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Press conferences on the ZARA Reports on Racism

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Every year, the anti-racism organisation ZARA publishes a report about racism and racist incidents in Austria. It is an important source of information for both national and international organisations ... more


reports  // german  // 4:30 Min  // 31.03.2005  // Hits: 8
For the past five years, the staff of ZARA (moral courage and anti-racist activities) has been accurately documenting rasist assaults and attacks of all kinds. ZARA is the only organization in Austria dealing with racism and anti-racism on a larger scale, and severe financial difficulties are constantly putting their work at risk. At the same time, accounts on racist assaults are increasing steadily. See our report from the press conference where the 5th. ZARA Report on Racism was presented. This year, it contains a new but unpleasent category: racist graffiti...

reports ZARA Rassismus-Report 2013
ZARA Rassismus-Report 2013
please translate this description: Seit nunmehr 15 Jahren beobachtet ZARA Alltagsrassismus in Österreich. Mangels Finanzen ist ein systemathisches Monitoring nicht möglich, was angesichts der ZARA gemeldeten Fälle beunruhigt. Aufgezeigt wurde diesmal der Vertrauensverlust ... more
length: 5:50 min  | date: 21.03.2014  | video-hits: 381
reports ZARA Racism Report 2008
ZARA Racism Report 2008
Every March, ZARA, the Association for Moral Courage and Anti-Racism Activities - presents its annual report, the only extensive monitoring report on racism in Austria. Although the study cannot be considered representative due to a lack of available data (caused by a lack of funding), it gives a picture of the current tendencies in different areas of society. While ZARA's importance has long been
recognised ... more
length: 6:30 min  | date: 20.03.2009  | video-hits: 237
reports ZARA Racism Report 2007
ZARA Racism Report 2007
Year after year, UATV documents the presentation of the ZARA Racism Report - a sad tradition, although the collaborators of ZARA have continuously shown a strong committment to combat racism since 2000. The financing of the information centre is
still ZARA'S biggest problem, as the City of Vienna bears 50 percent of the yearly expenses, while the remaining costs need to be covered by private donations and ... more
length: 6:30 min  | date: 20.03.2008  | video-hits: 20
reports ZARA Racism Report (2006)
ZARA Racism Report (2006)
ZARA (initiative for anti-rasicm and moral courage) presents it's most recent report of horridness. Theoretically, a new legal framework gives victims more tools to defend themselves. However in our interviews, ZARA staff members point at the hurdles in the actual enforcement of the new law. There is still need for action...
length: 6:30 min  | date: 21.03.2007  | video-hits: 8
reports ZARA Report on Racism/2005
ZARA Report on Racism/2005
Like in the previous years, the Vienna-based NGO ZARA (moral courage and anti-racist activities) presents it's comprehensive documentation of racist inidents in Austria. We have been to the public presentation to find out more about the most recent trends.
length: 5:25 min  | date: 24.03.2006  | video-hits: 16
reports ZARA Report on Racism
ZARA Report on Racism
For the past five years, the staff of ZARA (moral courage and anti-racist activities) has been accurately documenting rasist assaults and attacks of all kinds. ZARA is the only organization in Austria dealing with racism and anti-racism on a larger scale, and severe financial difficulties are constantly putting their work at risk. At the same time, accounts on racist assaults are increasing steadily. See our ... more
length: 4:30 min  | date: 31.03.2005  | video-hits: 8
1 link
Grenzübertritte e.V. Im Rahmen unserer Möglichkeiten stehen wir vom Ausländerrecht Schikanierten zur Seite. Wir helfen bei Behördengängen und anderen aktuellen Problemen. In unserer Arbeit sind wir vernetzt mit anderen Initiativen, professionellen Beratungsstellen, AnwältInnen und ÄrztInnen.

ZARA Rassismus-Report 2013
ZARA Racism Report 2008
ZARA Racism Report 2007
ZARA Racism Report (2006)
ZARA Report on Racism/2005
ZARA Report on Racism

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