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kanalB  Summit assault IMF summit Prague 2000 editions edition6: Prague IMF and worldbank resistance 2000


short-docu  // german  // 1,29 Min  // 29.09.2000  // Hits: 311
Berlin, 11:00 29.09.2000

500 activists were arrested in Prag. many (40 from Germany, 30 from Italy amongst others) are still in custody. there are rumours that people are being tortured. a woman is said to have been raped and had her wrists broken etc. this was the motive for a spontaneous demo at 11am in front of the Czech embassy in Berlin.

on kanalB edition no_6: Prague IMF and worldbank resistance 2000
more clips: IMF summit Prague 2000
Team: kanalB

kanalB no_6:
IMF summit Prague 2000

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