// german // 50 Min // 25.01.2008
// Hits: 4.219
Die Osterweiterung der Europäischen Union hat dazu geführt, dass die Festung Europa nun an die Ukraine grenzt. Hier, in der Region Transkarpatien, entsteht eine militärisch befestigte Grenzlinie mit Internierungslagern für Flüchtlinge aus dem globalen Süden und der ehemaligen UdSSR; - für Flüchtlinge, die versuchen Krieg, Totalitarismus oder Armut zu entgehen, indem sie in die europäischen Anschlussländer flüchten. Es ist schwierig, Informationen über die Lebensbedingungen in diesen Lagern zu bekommen.
Vom 11.- 20. August 2007 fand in Transkarpatien ein Grenzcamp statt, bei dem sich ca. 300 AktivistInnen aus internationalen migrationspolitischen Zusammenhängen trafen. Ihr Ziel war es, Informationen zu sammeln, Öffentlichkeit über die menschenunwürdigen Zustände in den Internierungslagern herzustellen und ihre Erfahrungen auszutauschen.
zusätzlich findest du auf dieser Ausgabe ein Hintergrundinterview zur EU-Flüchlingspolitik mit Helmut Dietrich und weitere Interviews vom Grenzcamp.
In Casanare, a region in the southeast of Bogotá, oil was discovered in the 90'. Paramilitary troops and regulary armed forces have since then killed 2600 people, to secure BP the access to the oil in place.
The people try to resist their replacement and demand justice and compensation - whithout any success so far. |
length: 51 min
| date: 27-12-2010
| video-hits: 154
In the last 20 years, the Delhi region has turned into one of the
world's major industrial hubs. The required workforce is recruited from India's poorer regions, where survival is being made more and more difficult for the rural populace.
This is why 4.5 million industrial workers in Southern Delhi are willing
to ruin their health for wages their families can hardly survive on. - ... more |
length: 50 min
| date: 27-03-2010
| video-hits: 5.632
The idea of an “International video network DVD zine” occured during the 6th “Intergalactic festival of the alternative image” in Brest 2007. It gathers features of videoactivst groups from France, Scotland, Ireland, Chile, Germany and Canada. From the armed raid of a chicken meet transporter in a Chilean slum to the biogas production of poor farmers in Nicaragua up to the strike of German retail workers and to ... more |
length: 57 min
| date: 03-10-2008
| video-hits: 170
The Eastern enlargement of the European Union has made the Ukraine one of the borders of the Fortress Europe. Here, in the region of Transkapartia, a military secured border with detention camps for refugees from the Global South and the former USSR has come into being; - for refugees who by fleeing into the connecting European countries attempt to escape from war, totalitarism or poverty. It is difficult to ... more |
length: 50 min
| date: 30-01-2008
| video-hits: 188
g8-TV was a union of activists and media activist groups from all over Europe to cover the g8-summit in Heiligendamm. The result of this intense collaboration can be found on the common website of g8-tv.org. Subtitles of the videoclips released on this website were promptly provided in seven different languages. Furthermore a newscast of the day's events was transmitted live every evening.
... more |
length: 120 min
| date: 11-11-2007
| video-hits: 108
On February 21, 2005, Colombian army units attacked two hamlets in the San José community in North-western Colombia. The soldiers brutally killed six people including two children and a baby. Those murdered were members of the »peace community San José de Apartadó«.
In 1997 the farmers had decided to declare neutrality and to refrain from cooperation with any of the armed groups in the ... more |
length: 77 min
| date: 28-03-2008
| video-hits: 850
Each year unionists are being killed in Colombia. Transnational corporations like Coca-Cola and Nestlé play an important role. We investigated one exemplary case:
On December 5th 1996, paramilitaries entered a Coca-Cola bottling-site and killed Isidro Gil. In succession the paramiliaries forced the complete workforce to resign from the union.
The film reconstructs this case ... more |
length: 50 min
| date: 10-02-2005
| video-hits: 5.216
people who are against racism, deportation, discrimination and the illegalization of refugees and migrants in Germany, met from the 31st July to the 10th August on a meadow on the banks of the Rhine near Cologne. to begin with, discussions were led under the label of 6th racist border camp 2003, then everyone set off to actions in Cologne and the surrounding areas.
at the end the camp was cleared. ... more |
length: 45 min
| date: 28-01-2004
| video-hits: 953
several camera teams were out and about in Berlin during the demonstrations and actions, to report the happenings during the Bush visit daily and almost live. short video clips give a direct insight into the events: there was a Reclaim The Streets action on the Alexanderplatz, a DIE-IN, an event organized by the 'Jungen Union' with the embroidered motto 'thanks America', and many communication guerillas and two ... more |
length: 30 min
| date: 28-01-2004
| video-hits: 1.139
this 60 min documentary shows how the country was systematically ruined by US imperialism and the international financial institutions IMF and the world bank under the label of neoliberalism, as well as the help of a corrupt political class. the compact and unanimous resistance of the public since the 19th/20th december 2001 has started to stir things up, slowly but surely: people are getting together ... more |
length: 60 min
| date: 28-01-2004
| video-hits: 1.020
at the end of july 2001 the heads of the G8 states met in Genoa, to discuss the future of the planet without including the public. the globalization critics were prevented from exercising their right to freedom of assembly by huge fences. with an escalation strategy in mind, that reminded the present left wingers of the 70's, the fascist repressive side of the Berlusconi government tried systematically to ... more |
length: 30 min
| date: 28-01-2004
| video-hits: 2.438
kanalB special no. 6 about the protests against IMF and the world bank in september 2000. 'we are creating a cultural movement', says a woman from a US samba group. 15,000 activists protested against the IMF and the world bank. in connection to this there were many arrests and blows behind prison walls.
length: 30 min
| date: 28-01-2004
| video-hits: 818