| 6 videoclips | 7 links | comments
the no borders camp in Jena in july 2002. one week of activism against racism in germany, visits to the refugee-camps inf Jena and the surrounding area.
latest clip entry:
16-09-2002 14:00
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In July there was a camp against the border regime of inner Germany. we visited two of the surrounding refugee camps and found shocking / humiliating conditions. the activists of refugee organisations mobilised against compulsory attendance and the prohibition for asylum-seekers, not to leave their districts. |
length: 28 min
| date: 05.09.2002
| video-hits: 479
refugee from Chechenia talks about the war there. he talks about the prohibition for journalists to visit the chechen conflict area, and that because of this there is no proper information. he describes the russian regime as a fascist one and talks about " genocide" |
length: 3 min
| date: 04.09.2002
| video-hits: 934
marco lives in Jena-Forst for three months now, he completes the camp head officer"s statements. |
length: 3 min
| date: 16.07.2002
| video-hits: 370
this time there was police there . and a head officer who likes her job.
length: 4 min
| date: 16.07.2002
| video-hits: 713
"the refugees home in Markersdorf distinguishes itself with extremely hygenic toilets and with not allowing injured people to see the doctor.
the police evaluated our visit as trespassing and arrested us for a view hours. |
length: 3 min
| date: 15.07.2002
| video-hits: 310
people from the border camp visit the refugees" house in the forest close to Jena. the inhabitants probably got threatened by the head officer, everybody was afraid to join the demonstration in jena. |
length: 4,30 min
| date: 13.07.2002
| video-hits: 310
Grenzübertritte e.V.
Im Rahmen unserer Möglichkeiten stehen wir vom Ausländerrecht Schikanierten zur Seite. Wir helfen bei Behördengängen und anderen aktuellen Problemen. In unserer Arbeit sind wir vernetzt mit anderen Initiativen, professionellen Beratungsstellen, AnwältInnen und ÄrztInnen.
vernetzung gegen abschiebehaft
kampagne gegen abschiebungen, abschiebeknaeste und abschiebelager
database systems to enforce control
People move across physical and virtual borders. People push the electronic frontiers through digital and physical communication. States and multinationals are enforcing control of both flows. Information technology is part of the freefloating culture of resistance and a tool to develop a society of seemless control.
Grenzcamp Auftakt Demo in Jena
"Wir warteten ab 12.3o vor der Polizeiinspektion auf die, die zu den Flüchtlingsunterbringungen gefahren waren. Nach ihrer Rückkehr demonstrierten wir durch die Innenstadt bis zum Grenzcamp."
noborder netzwerk
die noborder netzwerk seite. enthaelt berichterstattung zu den themen antirassismus, migration, und ueber die aktivitaeten der netzwerkmitglieder wie grenzcamps, anti-abschiebungs-kampagnen, informationen ueber diie tschetschenischen fluechtlinge.