kanalB.at ·labournet.tv
  join in
  you can publish your videoclip, translate, write subtitles, organise screenings, ...

  publish your videoclip
  use kanalB.org as plattform, to document events and actions
and to generate public attention for political issues.

get in contact: address, email, telefon, upload-infos
  the title und description of new videoclips have to be translated;
if you click on "translate" (see picture below),
you will get to a form, where you can submit your translation.
  translator mailingliste join the translator-mailingliste here.
you will get an email whenever a new clip gets online,
which has to be translated.
  write a subtitle
  you can write subtitles online for each videoclip.
click on "write a subtitle" (see picture below), to start the subtitle editor.
  organise a screening
  if you organise public screenings of kanalB editions,
you can enter the date here
  if you want to have covermotives contact us!
  spread the news
  with "recommend videoclip" you can send the title, description, videolink, downloadlink
and the rest of the infos on a videoclip as email to a friend
  if you want to link a videoclip on your website,
please link to the "permanent link" at the bottom of each clip.
video-player | screenings | newsletter | faq | outlets | imprint | contact
Make a donation to: content e.V. Postbank Berlin, Kontonr.: 6814102, BLZ: 10010010, IBAN: DE82100100100006814102, BIC: PBNKDEFF