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1 edition18 videoclips4 textscomments

For over 30 years the Columbian Trade Union for Food Sinaltrainal has tried to defend against the increasing assaults made by transnational corporations, above all Coca-Cola. The price to pay was 9 ... more

1 edition
edition no_24 murdered Coca-Cola unionists in Colombia
murdered Coca-Cola unionists in Colombia
Each year unionists are being killed in Colombia. Transnational corporations like Coca-Cola and Nestlé play an important role. We investigated one exemplary case:

On December 5th 1996, paramilitaries entered a Coca-Cola bottling-site and killed Isidro Gil. In succession the paramiliaries forced the complete workforce to resign from the union.

The film reconstructs this case ... more
length: 50 min  | date: 10-02-2005  | video-hits: 5.201
short-docu Kolumbien: Nestlé Gewerkschafter ermordet!
Kolumbien: Nestlé Gewerkschafter ermordet!
On the 9th of November 2013, Oscar López Triviño, a Nestlé worker and unionist, was murdered in Bugalagrande (Colombia). He worked for Nestlé for 25 years and was a member of the union Sinaltrainal. His murder takes place in the context of a labour conflict at Nestlé in which union members went on hunger strike and received many death threats.
length: 4,7 min  | date: 11.11.2013  | video-hits: 1.317
short-docu 41 murdered unionists
41 murdered unionists
please translate this description: 24.04.2010, Berlin - Kundgebung zum Gedenken an die 41 Gewerkschafter, die im Jahr 2009 in Kolumbien ermordet wurden. Redebeiträge vom Arbeitskreis Internationalismus in der IG Metall, amnesty international Berlin-Brandenburg und der Kolumbienkampagne erläutern, wieso jedes Jahr in Kolumbien ... more
length: 21 min  | date: 12.05.2010  | video-hits: 2.603
short-docu Defending human rights in Colombia
Defending human rights in Colombia
please translate this description: 24.04.2010, Berlin - Kundgebung für die 41 Gewerkschafter, die im Jahr 2009 in Kolumbien ermordet wurden.
Eine Mitarbeiterin von Kolko spricht über die Schwierigkeiten, denen sich MenschenrechtsverteidigerInnen in Kolumbien gegenüber sehen. Sie stellt die "Internationalen Kampagne für das ... more
length: 5 min  | date: 12.05.2010  | video-hits: 110
short-docu Strike
Autumn 2008, strike of the sugar cane cutters in Colombia. They massively organised themselves and were supported by their wives, the population and some commited labor unions.
length: 30 min  | date: 19.05.2009  | video-hits: 4.078
interview The Sugarcane Business
The Sugarcane Business
please translate this description: Mai 2008, Berlin - Carlos Olaya über das Geschäft mit dem Zuckerrohr in Kolumbien. Aus dem Zuckerrohr wird Ethanol hergestellt, die Produktion ist hoch subventioniert. Die Zuckerrohranbau und die Ethanolproduktion verdrängt den Anbau von Lebensmitteln und verstärkt die Abhängigkeit KOlumbiens ... more
length: 5 min  | date: 06.05.2009  | video-hits: 253
interview Situation of The Sugarcane Workers
Situation of The Sugarcane Workers
please translate this description: Mai 2008, Berlin - Carlos Olaya, Mitglied der Lebensmittelgewerkschaft Sinaltrainal spricht über die veränderte Lage der kolumbianischen ArbeiterInnen am Beispiel der Zuckerrohrarbeiter. Die kolumbianische Ökonomie hat auf ein Modell umgestellt, bei dem normale Arbeitsverträge durch ... more
length: 5 min  | date: 06.05.2009  | video-hits: 184
interview supported by...
supported by...
please translate this description: Mai 2008, Berlin - Carlos Olaya. Die Restrukturierungsmaßnahmen der großen Lebensmittelkonzerne wurden flankiert von Staat und Paramilitärs.
length: 7 min  | date: 06.05.2009  | video-hits: 11
interview Restructurating of Coca-Cola
Restructurating of Coca-Cola
please translate this description: Mail 2008, Berlin - Carlos Olaya. Coca-Cola und die anderen miltinationalen Konzerne haben ihre Produktion in Kolumbien umfassend restrukturiert. Normalarbeitsverhältnisse wurden zugunsten von präkarisierten Arbeitsverhältnissen abgebaut und die Profitrate gesteigert.
length: 7 min  | date: 06.05.2009  | video-hits: 191
short-docu Testimony of Javier Correa
Testimony of Javier Correa
Javier Correa testifies. Being the chairman of Sinaltrainal and working for Coca-Cola has experienced hate calls, death threats against himself and his family, kidnapping of his children, slander campaigns amongst his fellow workers, an official complaint for founding a criminal association, detentions and two attempted assassinations. Correa points out that his case is not unique and that he and other unionists ... more
length: 7,65 min  | date: 03.04.2006  | video-hits: 5.528
short-docu The Coca-Cola case
The Coca-Cola case
April, 01. 2006, Bogota - Dr. Pedro Mahecha, human rights activis and member of the lawyer-collective Alvear Restrepo summarises the case of Isidro Gil: "Who ordered the murder? Who was interested in this crime? Who had an advantage of the banishment of the union? Who is interested in not enlightening the crime? Who denounces the workers when they denounce a murder?
length: 7,20 min  | date: 02.04.2006  | video-hits: 1.939
snippets Working conditions at Nestlé Colombia
Working conditions at Nestlé Colombia
April, 1. 2006, Bogotá - Nestlé Colombia is being accussed of precarious working conditions. A representative of "lawyers united for workers' rights" describes the worsening of working conditions and drastic reduction of wages in the past 10 years.
length: 3 min  | date: 02.04.2006  | video-hits: 2.304
interview Lawsuit against Coca-Cola
Lawsuit against Coca-Cola
Bogotá, 29.03.2006 - Gonzalo Quijano explains the court proceedings against Coca-Cola, which are pending at Florida (US) court. One of the cases is on the kidnapping of Jorge Leal. He was hijacked to Venezuela. The union got a letter which threatend to kill Jorge Leal if the union keeps on mobilising against Coca-Cola.
length: 4 min  | date: 29.03.2006  | video-hits: 1.123
interview Message to the Coca-Cola boykott campaign
Message to the Coca-Cola boykott campaign
Gozalo Quijano, representative of the union Sinaltrainal in Bogotá sends greetings to the Coca-Cola campaign in Germany to support the mobilisation.
Coca-Cola is one of the sponsors of FIFA World Cup 2006 in Germany .
length: 3,40 min  | date: 28.03.2006  | video-hits: 2.955
snippets paramilitarism
The paramilitary groups have announced from the beginning on that they would destroy all unions. That is why the national and international organisations have not put the blame on the corporations but on the paramilitary forces. But of course they were only the henchmen of the corporations.
length: 0,38 min  | date: 28.09.2004  | video-hits: 834
snippets Homicide attempt
Homicide attempt
Gonzalo Quijano, functionary of Sinaltrainal, reports on how he was tortured and how he just barely escaped an assassination attempt. The killer who was to murder him was caught by the neighbours and delivered to the police. One year after he got discharged for want of evidence.
length: 1,53 min  | date: 28.09.2004  | video-hits: 616
snippets 'Voluntary' retirement
'Voluntary' retirement
After the murder of Isidro Gil the unionised workers are called together by armed paramilitaries who move along the sides of the bottling plant. They are introduced with the possibilities of either getting murdered themselves or voluntarily quitting the union. (Lawyer of Sinaltrainal)
length: 2,24 min  | date: 28.09.2004  | video-hits: 330
snippets The attorney general works for Coca-Cola
The attorney general works for Coca-Cola
After Sinaltrainal took Coca-Cola to court in Miami, the corporation started to accuse Sinaltrainal vice versa. The union was faced with the accusation of terrorism and libel. The lawyer of Coca-Cola in this trial is Jaime Bernal Cuéllar, who was attorney general of Colombia from 1995 - 1997. A time when Sinaltrainal was unavailingly trying to enlighten the murders of Carepa.
length: 1,11 min  | date: 28.09.2004  | video-hits: 471
short-docu Protest against Coca-Cola
Protest against Coca-Cola
Bogotá, December 2003 - The Colombian food union Sinaltrainal protests in front of the head quarter of Coca-Cola FEMSA. The protest is against the closing of 9 of 14 bottling plants and the murders of Coca-Cola unionist, which have not been enlightened and against which no legal action has been taken. The protesters demand that the corporation cancels all cooperation with the paramilitary and instead protects ... more
length: 3,5 min  | date: 08.06.2004  | video-hits: 1.087
Class struggle
The food industry in Colombia
Strike of the sugercane workers
TPP Section Colombia
San José de Apartadó
Kolumbien: Nestlé Gewerkschafter ermordet!
41 murdered unionists
Defending human rights in Colombia
The Sugarcane Business
Situation of The Sugarcane Workers
supported by...
Restructurating of Coca-Cola
Testimony of Javier Correa
The Coca-Cola case
Working conditions at Nestlé Colombia
Lawsuit against Coca-Cola
Message to the Coca-Cola boykott campaign
Homicide attempt
'Voluntary' retirement
The attorney general works for Coca-Cola
Protest against Coca-Cola
Coalition campaigns against Coca-Cola
Coke Free Coalition, a coalition of students from several student groups, demonstrated last week in opposition to having Coca-Cola products on campus.

The group cites human rights violations by Coca-Cola involving Colombian paramilitary fighters and alleged murders of Colombian union organizers, among other issues.

28.03.2006  hits: 8048
Another "Classic Coke" Move to Deny and Delay Accountability for Human Rights Violations in Colombia
Coca-Cola and its ally, the International Union of Food Workers (IUF), have announced that they will jointly "request" the International Labor Organization (ILO) to conduct an investigation of Coca-Colas operations in Colombia. To the uninformed, this might appear to be progress towards an independent investigation of Coca-Colas complicity in violence against trade union leaders at its bottling plants in Colombia. Since 1989, seven union leaders who worked at Coca-Cola bottling plants in Colombia and a plant manager friendly to SINALTRAINAL (National Food Service Workers Union), the major union representing Coca-Cola workers, have been murdered in connection with their union activities and countless others have been threatened with death, kidnapped and tortured.
28.03.2006  hits: 7192
gegen coca cola in USA - stand des Sinaltrainal - Coca cola - gerichtsverfahrens im Juni 2004
05.06.2004  hits: 1936
Alien Tort Claims Act: Colombia
SINALTRAINAL is a union of workers employed in the food industry in Colombia. Members work in the factories of multinational corporations such as Coca Cola, Nestle, Burns Philps, Nabisco Royal Inc., Corn Products Corporations, Postobon, Friesland and Lechesan. The union was developed in 1982 to unite workers that were struggling in factories so that they might collectively address the human rights violations occurring in the commercial food sector.
28.03.2006  hits: 2995
Coca Cola boycotted for (complicity in) murder
Colombia is the most dangerous country in the world to be
a trade unionist with intimidation and murders being
committed almost daily. Coca Cola is currently being sued
by the Colombian food and drinks union Sinaltrainal for its
(alleged) use of right wing paramilitary death squads at
its plants in Colombia. The company has denied the
allegations and predictably claims that it has no
responsibility for the actions of the bottling plants.

28.03.2006  hits: 3199

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