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kanalB  topics migration and deportation


short-docu  // french  // 15 Min  // 20.03.2007  // Hits: 905
'Messages from Sans-Papiers', a short interview film by Patrick Watkins. Three 'Sans-Papiers' (people without papers) who live in France talk about their situation, having to make ends meet as people without a secure legal status. 'We are not asking for much, simply to be treated as human beings.' The three protagonists were bound to participate in a conference on migration in England but weren't allowed to enter the country. The film is a reaction to this.
Filmmaker Patrick Watkins is a member of the French activist group Droits Devant!! The film is in French with English subtitles.

more clips: migration and deportation
more information: www.droitsdevant.org
Team: Patrick Watkins

migration and deportation

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