kanalB.at ·labournet.tv


short-docu  // german  // 3 Min  // 26.06.2003  // Hits: 124
Dario Santillan was shot by the police on the 26th of june 2002 on the Ponte Pueyrredón. Dario was involved in the Movement of the Unemployed MST in Lanus, a poor area of Buenos Aires. for everyone who knew Dario, it is clear that he wasn"t shot accidentally, but that he was shot to weaken the movement. the interview took place 3 months before his death.

more information: argentina.indymedia....s/2003/06/117305.php
Team: zen/tania

Dario Santillan
aktivist der arbeitslosenbewegung MTD in Lanus, Buenos Aires, waere am 18.1.2004 23 jahre alt geworden, wenn ihn die polizei nicht am 26. juni 2002 im verlauf einer demonstration umgebracht haette.
12.02.2004  hits: 2509

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