| 8 videoclips | comments
Schwersenz, Jizchak
latest clip entry:
23-05-2006 01:31
number of medias in topic:
length: 3:10 min
| date: 23.05.2006
| video-hits: 1.354
length: 3:51 min
| date: 23.05.2006
| video-hits: 572
length: 4:28 min
| date: 23.05.2006
| video-hits: 557
length: 3:41 min
| date: 23.05.2006
| video-hits: 427
length: 5:41 min
| date: 23.05.2006
| video-hits: 382
length: 3:23 min
| date: 23.05.2006
| video-hits: 465
length: 3:23 min
| date: 23.05.2006
| video-hits: 456
length: 6:32 min
| date: 22.05.2006
| video-hits: 717
Contemporary witnesses of the Nazi-Regime
Knorr, Lorenz
Zablatnik, Ana
Kolenik, Lipej
Verdel, Romana
Schulz, Erwin
Dušek, Veroslav
Rach, Elli
Bab, Werner
Tokarska-Kaszubowa, Stefania
Chrushynski, Hendryk
Nowavzyk, Wladislav
Hoffmann, Urszula
Ledermann-Rodbell, Barbara
Reimann, Barbara
Burger, Adolf
Pick-Goslar, Hannah Elisabeth
Hinenberg, Pola
de Ruiter, Gerard
Fischer, Franz Josef
Snep, Peter Josef
Iwakin, Anatoli Abramowitsch
Crüger, Reinhart Berthold
Ebert, Dorit
Menger, Truus
Sylten, Walter
Omankowsky, Manfred
Kann, Ludwig
Müncheberg, Hans
Schuster, Gisela
Frickel, Heinrich
Cornelius, Heinz
Lammel, Inge
Kaufhold, Marianne
Rentmeister, Elsa
Claessens, Karina
Siebner, Margit
Rinne, Karl-Heinz
Eckert, Werner
Schmid, Fritz
Rewald, Ilse
Mehling, Waltraud
Deutschkron, Inge