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topic G8 Genoa 2001

1 edition32 videoclips15 linkscomments

at the end of july 2001 the heads of the G8 states met in Genoa, to discuss the future of the planet without including the public. the APO of the globalization critics were prevented from exercising their right to freedom of assembly by huge fences. with an escalation strategy im mind, that reminded the present left wingers of the 70's, the fascist repressive side of the Berlusconi government tried systematically to intimidate and (with the help of the compliant daily press) criminilize 300,000 activists. the archive of the 10 day broadcast along as a interview series with prof. Elmar Altvater about the topics covered by the globalization critic's movement here.

team: kanalB
latest clip entry: 02-08-2003 17:08 number of medias in topic: 33
1 edition
special no_10 Genoa g8 summit 2001
Genoa g8 summit 2001
at the end of july 2001 the heads of the G8 states met in Genoa, to discuss the future of the planet without including the public. the globalization critics were prevented from exercising their right to freedom of assembly by huge fences. with an escalation strategy in mind, that reminded the present left wingers of the 70's, the fascist repressive side of the Berlusconi government tried systematically to ... more
length: 30 min  | date: 28-01-2004  | video-hits: 2.438
short-docu carlo
Berlin, 20th July 2003 - to mark the 2nd anniversary of Carlo Guliani"s murder during the G-8 summit in Genoa 2001, a demonstration takes place in Berlin against the criminalization of the emancipative movements.
length: 5 min  | date: 20.07.2003  | video-hits: 1.747
musicvideo july 20th
july 20th
in memory of Carlo Giulani:
the music video is from the album "nineoneone" by petrorograd.
length: 5,30 min  | date: 03.12.2002  | video-hits: 6.997
short-docu somebody / Genua [en]
somebody / Genua [en]
"police came inside here to crush people"; somebody talks about the police intervention, the excess of violence, the "weapons" found and the attack on indymedia.
length: 3,30 min  | date: 22.07.2001  | video-hits: 1.060
short-docu school Diaz / Genua
school Diaz / Genua
the security forces left blood trails in the schoolbuilding which clearly show what kind of blood bath they staged. metre long drag marks, puddles of blood, they didn"t even try to clean it up. camera: indymedia germany.
length: 3,3 min  | date: 22.07.2001  | video-hits: 2.141
short-docu deportage / Genua
deportage / Genua
the victims of the punishment of the police in the school in front of the Genua Social Forum, in which activists were put up, get removed. almost none of the 100 people come out uninjured, there are some seriously injured people, predominantly with injuries to the head and fractures.
length: 1 min  | date: 22.07.2001  | video-hits: 1.154
snippet legal aid agency / Genua
 legal aid agency / Genua
after the police stormed the Genua Social Forum, in which not only medical facilities and the independent media centre , but also the "legal observer" facilities are based: computers and legal aid lawyer"s facilities are destoyed, important data is lost.

length: 0,3 min  | date: 22.07.2001  | video-hits: 586
short-docu school diaz/Genoa
school diaz/Genoa
at 11:30pm the police storm the Genua Social Forum and the schoolbuilding Diaz in front of it, in which about 100 activist were sleeping. the police beat people up, about 50 people get injured badly, 54 people get arrested.it was filmed out of the opposite house.
length: 4 min  | date: 22.07.2001  | video-hits: 1.618
short-docu press conference / Genua
press conference / Genua
the Genua social forum : legal clarification about the §52-
self-defence- in the italian law: " the right to defend yourself has to keep to the level of aggression you are recieving ... the carabiniere could have shot upwards, downwards, anywhere but in the the head of this person."
length: 1 min  | date: 21.07.2001  | video-hits: 485
short-docu interview /Genua
interview /Genua
media activists about the situation in the media centre:"....sure I"m afraid,.. that they will come up here as well, that they will try to get all the filmed material."
length: 1,3 min  | date: 21.07.2001  | video-hits: 513
snippets police shoots / Genua
police shoots / Genua
eyewitness accounts of the shooting of a demonstrator (fotos 1) (fotos 2) (audio interview with an eyewitness)
length: 1 min  | date: 20.07.2001  | video-hits: 1.483
animation murder of Carlo Giuliani
murder of Carlo Giuliani
Genua G8 demonstration: flash animation with commentary and photos of Carlo Giuiani"s murder.
length: 4 min  | date: 20.07.2001  | video-hits: 15.291
snippet police attack / Genua
police attack / Genua
while nothing is done to stop the balaclavas, who have been trashing the city for the last 2 hours, the police beat up 15 pacifists. the 15 people were cowering together, holding their hands up.
length: 2 min  | date: 20.07.2001  | video-hits: 1.806
short-docu police brutality / Genua
police brutality / Genua
"the police came, everyone sat on the floor and held up their hands; they just came and started laying into everyone"
length: 0,3 min  | date: 20.07.2001  | video-hits: 1.215
snippet riots and commentary / genua
riots and commentary / genua
riots and commentary in italian. an activist talking to the police: "these idiots (meaning those in black balaclavas ) ran down there, stop it now!"
length: 1,3 min  | date: 20.07.2001  | video-hits: 1.673
snippet pink/silver attack / Genua
pink/silver attack / Genua
attempts bythe group pink/silver, which makes for flippant resistance, to enter the red zone, was stopped with tear gas
- close to Piazza Manin
length: 1 min  | date: 20.07.2001  | video-hits: 1.189
short-docu migrants demonstration
migrants demonstration
50.000 demonstrators against deportation, deportationcamps, borders, discrimination and the G8 in Genoa.
length: 2,3 min  | date: 19.07.2001  | video-hits: 609
snippet direct action training / Genua
direct action training / Genua
training for non violent civilian resistance in the diaz school"s playground. the school was then raided by the police two days later .
length: 1 min  | date: 19.07.2001  | video-hits: 721
snippet the arrival of a demonstration procession/Genua
the arrival of a demonstration procession/Genua
during the night from 18. to 19. of july several processions arrived, among others with tute bianche on board, who immediately reclaimed the street in front of the railway station, as a revenge for the fact that their train from Milan took 7 hours instead of the normal 3
length: 1 min  | date: 18.07.2001  | video-hits: 551
snippet Carlini stadium
Carlini stadium
this morning the police surrounded the Carlini stadium, inside of which 1000 demonstrators are staying and preparing themselves for the demos. police representatives were given permission to view the stadium.
length: 1,15 min  | date: 18.07.2001  | video-hits: 541
snippet "tank " / Genua
"tank " / Genua
facts to the accusations of the police in the case of: a UPS (United Parcel Service) van, the "weapons" they found are the aluminium braces of a backpack. the car owner is still in prison, allthough they dropped the armament charge.
length: 3,18 min  | date: 18.07.2001  | video-hits: 603
15 links
Produktion der Abhängigkeit Wertschöpfungsketten. Investitionen. Patente. - von Thomas Fritz, Christian Russau und Cícero Gontijo

libera.squat.net ist die Seite einer neuen Kampagne gegen die Repressionen im Zusammenhang mit den Gipfelprotesten in Genua 2001

polarisinstitute.org eine seite zu hintergrundinformationen in verschiedenen bereichen der globalisierung (privatisierung, bio-politik, repressive aufruestung marktwirtschaft, grassroots globalisierung usw.) aus kanada - '...retooling citizen movements for democratic social change in an age of corporate-driven globalization.'

Genua: Proteste gegen G8 - ein Teilnehmer von Polizei ermordet schwerpunktseite genua g8 auf indymedia

INFOrmation WARfare 'Da draussen tobt ein Krieg, alter Freund, ein Weltkrieg.
Und es geht nicht darum wer die meiste Munition hat,
es geht darum wer kontrolliert die Informationen,
was wir sehen und hoeren, wie wir arbeiten, was wir denken.
Es geht alles nur um die Information.'

genoaresistance Activism in Memory of Genoa

genoa justice campaign hier wird versucht die ereignisse rund um den g8 gipfel auch rechtlich aufzurollen

Nachdenken über den G8-Gipfel in Genua "Le Geometrie della memoria" ist ein politisches Kunstprojekt, das aus den Geschehnissen in Genua während des G8-Gipfels gewachsen ist. "Genua" war ein internationales Ereignis, das Tausende von Betroffenen und BeobachterInnen bis ins Mark erschüttert hat. Die Ministerpräsidenten der acht einflussreichsten Industriestaaten versammelten sich dort im Juli 2001 mit der Prätention, die Welt in eine positive Entwicklung zu lenken. Dabei bedienten sie sich eines enormen bewaffneten Repressionsapparats, der sich mit der Erschiessung eines jungen Genueser Demonstranten auf das buchstäblich Mörderische zuspitzte. Die Manifestationen gesellschaftlicher Machtstrukturen konfrontierten sich in Genua auf das Heftigste mit der kreativen Energie einer neuen, bunt durchmischten Generation und ihrer Überzeugung, dass eine andere Welt notwendig und möglich ist.

Genua G8 Treffen nadir-aktuell-Schwerpunkt:

Der G 8-Gipfel in Genua Schon im Vorfeld des Gipfels in Genua wurden GegnerInnen des Gipfeltreffens zu Hooligans erklärt, Italiens Grenzen wurden wieder kontrolliert, Ausreiseverbote verhängt.
Während die mächtigsten Industriestaaten sich zum "Kamingespräch" trafen, demonstrierten dennoch 100.000e gegen Globalisierung. Ein Demonstrant starb durch eine Polizeikugel, 100e wurden verhaftet und verletzt. Über 300.000 Menschen gingen in Italien aus Wut über den Tod Carlo Giulianis auf die Strasse. Die Ereignisse in Ligurien könnten zum Wendepunkt der europäischen Linken werden. Mit welchen Folgen?

RedakteurInnen von Radio Z verfolgten die Proteste in Genua vor Ort und berichten über die Repression in den Tagen nach dem Gipfel. Auf den folgenden Seiten finden sich die tägliche Berichterstattung, Hintergrundinformationen, Kommentare und wichtige Links zum Thema...

Poverty Facts and Stats This web site looks into global issues that affect everyone and aims to show how most issues are inter-related.

Over 4000 links to external articles, web sites reports and analysis are used to provide credence to the arguments made on this web site. The issue categories range from trade, poverty and globalization, to human rights, geopolitics and the environment.

Some of these issues may be misrepresented for whatever reason such as politics, profit motives, to oppress dissent, and so on. Some of these issues may not be receiving enough -- or any -- mainstream media attention and therefore there is a lack of enough open and public debate, while other concerns seem to be getting a biased attention only. However, I hope you will see that all these issues are closely related, affecting and being affected by one another.

Diskussionen nach Genua - ergänzt am 7. Aug. Im folgenden Feature werden einige Texte aus den laufenden Diskussionen dokumentiert, die hier auf Indymedia veröffentllicht wurden. Während Medien und Politiker wieder einmal die Schuldigen gefunden haben wollen, machen es sich andere nicht so einfach. Was als Versuch der Spaltung und Diskreditierung von Widerstand begonnen hat, könnte zu einer fruchtbaren Auseinandersetzung mit Zielen und Strategien werden....

militant textauszug zum thema militanz aus "empire" von hardt/negri

indymedia deutschland multimediales netzwerk unabhängiger und alternativer medien, medienmacherInnen, engagierter einzelpersonen und gruppen. es bietet offene, nichtkommerzielle berichterstattung, raum für diskussionen sowie hintergrundinformationen zu aktuellen sozialen und politischen themen

prof. dr. elmar altvater dr. oec. publ., geb. 1938, professor für politikwissenschaft an der FU-berlin und redaktionsmitglied PROKLA; zahlreiche veröffentlichungen zur fragen der kapitalistischen entwicklung, zur staatstheorie, zur entwicklungspolitik, schuldenkrise und zum zusammenhang von oekonomie und oekologie; u.a. der preis des wohlstands 1992, zusammen mit birgit mahnkopf: gewerkschaften vor der europäischen herausforderung 1993 und grenzen der globalisierung 1996, mitherausgeber von vernetzt und verstrickt 1997.

Summit assault
Climate Conference in Copenhagen -COP 15
G8 in Japan 08
G8 Summit in Heiligendamm 07
G8 Gleneagles-Scotland 05
G8 Evian 2003
Bush in Berlin 2002
Bruessel EU Summit 2001
IMF summit Prague 2000
july 20th
somebody / Genua [en]
school Diaz / Genua
deportage / Genua
legal aid agency / Genua
school diaz/Genoa
press conference / Genua
interview /Genua
police shoots / Genua
murder of Carlo Giuliani
police attack / Genua
police brutality / Genua
riots and commentary / genua
pink/silver attack / Genua
migrants demonstration
direct action training / Genua
the arrival of a demonstration procession/Genua
Carlini stadium
"tank " / Genua
letter bomb
police attacks
bomb alert
fighting poverty
pens?(C)e unique
force of circumstance ideology
debt relief
capital dictatorship

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