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topic Attack on wage agreements

7 videoclips2 linkscomments

in germany a class war is going on. it's not very visible, but crucial. Benedikt Hopmann tells about the ongoing discussion and the consequences.
further infos

team: zen/leroy
latest clip entry: 02-02-2004 00:47 number of medias in topic: 7
snippet the wage agreement
the wage agreement
Benedikt Hopmann, sindicalist and lawyer explaines importance and history of the wage agreement
length: 2 min  | date: 01.02.2004  | video-hits: 299
short-docu law wage agreement
law wage agreement
length: 1 min  | date: 01.02.2004  | video-hits: 124
short-docu attacks on wage agreements
attacks on wage agreements
there are attacks on the wage agreements since about 15 years in Germany.
length: 4 min  | date: 01.02.2004  | video-hits: 159
snippet defence of the wage agreement
defence of the wage agreement
wage agreements can not fall under.
length: 3 min  | date: 01.02.2004  | video-hits: 82
snippet a new law
a new law
the principle of favorability
length: 4 min  | date: 01.02.2004  | video-hits: 118
snippet schroeder likes it
schroeder likes it
Schroeder too wants to eliminate the wage agreements
length: 3 min  | date: 01.02.2004  | video-hits: 104
snippet what follows?
what follows?
this ist fatal
length: 2 min  | date: 01.02.2004  | video-hits: 107
2 links
tarifpolitik labournet spezialseite zum thema tarifvertraege

labournet.de Debatten innerhalb und ausserhalb der Gewerkschaften, Arbeitskämpfe, betriebliche und soziale Aktivitäten sind unsere Themen. Wir arbeiten dafür, dass Menschen sich einmischen, sich vernetzen und unterstützen können. [...]

Class struggle
unemployeds movement
Strike of the retail employees
Organizing in Germany
Strike at Gate Gourmet
GDL strike
Bertelsmann Congress 2006
TPP Section Colombia
Strike in Bochum
Monday demonstrations
April 3rd, 2004
opernballdemo 2004
November 1st 2003
Dismantling the welfare state
opera ball demo 2003
Less jobs at Siemens and Osram
Demo Cologne
the wage agreement
law wage agreement
attacks on wage agreements
defence of the wage agreement
a new law
schroeder likes it
what follows?

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