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kanalB  topics Colombia
Strike of the sugercane workers

2 videoclips1 textcomments

Cauca/Valle del Cauca, Colombia - On September 15th, 2008 the sugarcane workers in Colombian sugar cane region Valle del Cauca went on strike. 8.500 of them from 9 different plantations organized ... more

short-docu Strike
Autumn 2008, strike of the sugar cane cutters in Colombia. They massively organised themselves and were supported by their wives, the population and some commited labor unions.
length: 30 min  | date: 19.05.2009  | video-hits: 4.078
short-docu Colombia: is slavery abolished?
Colombia: is slavery abolished?
Cali, 2 October 2008 - The families of the striking sugar cane cutters have travelled to Cali to draw attention to their situation and to support the strike. Despite enormous efforts, the cane workers earn too little to ensure the physical survival of their families. So they stopped work on 15 September 2008. The "cooperatives" mentioned in the clip are labour cooperatives, a form of organisation the workers ... more
length: 10 min  | date: 23.11.2008  | video-hits: 1.664
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Colombia: is slavery abolished?

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