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topic opera ball demo 2003

6 videoclips4 linkscomments

"60 to 100 arrested, a demo which consisted of, on the one hand, countless drunks and on the other, several plain clothes policemen", writes the 'tatblatt'.
approx. 1500 people took part in the opera ball demo, we have clips of policemen beating people up, Bengal fires and an interview with someone who was arrested.

team: peter s milla / motorkopp / flo
latest clip entry: 09-03-2003 13:33 number of medias in topic: 6
interview interview
with one of the 65 arrested opera ball demonstrators: "[...] to which one of the officials asked, if they should smack me in the mouth..."
length: 4,38 min  | date: 04.03.2003  | video-hits: 795
snippets opera ball demo
opera ball demo
police beat up demonstrators; arrests and loud disputes. "they held me for nothing, because I was there, do you understand, beacause I was there..."
length: 2,31 min  | date: 27.02.2003  | video-hits: 1.720
short-docu opera ball demo
opera ball demo
your wealth mirrors your poorness - Vienna, 27.02.03
opera ball demo -
"in Austria 1 million people live on the brink of poverty, while a few hundred live off the fat of the land"
length: 3,13 min  | date: 27.02.2003  | video-hits: 762
snippets opera ball demo
opera ball demo
atmospheric picture with saluting guns and Bengali fires.
length: 2,49 min  | date: 27.02.2003  | video-hits: 1.021
snippets opera ball demo
opera ball demo
Vienna, 27.02.03 police beat up demonstrators.
length: 2,2 min  | date: 27.02.2003  | video-hits: 1.261
short-docu opera ball demo
opera ball demo
1500-2000 participants. 60 to 100 arrests, lots of drunks, lots of plain clothes policemen and women. there was lots of criticism of the demo preparation, the justification:
"keep on worrying about smashed bus stops (while bombs are falling, you bastards!). you antinational hero, be happy that you are the last true left winger amongst us!" (footage: ... more
length: 7 min  | date: 27.02.2003  | video-hits: 1.429
4 links
Opernball angreifen!

die opernballdemo im linksradikalen diskurs Seit Jahren wird von der linksradikalen Szene Oesterreichs gegen den im Februar stattfindenden Opernball im Wiener Opernhaus demonstriert. Dies fuehrt immer wieder zu Diskussionen und Auseinandersetzungen. Spaetestens seit den Debatten des Jahres 2003 finden wir es angebracht, eine Uebersicht der relevanten Beitraege zu diesen Debatten zu liefern.

offizielle Seite zum Wiener Opernball

buendnis einiger einzelpersonen... Das "Bündnis einiger Einzelpersonen" ...
...ist eigentlich schon durch den Namen selbsterklärend. Wie ihr weiter oben lesen könnt, treten wir für eine "kämpferische, autonome Opernballdemo" 2003 ein. Wir gehören keiner Partei oder Organisation an und arbeiten autonom an der Mobilisierung zur Gegendemo zum "Ball der Bälle" am 27. Februar.

Class struggle
unemployeds movement
Strike of the retail employees
Organizing in Germany
Strike at Gate Gourmet
GDL strike
Bertelsmann Congress 2006
TPP Section Colombia
Strike in Bochum
Monday demonstrations
April 3rd, 2004
Attack on wage agreements
opernballdemo 2004
November 1st 2003
Dismantling the welfare state
Less jobs at Siemens and Osram
Demo Cologne
opera ball demo
opera ball demo
opera ball demo
opera ball demo
opera ball demo

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