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No-border camp Cologne 2003

1 edition28 videoclips11 linkscomments

people who are against racism, deportation, discrimination and the illegalization of refugees and migrants in Germany, met from the 31st July to the 10th August on a meadow on the banks of the Rhine near ... more

1 edition
special no_20 no-border camp Cologne 2003
no-border camp Cologne 2003
people who are against racism, deportation, discrimination and the illegalization of refugees and migrants in Germany, met from the 31st July to the 10th August on a meadow on the banks of the Rhine near Cologne. to begin with, discussions were led under the label of 6th racist border camp 2003, then everyone set off to actions in Cologne and the surrounding areas.

at the end the camp was cleared. ... more
length: 45 min  | date: 28-01-2004  | video-hits: 953
short-docu NRW
berlin, 24.08.03 - in an action only taking a few minutes, bottles are thrown at the face of the office representing the government of Nordrhein-Westfalen. on the road in front of the building activists spray: "85th crime" and border camp everywhere"
afterwards, passer-bys puzzle over the motives behind the action.
length: 1,5 min  | date: 24.08.2003  | video-hits: 505
snippet solicampen
Berlin, 10.8.03 - 150 activists spontaneously join the 6th anti-racist border camp which was practically cleared by the police on the 9/10.8.03, and protest against police violence. until midnight they camp out in the middle of Berlin in the Lustgarten in front of the Berlin Dome. "no person is illegal, free camping everywhere!".
length: 1,5 min  | date: 16.08.2003  | video-hits: 301
short-docu clearing
Cologne-Poll, 9.8.03 - the 6. border camp is in effect cleared by the police. at about 1pm the camp is encircled and the campers are not allowed out anymore. during the afternoon only those are allowed out who are willing to undergo a police id check. thereupon some let themselves be filmed by the police. the campers who don"t leave the camp voluntarily, (about 350), are pulled out one by one by the police ... more
length: 8,40 min  | date: 11.08.2003  | video-hits: 1.323
short-docu journalist arrested
journalist arrested
Cologne-Poll, 9.8.03 - our cameraman was arrested right next to the border camp. just two days before he was a victim of infringement by plain clothes policemen. they had kicked the journalist in the knee.
length: 1 min  | date: 10.08.2003  | video-hits: 910
short-docu stress
Cologne-Poll, 9.8.03 - at 1pm the police begin to encircle the border camp and even try to push into the camp grounds. they are stopped by heroic resistance on the campers" behalf. the people are only allowed out, if they voluntarily give themselves up for a police i.d check, (which involves recording personal details and filming them), which some also do. most people, however, stay in the hollow. the camp"s ... more
length: 2 min  | date: 09.08.2003  | video-hits: 1.308
short-docu deportation centers
deportation centers
Cologne-Poll, 8.8.03 - during the 6th no border camp in cologne, an activist from "the voice-refugee forum" is talking about the new so called "ausreisezentren", something in between a refugee camp and a deportation jail.
there will be an action against the "ausreisezentrum" in Nuernberg/Fuerth on september 11th, 2003.
length: 3 min  | date: 09.08.2003  | video-hits: 237
short-film deportation class
deportation class
clip by the campaign deportation class about the possibilties for flight passengers to prevent deportations. at a public showing of this clip in the center of Cologne on the 7.8.2003, the police considered it necessary to intervene. the video reel was confiscated. reason: apparently the clip encouraged people to commit crimes.
length: 4 min  | date: 08.08.2003  | video-hits: 2.325
short-docu blue-silver
Cologne, 7.8.03 - an action day took place on thursday in the centre of Cologne with actions which were organized conspiratorally and decentrally. suddenly around 150 people in blue and silver costumes blocked the main hall in the main train station, dancing, running around wildly and singing. they were protesting against racist police checks and for freedom of movement.
length: 5 min  | date: 08.08.2003  | video-hits: 487
snippet elexir-a
Cologne-Poll - an activist of elexir-a tells about the succesful campaign that claimed the payment of salaries of migrant construction workers in berlin and the contradictions with which the group was confronted during the campaign.
length: 2 min  | date: 07.08.2003  | video-hits: 306
Cologne-Ossendorf, 7.8.03 - demonstration in front of the Cologne-Ossendorf correctional facility due to the situation migrant prisoners find themselves in. 5-10% of the prisoners are refugees and immigrants, who are inside because of crimes people with a German passport could not even commit. the campers are also criticising the conditions in the prison: cell windows that are doubly barred, two prisoners in a ... more
length: 4 min  | date: 06.08.2003  | video-hits: 4.371
snippet federal border guard
federal border guard
Duesseldorf airport, 6.8.03 - 250 activists demonstrate in front of the barracks of the federal border guard, (BGS) against a container camp on the airport grounds. refugees who came to Germany by air are locked inside the camp. Frank Laubenburg (PDS), member of the Duesseldorf city council, reports.
length: 2 min  | date: 06.08.2003  | video-hits: 339
snippet deportationairport Duesseldorf
deportationairport Duesseldorf
Duesseldorf airport, 6.8.03 - actions in and around the airport against deportations. from there refugees, among others, are deported against their will, by the flight companies Lufthansa and LTU, back to their countries of origin. Martin Burger from the border camp"s press group reports.
length: 2 min  | date: 06.08.2003  | video-hits: 288
short-docu Otto Wolff von Amerongen
Otto Wolff von Amerongen
Cologne, Marienburgerstrasse 19, 5.8.03 - Otto Wolff von Amerongen, 85, was one of the most important german post-war industrialists. by order of the german empire, he sold bonds during the 40"s, which were mostly stolen from jewish people. with the money he bought Wolfram, which was important to the war, amongst others. von Amerongen belongs, along with Abs, Flick, Thyssen, Krupp and the managers of IG Farben, ... more
length: 1:40 min  | date: 06.08.2003  | video-hits: 668
snippet spontaneous demo
spontaneous demo
Cologne, 5.8.03 - spontaneous demo after the action in front of the federal administrative office. the police surround them after 300 metres. the racist central foreigner registry is inside the federal administrative office.
length: 6,5 min  | date: 06.08.2003  | video-hits: 468
short-docu central foreigner registry, the second
central foreigner registry, the second
Cologne, 5.8.03 - the central foreigner registry in which every person is registered, who is seeking asylum in Germany since 1953 becomes the centre of an angry protest action.
length: 3:20 min  | date: 05.08.2003  | video-hits: 500
snippet central foreigner registry
central foreigner registry
Cologne, 4.8.03 - "since "53 the state has been collecting data about migrants, that it would be prohibited to collect about germans." (die Stimme, Bremen) - a citizens intiative used the 50th birthday of the central foreigner registry as an excuse to thank the government officials for their work towards protecting the german population with a little stand and some champagne.
length: 3 min  | date: 05.08.2003  | video-hits: 289
snippet transit
Cologne-Deutz, 3.8.03 - due to it"s "determent strategy" the city of Cologne has freighted 200 Roma, including 88 children, on a ship. two children talk about the living conditions on the cargo ship "transit", their "home". the mother says how the children are constantly ill. the girl in the picture has chicken pocks.
length: 2 min  | date: 04.08.2003  | video-hits: 196
snippet kanak attak
kanak attak
Cologne-Poll, 3.8.03 - on the final plennary of the forum of the 6. no-border camp two members of the group kanak attak explain their understanding of "autonomy of migration" and their idea of left wing politics with an anti-racist focus.
length: 1,5 min  | date: 04.08.2003  | video-hits: 236
snippet roma-band
Cologne-Deutz, 3.8.03 - to come into contact with the refugees, mainly Roma, who had to live on the ship in Deutzer"s port in Cologne, the border camp organized a concert with a Roma band. the guards prevented anyone visiting the refugees on the ship with the excuse "there could be some right-wingers amongst all those left-wingers, who could cause trouble".
length: 1 min  | date: 04.08.2003  | video-hits: 228
snippet c-section
Cologne-Deutz, 3.8.03 - due to their poor health conditions, the women on the refugee ship almost all have their babies too early and by cesaerian section.
length: 2 min  | date: 04.08.2003  | video-hits: 2.083
11 links
abschiebehaft.de vernetzung gegen abschiebehaft

kampagne gegen abschiebungen, abschiebeknaeste und abschiebelager

Kanak Attak ist der selbstgewaehlte Zusammenschluss verschiedener Leute ueber die
Grenzen zugeschriebener, quasi mit in die Wiege gelegter 'Identitaeten' hinweg. Kanak Attak
fragt nicht nach dem Pass oder nach der Herkunft, sondern wendet sich gegen die Frage nach
dem Pass und der Herkunft. Unser kleinster gemeinsamer Nenner besteht darin, die Kanakisierung
bestimmter Gruppen von Menschen durch rassistische Zuschreibungen mit allen ihren sozialen,
rechtlichen und politischen Folgen anzugreifen.

radio: Ereignisbericht zu den letzten 24 Stunden Grenzcamp Ereignisbericht der letzten 24 Stunden des Grenzcamps 2003 in Köln, zusammengeschnipfelt aus dem Interview von Radio Frei aus Erfurt mit einem Menschen vom EA in Köln, Video-Interview-Mitschnitten von Kanal_B und einem Haufen O-Tönen aus dem "Kessel".

radio: Grenzcamp - Interview mit Ermittlungsausschuss Köln zur Repression Samstag Nacht wurde das 6.Antirassistische Grenzcamp von Polizeieinheiten brutal geräumt und ca. 400 Menschen verhaftet. Ein Interview zu den Hintergründen und der aktuellen Situation in Köln.

Fotos: Knast beim Grenzcamp Fotos von den kaefigen, die in einer turnhalle als zwischenlager fuer die erkennungsdienstliche behandlung dienten

presseschau zusammenstellung einiger presseberichte ueber das grenzcamp 2003 in köln

tagesuebersicht - terminplan alle aktionen nach tagen sortiert

Das Ausländerzentralregister AZR hintergrundinformation und einschaetzung

Polizeibericht der Polizei Köln vom 10.08.2003 Polizeieinsatz am 09.08. im Zusammenhang mit dem "6. Internationalem Antirassistischem Grenzcamp"

Out of Control offizieller camp site

noborder lab for the freedom of movement, for a planetarian citizenship

migration and deportation
Squatting the Predigerkirche, Zurich 2008
Camp against Racism and Climatechange in Hamburg 2008
Action Days 2003 in Fürth
Deportation prison in Berlin
No-Border camp Jena 2002
journalist arrested
deportation centers
deportation class
federal border guard
deportationairport Duesseldorf
Otto Wolff von Amerongen
spontaneous demo
central foreigner registry, the second
central foreigner registry
kanak attak
initial demo
first day at the camp
Pro Koeln
dialog with citizens
outing of Manfred Rouhs
trailer border camp 2003

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