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Suel Jones

4 videoclipscomments

interview with the US-veteran Suel Jones, who is involved with the vietnamese project >>Friendship Village<<, which takes care of people who suffer from the effects of Agent Orange more

snippet interview with Suel Jones, part 1 of 4
interview with Suel Jones, part 1 of 4
17.08.2004, Berlin - Suel Jones talks about:
the engagement at vietnam-war; injurys: physical and mental;
iraq-war; war as a big lie; the return to Vietnam and the healing-process;
Agent Orange: Dioxin and the consequences to the vietnamies people
and the GIs and the children of them; DU-munition (depleted uranium);
500 pound Gorilla of the world.
length: 7,5 min  | date: 26.04.2005  | video-hits: 840
snippet interview with Suel Jones, part 2 of 4
interview with Suel Jones, part 2 of 4
17.08.2004, Berlin -Suel Jones talks about:
George W. Bush; responsibility; consequences and damages
through Agent Orange; George Mizo create the Friendship Village;
working in the project; rehabilitation and education.
length: 6,59 min  | date: 26.04.2005  | video-hits: 710
snippet interview with Suel Jones, part 3 of 4
interview with Suel Jones, part 3 of 4
17.08.2004, Berlin - Suel Jones talks about:
landmines and blindshells; recover blindshells to survive;
length: 7,33 min  | date: 26.04.2005  | video-hits: 682
snippet interview with Suel Jones, part 4 of 4
interview with Suel Jones, part 4 of 4
17.08.2004, Berlin - Suel Jones talks about:
coordinate the Friendship Village project;
help to self-help; to learn vietnamies language;
the healing process; post-traumatical-stress-syndrom;
the purpose to doing; the return to Vietnam;
the consequences of Agent Orange; Vietnam and economy;
adresses for more information.
length: 9,1 min  | date: 26.04.2005  | video-hits: 642
War and war mongers
NATO war summit 2009
Repression against Tobias Pflüger
Interview with Tobias Pflueger
War conference 2004
NATO Conference 2003
NO War
interview with Suel Jones, part 1 of 4
interview with Suel Jones, part 2 of 4
interview with Suel Jones, part 3 of 4
interview with Suel Jones, part 4 of 4

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