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contest  // german  // 3 Min  // 23.03.2001  // Hits: 948
who can do the most beautiful straddle vault?

Team: kanalB

contest der sexiest eye opener
der sexiest eye opener
sexy looks demand discipline and endurance.
length: 2 min  | date: 05.01.2001  | video-hits: 1.629
contest the dirtiest laugh
the dirtiest laugh
who has the dirtiest laugh?
length: 2 min  | date: 03.01.2001  | video-hits: 637
contest GDR_anthem in saxon
GDR_anthem in saxon
the third edition of the big kanalB-talent contest. this time it was about reciting the first two lines of the GDR national anthem in saxon. the prize was breakfast in the Kreutzigerstrasse19 for the value of 5 DM.
length: 2 min  | date: 08.06.2000  | video-hits: 1.125
der huebscheste graetschsprung_eng
der sexieste augenaufschlag_eng
die dreckigste lache_eng
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