the entrypoint from Holloway"s philosophy is saying "no" to the society in which we are living. "we have to come back to the revolutionary question but not in the same way like in the past", said Holloway, "the idea of taking over the state at first and changing the society after that was showing as a wrong way" |
length: 2 min
| date: 27.04.2004
| video-hits: 2.566
"the left governments, revolutionary or reformiatic, weren"t able to change society radically." therefore it is necessary for Holloway, to re-think revolution. |
length: 3.5 min
| date: 27.04.2004
| video-hits: 1.245
Class struggle isn't a fight between the work and funds because work is part of the funds. The working class that we can not see as a group has to overcome their indentity and become an anti-work/anti-class. |
length: 1:36 min
| date: 27.04.2004
| video-hits: 1.307
Holloway compares past international fights with the ones up to date. He takes the putsch in Chile and the Zapatists in Mexico as examples. |
length: 1:32 min
| date: 27.04.2004
| video-hits: 998
The identitary character of labour unions stands opposite to the approach of Holloway that anti-identitary fights are necessary. "All fights have to somehow exceed themselves." |
length: 1:51 min
| date: 27.04.2004
| video-hits: 832
"The problem concerning the word civilian society is following: the antagonistic caracter of the society is opressed." The civilian society is only an euphemism for the whole of the different resistance fighters. |
length: 1:34 min
| date: 27.04.2004
| video-hits: 1.209
Holloway - 12 thesen
12. Die Revolution ist dringend, aber ungewiss. Keine Antwort, sondern eine Frage