video-hits: 165
short-docu no nato - Munich
no nato - Munich
at 12 the anti-NATO organization demo started on the Marienplatz. About 20,000 people came, and fun was had. at the end we were cordoned off by the police, but everything remained peaceful.
length: 2 min  | date: 08.02.2003  | video-hits: 189
snippet olive oil
olive oil
"just use olive oil" is the astoundingly simple solution to the problem, suggested by the character, who caused lots of laughs at the no NATO demo.
length: 0,15 min  | date: 08.02.2003  | video-hits: 77
short-docu Ude-demo
on saturday morning there was a peace demo supported by the DGB and the social democrats, which the mayor of Munich, Ude, also took part in. harsh comments by an observer: "collective brainlessness"
length: 1 min  | date: 08.02.2003  | video-hits: 117
snippet police attack CC 2
police attack CC 2
reprisals against the NO-NATO- activists in the Convergence Center Munich 2003
length: 3,48 min  | date: 08.02.2003  | video-hits: 227
snippet police attack CC 3
police attack CC 3
reprisals against the NO-NATO- activists in the Convergence Center Munich 2003
length: 2,21 min  | date: 08.02.2003  | video-hits: 166
snippet police attack CC
police attack CC
reprisals against the NO-NATO- activists in the Convergence Center Munich 2003. the police comments: "we have evidence that suggests that offences have been planned and will take place here tommorrow", "if the people we expect to be here are here, its quite obvious that they haven"t arranged to meet up to play marbles..."
length: 3,48 min  | date: 08.02.2003  | video-hits: 200
short-docu war is cool
war is cool
jubilation demo in Munich: "we want more - army", "make war not love" and "our world is getting fairer"
more war for everyone!
length: 7 min  | date: 07.02.2003  | video-hits: 729
snippet Germany
Tobias Pflueger: "against the war does not mean talking against it, but acting against it, e.g: not making a military infrastructure available."
length: 1 min  | date: 07.02.2003  | video-hits: 66
snippet war politics
war politics
Tobias Pflueger on Germany"s role: "Germany is doing everything to make the war possible"
length: 1 min  | date: 07.02.2003  | video-hits: 111
snippet war causes
war causes
Tobias Pflueger: "its about hegemony and access to oil, using this to distract from the USA"s economic problems."
length: 1 min  | date: 07.02.2003  | video-hits: 111
snippet mass annihilation
mass annihilation
Tobias Pflueger: "Iraq is not currently capable of creating weapons of mass destruction."
length: 1 min  | date: 07.02.2003  | video-hits: 166
snippet peace movement
peace movement
Pflueger foresees the "biggest peace demonstrations we will have ever had" for the 15th Febuary.
length: 1 min  | date: 07.02.2003  | video-hits: 150
snippet Tobias Pflueger
Tobias Pflueger
on the link between the impending war in Iraq and the NATO security conference
length: 0,5 min  | date: 07.02.2003  | video-hits: 111
snippet jubilation demo Munich
jubilation demo Munich
on friday a jubilation demo took place on the Marienplatz.
"all for the war", "war is cool!"
length: 8,09 min  | date: 07.02.2003  | video-hits: 104
short-docu what is NATO?
what is NATO?
Munich, interviews with the citizens in the run up to the no-NATO actions.
length: 8,5 min  | date: 07.02.2003  | video-hits: 392
10 links
texte des Münchener isw-instituts texte des gewöhnlich gleichzeitig gut und politisch recherchierenden isw-instituts (sozial-ökologische wirtschaftsforschung) in München - immer gut für aufbereitete hintergrundinformationen

kreuzberg-gegen-den-krieg breites buendnis zum nachbarschaftlichen miteinander gegen den krieg

text- und linksammlung von labournet.de eine gute sammlung mit gewisser ausrichtung auf betriebliche und gewerkschaftliche opposition und aktion...

US bombing watch archiv ueber die bombardierungen der US-GB allianz im Irak

radioZ sonderseite zur USA-Irak krise Auf diesen Sonderseiten wollen wir die Ereignisse verfolgen, unterschiedliche Positionen zu Wort kommen lassen und vor allem die Debatten und Aktivitäten der Antikriegsbewegungen begleiten.

iraqjournal.org - sammlung von berichten aus dem irak von dem unabhängigen journalisten Jeremy Scahill Die Worte "wir", "uns"/"unser" und "unsere Streitkräfte" werden von den großen Medienleuten so oft in den mund genommen, dass es schwierig geworden ist zu unterscheiden, ob die Bush Regierung oder Rupert Murdoch es sind, die sich anschicken, den Irak zu bombadieren.
Vor dem Hintergrund der aktuellen Kriegsvorbereitungen hat sich eine gruppe unabhäängiger journalisten um die gruppe >>Democray Now!<< (ein nationales netzwerk unabhängiger radio- und fernseh-aktivisten in den USA) entschlossen den chor der kreigsbefürworter zu stören. koordiniert von den unabhängigen journalisten Jeremy Scahill und Jacqueline Soohen, die im Irak vor ort sind, soll ein forum für die verteilung unabhängiger nachrichten geboten werden.

no nato aktuelle infos, termine, demo-routen und links zur NATO tagung in muenchen

Hintergründe zur Sicherheitskonferenz. Alljährlich findet im Februar in München eine hochrangige Konferenz von KriegstreiberInnen statt. Getarnt als "Sicherheitskonferenz" stimmen dort VertreterInnen der militärischen, ökonomischen und politischen Elite ihre Hegemonialstrategien ab.

militant textauszug zum thema militanz aus "empire" von hardt/negri

indymedia deutschland multimediales netzwerk unabhängiger und alternativer medien, medienmacherInnen, engagierter einzelpersonen und gruppen. es bietet offene, nichtkommerzielle berichterstattung, raum für diskussionen sowie hintergrundinformationen zu aktuellen sozialen und politischen themen

War and war mongers
NATO war summit 2009
Repression against Tobias Pflüger
Interview with Tobias Pflueger
Suel Jones
War conference 2004
NO War
street theatre
no nato action Munich
demo on saturday
PinkSilver Munich
no nato - Munich
olive oil
police attack CC 2
police attack CC 3
police attack CC
war is cool
war politics
war causes
mass annihilation
peace movement
Tobias Pflueger
jubilation demo Munich
what is NATO?
demo Marienplatz
armed forces

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