kanalB.at ·labournet.tv
kanalB  editions


contest  // german  // 2 Min.  // 03.01.2001  // Hits: 639
who has the dirtiest laugh?

Team: kanalB

edition no_1 april 2000
april 2000
dokumentation: echte maenner (restoel) prominente von morgen auf den daechern Berlins: hermann w. , explosionskuenstler kurzfilme: wintergarten (der komischste film der welt) von Sebastiano Toma, 'brotzeit' (Jeniger) wettbewerb: die dreckigste lache musikvideo: sunny day gore
length: 17 min  | date: 01-04-2000  | video-hits: 1.462
short-film the conservatory
the conservatory
short about capitalism. the funniest film since the industrial revolution.
length: 4 min  | date: 03.04.2006  | video-hits: 1.909
short-film prominent people
prominent people
prominent people of tomorrow on the roofs of Berlin"s houses: the explosion artist Hermann W visits our open air studio in januar 2000, in the first edition of kanalB
length: 2 min  | date: 29.01.2000  | video-hits: 417
Illegaler Gen-Acker bedroht Weltnaturerbe
Der Agrarkonzern Syngenta hat in Brasilien genetisch manipulierte Soja in unmittelbarer Nähe eines Weltnaturerbe-Reservates angepflanzt.
16.03.2006  hits: 7171
nr_36: Casanare
nr_35: Many Straws Make A Nest
nr_33: InternatIonal Video Network DVDzine
nr_32: No Border Camp Ukraine 2007
nr_31: G8-TV
nr_30: Territorio pacificado
nr_24: murdered Coca-Cola unionists in Colombia
nr_20: no-border camp Cologne 2003
nr_15: Bush in Berlin 2002
nr_13: Argentina 2002
nr_10: Genoa g8 summit 2001
nr_6: Prague IMF and worldbank resistance 2000

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