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Organizing in Germany

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Organizing is a strategy developed by US-based unions in order to spur employees to be active and to run projects. For their implementation, the union uses full-time organizers. This method, developed ... more

interview An 'Organizing Union' ...
An 'Organizing Union' ...
26 February 2008, Interview with Christian Gatermann, who as full-time employee with ver.di, has organised for the workers in the Hamburg security trade. An "Organizing union" would have to be fierce. It would have to abandon the belief in a social partnership with the enterprises. It would have to spend most of its means on Organizing and open an Organizing school to provide the main actors with the ... more
length: 3,46 min  | date: 12.03.2008  | video-hits: 739
interview Personal motives for working as organizer
Personal motives for working as organizer
26 February 2008, Interview with Christian Gatermann - The union has no good answers to precarious and illegalized employment and is in a defensive position. Gatermann wonders aloud if Organizing can be a way out of this situation. He found the method promising as it puts forward an attempt to mobilize the union basis and to maneuver it into a position to advocate its own interests.
length: 2,44 min  | date: 12.03.2008  | video-hits: 334
interview What has been achieved?
What has been achieved?
26 February 2008, Interview with Christian Gatermann - A labor contract containing a 5 % pay raise within two years was negotiated. Now the meetings of those actively involved "somehow" continue to exist, but the Organizing project was, according to Gatermann, too short to provide those involved in the security industry of Hamburg with a strong structure.
length: 5,09 min  | date: 12.03.2008  | video-hits: 205
interview Success
26 February 2008, Interview with Christian Gatermann - For ver.di the project in the security business of Hamburg was a success. There are different attitudes among the colleagues of ver.di, says Gatermann. Some found it a success that the campaign achieved 200 new ver.di members, others emphasise that the people at the basis were strengthened.
length: 3,03 min  | date: 12.03.2008  | video-hits: 202
interview Course of events and techniques
Course of events and techniques
26 February 2008, Interview with Christian Gatermann - The Organizers directly spoke with the employees and founded a club for the actives. They tried to "get the point across to the people that they could take their problems into their own hands". The work of the Organizers is permanently controlled by the head of the project and the original targets are put into comparison. A battlesome attitude towards ... more
length: 4,52 min  | date: 12.03.2008  | video-hits: 465
interview The organizing project in Hamburg
The organizing project in Hamburg
26 February 2008, Interview with Christian Gatermann - For half a year he worked for ver.di in Hamburg as a wholetime Organizer in the security business Organizing project.
length: 2,06 min  | date: 12.03.2008  | video-hits: 491
Class struggle
unemployeds movement
Strike of the retail employees
Strike at Gate Gourmet
GDL strike
Bertelsmann Congress 2006
TPP Section Colombia
Strike in Bochum
Monday demonstrations
April 3rd, 2004
Attack on wage agreements
opernballdemo 2004
November 1st 2003
Dismantling the welfare state
opera ball demo 2003
Less jobs at Siemens and Osram
Demo Cologne
An 'Organizing Union' ...
Personal motives for working as organizer
What has been achieved?
Course of events and techniques
The organizing project in Hamburg

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