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kanalB  migration and deportation No-border camp Cologne 2003 editions edition20: no-border camp Cologne 2003


snippet  // german  // 2 Min  // 04.08.2003  // Hits: 196
Cologne-Deutz, 3.8.03 - due to it"s "determent strategy" the city of Cologne has freighted 200 Roma, including 88 children, on a ship. two children talk about the living conditions on the cargo ship "transit", their "home". the mother says how the children are constantly ill. the girl in the picture has chicken pocks.

on kanalB edition no_20: no-border camp Cologne 2003
more clips: No-border camp Cologne 2003
more information: www.kmii-koeln.de
Team: zen/fanelli/jens blatt

No-border camp Cologne 2003
kanalB no_20:

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