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kanalB  migration and deportation Deportation prison in Berlin


short-docu  // german  // 7 Min  // 21.01.2003  // Hits: 196
abschiebeknast Berlin-Gruenau, 21.1.03 - "if my rights here are kaputt..."
on 21.01.2003 about 70 inmates of the deportation "ward" in Koepenick began a hunger strike. they used it as a means of protest against the custody conditions, unhygenic accomodation and the often rough treatment by the police, doctors and social workers. It was mainly about the fact that people who can not be deported, still have to stay in deportation custody for longer than 6 months.

more clips: Deportation prison in Berlin
Team: jens blatt/ zen

Deportation prison in Berlin

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