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kanalB  topics Feminism
an.schläge TV - February 2008

2 videoclipscomments

Broadcast, 7. February 08

an.beraumt: They had lust for treachery. Backsights and insights on the subject of positional changes in feminism.

an.sehen: Orlanding the ... more

short-docu an.sehen
Orlanding the Dominant: Virginia Woolfs „Orlando“ as wonderfully wild show on stage with SV Damenkraft, Gustav and a Sissy Boy. The Queer-Burlesque in an "an.schläge tv" interview.
length: 12:13 min  | date: 08.02.2008  | video-hits: 672
short-docu an.beraumt
They had lust for treachery. Backsights and insights on the subject of positional changes in feminism.
length: 13:32 min  | date: 08.02.2008  | video-hits: 516
an.schläge TV
an-schläge TV - October 2007

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