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Tour de France

6 videoclips1 linkcomments

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short-docu European Pressurised Reactor
European Pressurised Reactor
The nuclear industry tries to interest European governments for a new generation of nuclear reactors: the European Pressurised Reacor, which is developed by the French Framatome and the German Siemens. However, the concept is not really new, it would be only 3% more efficient and, moreover, the disadvantages like "let"s shift the waste problem to future generations", remain.
length: 4 min  | date: 02.12.2004  | video-hits: 192
short-docu Nuclear transports in France
Nuclear transports in France
Nuclear material: fuel, waste and war-heads are transported through France without a lot of security measures.
length: 4 min  | date: 02.12.2004  | video-hits: 110
short-docu Blockade of nuclear research center Cadarache
Blockade of nuclear research center Cadarache
Since 1960 Cadarche is a research center for the French nuclear industry. Next to that, the plant, located on a seismic crack, is also a depot for high radioactive waste. The participants of the Tour blocked the traffic through the entrance for a couple of hours to protest against the nuclear industry.
length: 3 min  | date: 02.12.2004  | video-hits: 109
short-docu Chernobyl memorial day in Nancy, April 26th
Chernobyl memorial day in Nancy, April 26th
After the meltdown of the Chernobyl reactor in 1986 there was great panic for the radioactive cloud which spread over the continent. However, for France it wasn"t a problem, while the cloud stopped exactly at the border and moved to the south. That is what was told by the government to the people and what they believed to be true.
length: 3 min  | date: 02.12.2004  | video-hits: 243
snippet Why a Tour de France for nuclear phase-out ?
Why a Tour de France for nuclear phase-out ?
In the spring of 2004 a Tour de France for nuclear phase-out took place. For one month, 30-40 activists made the dangers of nuclear energy by actions, teater and an exhibition. They also showed the potential of renewable energies.
length: 3 min  | date: 02.12.2004  | video-hits: 71
snippet Trailer documentary
Trailer documentary
Energy from nuclear power plants in France ? That means uranium mining in Niger, strange working conditions in the power plants and no secure storage of the radioactive waste:
"a critical documentary about the atomic industry !"
French with German or English subtitles, 45 min, VHS or DVD, 10 euro
length: 1 min  | date: 02.12.2004  | video-hits: 91
1 link
Tour de France pour Sortir du Nucleaire (fuer den Ausstieg aus der Atomenergie) in Frankreich
unterwegs, vom 24.4. bis 23.5., und haben bisher ca. 40 min an Videoclips
darueber ins Netz gesetzt. Die Tour folgt der atomaren Kette und richtet
sich vor allem gegen den Bau eines neuen Reaktortypen, den EPR (European
Pressurized Reactor), ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt von Siemens und Framatome.
Ausserdem promotet die Tour alternative Energieformen. Frankreich ist
Europas groesster Atomstromlieferant und mit 58 Reaktoren zweitgroesste
Atommacht der Welt.

Castor 2010
Castor 2008
Castor 2006
Castor 2005
Das extrem dreckige Dutzend
Castor 2004
Castor 2003
European Pressurised Reactor
Nuclear transports in France
Blockade of nuclear research center Cadarache
Chernobyl memorial day in Nancy, April 26th
Why a Tour de France for nuclear phase-out ?
Trailer documentary

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