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students protests in Vienna

22 videoclips6 linkscomments

while the students from the art university of Vienna wrapped famous monuments to to draw attention to the tight budget of the art universities in Austria the students on the main university Vienna ... more

performances Education Live on Stage
Education Live on Stage
It's been a while since the Viennese Burgtheater Burgtheater was an arena for open controversies. These days, the building appears slightly dusty amidst the beginning Christmas trade (i.e. the Christmas market on nearby Rathausplatz). Both university students and their ... more
length: 7 min  | date: 14.11.2009  | video-hits: 1.416
demonstrations Money for Education
Money for Education
The student protests continue with a country-wide action day comprising different activities and demonstrations all over Austria. We accompanied one of the two protest maches heading at Urban-Loritz-Platz in Vienna and spoke to some of the protesters about their demands.
length: 5:40 min  | date: 05.11.2009  | video-hits: 7.323
performances Academy of Fine Arts: Two Weeks of Occupation and Protest
Academy of Fine Arts: Two Weeks of Occupation and Protest
Two weeks ago, students of the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna occupied the assemly hall of the university building at Schillerplatz (see also Malen nach Zahlen). They triggered off a movement which took hold of the whole country. We asked the occupants about their motivation, if their demands have changed since the start of the protests and how ... more
length: 8:20 min  | date: 02.11.2009  | video-hits: 1.000
performances University of Graz Belongs to Us!
University of Graz Belongs to Us!
More than a week ago, students have occupied parts of the Karl Franzens University in Graz, namely the pre-clinic (further information: Uni Graz gehört uns). The structures of the sit-ins are similar to the ones taking place in Vienna: bottom-up protest without any responsible organisers or spreakers. Everyone – not ... more
length: 6:20 min  | date: 30.10.2009  | video-hits: 868
demonstrations Education, not Training
Education, not Training
Student uprisings in Austria are expanding. It's not only universities in Vienna that have been occupied, resistance is also stirring in the provinces. Several non-students are expressing their solidarity with the protesters, as a a preliminary peak of the movement showed: Between 10.000 (according to the police) and 50.000 (according to the organisers) protesters were demonstrating in Vienna alone, demanding ... more
length: 7 min  | date: 28.10.2009  | video-hits: 3.741
performances The University is Burning!
The University is Burning!
Starting with the student protests at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna – which lead to the occupation of parts of the Academy building on Schillerplatz on October 20 – resistance is stirring at Austrian universities. It is mostly directed against the implementation of a new curriculum system based on bachelor and master studies, but also more generally against business-oriented organisational structures, cuts, ... more
length: 6:30 min  | date: 23.10.2009  | video-hits: 1.584
performances Act Now!
Act Now!
An activist describes the current events at the occupied Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna along with some recordings of the first night at the likewise occupied Audimax (major lecture hall) of the University of Vienna.
length: 2 min  | date: 22.10.2009  | video-hits: 429
short-docu SPÖ occupied
SPÖ occupied
please translate this description: Die große Koalition zwischen SPÖ und ÖVP ist fix. Bundeskanzler wird SPÖ-Vorsitzender Alfred Gusenbauer, doch dafür mußten einige Wahlversprechen gebrochen werden. Laut SPÖ sind die Studiengebühren (363,36 Euro pro Semester) de facto abgeschafft. Wer für sein Studium nichts zahlen will, muss ... more
length: 4,18 min  | date: 09.01.2007  | video-hits: 1.759
please translate this description: unter dem motto "Gehrer, tritt zurueck!" zogen ca. 400 menschen zum bildungsministerium am Wiener Minoritenplatz. die polizei verstiess, wie auf dem Bild ersichtlich wieder einmal gegen das vermummungsverbot. den demonstranten konnte weder eiseskaelte noch schneesturm die laune ... more
length: 5 min  | date: 27.01.2005  | video-hits: 385
short-docu students demo
students demo
please translate this description: am 9.12.04 demonstrieren an die 1.300 (polizeiangabe) studentInnen in Wien. der protest richtet sich gegen die abschaffung der direktwahl der Bundesvertretung der Oesterreichischen HochschuelerInnenschaft (OeH) und die finanzielle schlechterstellung dieses gremiums. anfaenglich eine uebliche ... more
length: 5,51 min  | date: 09.12.2004  | video-hits: 262
short-docu students demo
students demo
1000 students went on the streets of Vienna today to manifest their anger about the catastrophic situation at Vienna"s Univercities. at the institute for journalism, cause of a lack of instructors, no further diplomas can be approved. the protesters want a immediate "restoration of the financial misery at the uniservities" as well as the cancelling of the study fees demanded.
length: 4,16 min  | date: 21.10.2004  | video-hits: 143
short-docu rectorate occupied
rectorate occupied
please translate this description: am internationalen frauentag besetzen 30 frauen das rektorat a in der universitaet wien. sie fordern: festgeschriebene quoten in gremien und bei der vergabe von lehrstellen - geschlechterparitaetische abstimmungen in gremien - die einrichtung einer fakultaet fuer feministische theorie und praxis ... more
length: 3,44 min  | date: 09.03.2004  | video-hits: 351
short-docu protest village
protest village
please translate this description: unter dem motto "Winckler ist auf urlaub, wir aber sind immer da" protestieren die studierenden der uni Wien gegen den neuen organisationsplan und das universitaetsgesetz 02. im protestdorf vor der rekotoratskanzlei wird ueber die anliegen der studierenden informiert, die kritische ... more
length: 1,54 min  | date: 03.03.2004  | video-hits: 102
snippets piebattle
several students throwed pies in their faces to voice their protest against the new organization chart.
furthermore they want to show the puplic that a "pie treatment" has to be seen as an humorous action and not as an terroristic act like it"s published in the corporate media.
length: 1,13 min  | date: 28.01.2004  | video-hits: 373
snippets surrounded
approx. 1000 students form a human chain and surround Vienna university. they demand rector Winckler"s resignation.
a few "drive by" images of the action.
length: 1,44 min  | date: 22.01.2004  | video-hits: 186
short-docu pies instead of lies
pies instead of lies
during a panel discussion rector Winckler gets the pie treatment by students, upon which the discussion event is cancelled. a student, (not a pie thrower ) is held by plain clothes policemen.
length: 4,30 min  | date: 20.01.2004  | video-hits: 3.257
short-docu uni Vienna occupied (2)
uni Vienna occupied (2)
several students storm the rectorate"s room and demand "mineral water for everyone!"
length: 1,41 min  | date: 16.01.2004  | video-hits: 198
short-docu occupation of the university vienna (3)
occupation of the university vienna (3)
impressions of the occupation. a student tells about the situation.
length: 3,18 min  | date: 16.01.2004  | video-hits: 209
short-docu uni Vienna occupation
uni Vienna occupation
several hundred students go from lecture theatre to lecture theatre to inform other students of the new plan of action and to pay a "visit" to the senate"s meeting.
length: 1,56 min  | date: 16.01.2004  | video-hits: 169
snippets student meeting
student meeting
Vienna 14.01.2004 - in the Audimax at Vienna uni a student meeting takes place to discuss actions against the impending organisation chart. the chart shows, amongst other measures, a drastic reduction in the student"s right of co-determination.
a student criticizes the current work of the austrian students union, he is bothered by the "party politics" that go on and he talks about the ... more
length: 2,11 min  | date: 14.01.2004  | video-hits: 95
6 links
Unitedaliens TV musikvideos, aktionsvideos, demonstrationsvideos, filme, werbung und ueberhaupt einige lustige und gute videos ;)

bilder von der rektoratsbesetzung am 8.maerz

Universitaetsrektor Winckler bei Diskussionsveranstaltung getortet feature bei at.indymedia.org

Universitaet für angewandte Kunst

HochschuelerInnenschaft an der Universitaet Wien

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Student protests
Strike of the sugercane workers
Strike of the retail employees
GDL strike
Strike in Bochum
students protests berlin
oebb strike
austrian airlines strike
strike against the pension reforms
Education Live on Stage
Money for Education
Academy of Fine Arts: Two Weeks of Occupation and Protest
University of Graz Belongs to Us!
Education, not Training
The University is Burning!
Act Now!
SPÖ occupied
students demo
students demo
rectorate occupied
protest village
pies instead of lies
uni Vienna occupied (2)
occupation of the university vienna (3)
uni Vienna occupation
student meeting
forego art

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