snippet // german // 1:50 Min // 13.09.2003
// Hits: 95
Fuerth, 13.9.03 - activist from the KARAWANE for the rights of refugees and migrants speaks of the proceedings against him for the violation of compulsory residence. "I will not pay any fine, even if I were a multi-millionare"
Nuernberg, 12.9.03 - Akubuo, activist from the KARAWANE for the rights of refugees and migrants and from the VOICE Africa Forum speaks at the public hearing about the implications of the racist "compulsory residence" policy for refugees.
length: 4 min
| date: 17.09.2003
| video-hits: 174
Fuerth, 13.9.03 - activist from the KARAWANE for the rights of refugees and migrants and the VOICE Africa Forum speaks of his political activities in Nigeria and how he was taken in by the German authorities
length: 2:20 min
| date: 15.09.2003
| video-hits: 132
Nuernberg, 14.9.03 - Bavaria"s premier and CSU chairman Edmund Stoiber in an RTL interview about human rights in the world and in Germany listened in on by kanalB. motive:awarding Nuernberg with the human rights prize
length: 4:00 min
| date: 14.09.2003
| video-hits: 948
Fuerth, 14.9.03 - Cornelius Yufanyi and Gaston Ebua, activists from the VOICE Africa Forum, protest against a racist police check whilst, 200 metres down the road, the Nuernberg human rights prize ceremony is taking place: "we will fight every day!" |
length: 4:40 min
| date: 14.09.2003
| video-hits: 463
at the end of the hearing on deportation camps a refugee tells the parable about the lion and the three cows.
length: 2 min
| date: 14.09.2003
| video-hits: 131
12.10.2003 Fuerth; by means of campaigning in the town centre the women-lesbian-transgender group of the camp draws attention to the exeptional situation the migrant women find themselves in. they demand genderspecific asylum laws. |
length: 3 min
| date: 14.09.2003
| video-hits: 248
Fuerth, 13.9.03 - activist from the VOICE Africa Forum in Goettingen reports of the lawsuits against him for violation of compulsory residence". he won"t accept a stay of the proceedings, instead he wants an acquittal. he is prepared to go to the European Court of Human Rights for it.
length: 3:00 min
| date: 13.09.2003
| video-hits: 133
Fuerth, 13.9.03 - activist from the KARAWANE for the rights of refugees and migrants and the VOICE Africa Forum reports of police torture
length: 2:00 min
| date: 13.09.2003
| video-hits: 590
Fuerth, 13.9.03 - activist from the KARAWANE for the rights of refugees and migrants speaks of the proceedings against him for the violation of compulsory residence. "I will not pay any fine, even if I were a multi-millionare"
length: 1:50 min
| date: 13.09.2003
| video-hits: 95
Fuerth, 13.9.03 - activist from the KARAWANE for the rights of refugees and migrants and the VOICE Africa Forum reports of the consequences of his fight for better living conditions for refugees and Germans."I become a public enemy for them"
length: 3:00 min
| date: 13.09.2003
| video-hits: 139
Fuerth, 13.9.03 - Akubuo, activist from the KARAWANE for the rights of refugees and migrants speaks of his battle against the racist conditions of the compulsory residence policy.
length: 3 min
| date: 13.09.2003
| video-hits: 79
Fuerth 13.09.2003-bringing the action days against deportation camps to an end, around 800 people walk to the deportation camp Fuerth, to demand its closure.they rattle the fence. |
length: 8:46 min
| date: 13.09.2003
| video-hits: 208
Nuernberg, 13.9.03 - unannounced blue-silver action in the centre of Nuernberg until too many police show up.Do you know the postcode for Berlin?
length: 4:00 min
| date: 13.09.2003
| video-hits: 308
No Boder Camp Fürth, 12.09.2003 - The living and working conditions of the migrants display the circumstances that all future workers will be faced with. The social struggles, that the migrants are fighting, are therefore struggles they fight for everyone. Or, as Riccardi also puts it: "My liberation is your liberation. There are no different liberations." |
length: 2 min
| date: 12.09.2003
| video-hits: 266
No Boder Camp Fürth, 12.09.2003 - Discussion in the big tent. Subject: "How does my liberation relate to yours?"
Maurizio Ricciardi from Bologna explains why the migrants and the topic of migration is crucial for the italian movement. He recalls the migrants-demonstration in Genua, and the migrant strike in Vicenza. |
length: 1,5 min
| date: 12.09.2003
| video-hits: 118
12.09.2003 Fuerth; hearing on the subject of deportation prisons. Alexander Thal from res publica explains, which people get detained in deportation camps. the goal of detention is to "demoralize" the prisoners, as the head of the deportation camp in Fuerth expresses in commendable clarity. |
length: 3,30 min
| date: 12.09.2003
| video-hits: 71
Nuernberg, 12.9.03 - Fereidoun Gilani, Secretary General of the Socialist Party of Iran and activist from the KARAWANE for the rights of refugees and immigrants describes reasons for flight and migration at the public forum:colonialism, exploitation, imperialism, military expansion of the rich countries: "we are here because you have destroyed our countries!"
length: 4 min
| date: 12.09.2003
| video-hits: 252
Nuernberg, 12.9.03 - activist from the The Voice Africa Forum criticizes police violence and and the compulsory residence policy:"I have the right to go wherever I want!"
length: 3:40 min
| date: 12.09.2003
| video-hits: 93
Nuernberg, 12.9.03 - a refugee introduces the Africa Conference at the public hearing in the town centre, due to take place in Berlin in 2004 in relation to the "Berlin-Conference" of 1884, which will be critically examined . at the "Berlin Conference" of 1884 colonial powers decided upon Africa"s fate. the subject of the reparations for the colonisation of Africa will be discussed, as well as the profit from ... more |
length: 4 min
| date: 12.09.2003
| video-hits: 70
Nuernberg, 12.09.03 - federal employment office: action against the changes in the work conditions for migrants and non-migrants. the employment agency plays an important role in this process. |
length: 3:50 min
| date: 12.09.2003
| video-hits: 81
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