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topic austrian social forum

12 videoclips4 linkscomments

after the three world social forums in Porto Alegre (Brazil) and the european social forum in Florence, there will be an austrian social forum this year, taking place from the 19th may to the 1st of june. using the motto "another world is possible", over 1500 people are currently trying to work out where this other world could be, and what has to be done to get to it.

team: flo
latest clip entry: 01-06-2003 12:11 number of medias in topic: 12
snippets Sans Papiers vs. Union
Sans Papiers vs. Union
in a friendly the "Sans Papiers" play against the Union to draw attention to the often poor support from the unions for the "Sans Papiers".
at half-time there is an action by the "united aliens", dressed as police, they lead hubsi kramer out of the court.
the game ends with handshakes and swapping shirts.
length: 3,08 min  | date: 02.06.2003  | video-hits: 122
snippets general women
general women
in the scope of a discussion about a sexist incident at the asf, Hubsi Kramer (austrian artist) calls for a women"s general strike.
"then it will really say, without the women nothing happens!"
length: 2,16 min  | date: 01.06.2003  | video-hits: 87
snippets plenum
at the final plenum of the asf in Hallein, experiences and further actions are discussed.
"if we now have a referendum, and succeed to maintain neutrality with it, then neutrality can be maintained."
length: 2,49 min  | date: 01.06.2003  | video-hits: 79
snippets hallein
impressions of the asf and what the people of Hallein say to it.
"anyone who works wouldn"t have time to stand there and demonstrate!"
length: 3,08 min  | date: 31.05.2003  | video-hits: 91
short-docu motorway blockade
motorway blockade
approx. 1000 demonstrators temporarily block the A10 in Hallein.
"Austria needs a change of policy, in the past years and decades it has been associated with militarism, arms and war."
length: 3,31 min  | date: 30.05.2003  | video-hits: 139
snippets greetings from the asf
greetings from the asf
austrian social forum participants sending greetings to evian.
"while we are here discussing, you are on the streets"
length: 3,16 min  | date: 30.05.2003  | video-hits: 220
snippets A. nanas S.ocial F.actory
A. nanas S.ocial F.actory
"our main concern is to bring the sans papiers project in to the open with renewed force, so people are more aware that the illegalized exist."
length: 1,16 min  | date: 30.05.2003  | video-hits: 119
snippets asf-demo preparations
asf-demo preparations
"I don"t think it will do much for Austria" says one of the asf participants.
similtaneously banners are being painted at the infopoint for motorway blockade.
length: 0,54 min  | date: 30.05.2003  | video-hits: 129
snippets press conference
press conference
a member of the "sans papiers", who was arrested in germany today, gets to talk.
length: 1,44 min  | date: 29.05.2003  | video-hits: 49
snippets austrian social forum 2
austrian social forum 2
"its extremely important for me that I do something that means something to me (...) and also to the next generation."
length: 1,33 min  | date: 29.05.2003  | video-hits: 56
snippets austrian social forum
austrian social forum
on the first day of the austrian social forum, members of the "sans papiers" are arrested in germany and charged for illegal border crossing.
Walter Baier reports of the arrests.
length: 2,28 min  | date: 29.05.2003  | video-hits: 51
snippet asf opening
asf opening
opening of the Austrian Social Forum of the 29.5.03 in Hallein. the speakers were: Dr. Christian Stökl, (mayor, Hallein) and Gerhard Trattner (ÖGB Salzburg Chairman)
length: 1,05 min  | date: 29.05.2003  | video-hits: 106
4 links
Austrian Social Forum: Idee und Wirklichkeit Dass das European Social Forum in Florenz mit seinen Zehntausenden TeilnehmerInnen zu einem beeindruckenden politischen Erlebnis wurde, daran zweifelte kaum noch jemand. Wie stehts aber um die Pläne für ein Austrian Social Forum?

Die Normale das Festival des sozialpolitischen Films

österreichisches sozialforum grundsaetzlich ist das Sozialforum KEINE dachorganisation sondern "nur" eine veranstaltung, wo alle, die daran glauben, dass eine andere Welt moeglich ist, zusammenkommen, sich austauschen und vernetzen koennen, wo gemeinsam
alternativen zu neoliberalem wirtschaften, kriegerischem konfliktausloeschen und menschenunwuerdiger diskriminierung und ausgrenzung erarbeitet werden und
ihre umsetzung begonnen bzw. verstaerkt vorangetrieben werden kann.

UTV UTV ist "Das Unabhaengige Fernsehen".
UTV besteht aus den Menschen die an diesem Projekt teilnehmen. JedeR kann bei UTV mitmachen. Förderer und Sponsoren dürfen keinen Einfluss auf die inhaltiche Gestaltung ausüben.
UTV ist interaktives Fernsehen und möchte alle interessierten Menschen in einen aktiven und passiven Diskurs mit dem Medium Fernsehen führen.
UTV steht für Meinungsfreiheit und Meinungsvielfalt und versteht sich als Bereicherung und Ergänzung der österreichischen Medienlandschaft...

Ausserparlamentarische Opposition
Rosa Luxemburg Konferenz 2007
social forum Erfurt 2005
ESF London 2004
Monday demonstrations
PGA conference in Belgrade
European Social Forum 2003
Sans Papiers vs. Union
general women
motorway blockade
greetings from the asf
A. nanas S.ocial F.actory
asf-demo preparations
press conference
austrian social forum 2
austrian social forum
asf opening

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