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topic Eviction Rigaer 94

13 videoclips7 linkscomments

on the 7.5.03 from 5am onwards, 5 apartments in the squatted house in the Rigaerstrasse 94 in Berlin Friedrichshein were cleared by the police. we broadcasted the eviction almost live from the inside of the house and here you can find the archive of video clips.

team: kanalB
latest clip entry: 01-07-2005 19:05 number of medias in topic: 13
short-docu 3 flats destroyed
3 flats destroyed
please translate this description: 30.06.2005, Berlin, rigaer94 - 3 wohnungen im vorderhaus, die seit einem jahr still besetzt sind, werden vom >eigentuemer< mithilfe von bauarbeitern zerstoert und zugemauert.
am 2.7.05 gibts ein hoffest in der rigaer94, zahlreiches erscheinen ist erwuenscht.
length: 2,59 min  | date: 01.07.2005  | video-hits: 3.473
snippet kaputt
the evening after the eviction the house owner has already smashed up the empty flats.
length: 1 min  | date: 09.05.2003  | video-hits: 398
snippet courtyard stormed
courtyard stormed
at 615 specialist commando people climb into the courtyard. they open the door. in come the police, more commandos, Stroebele and the house owner.
length: 2 min  | date: 09.05.2003  | video-hits: 1.212
snippet front building
front building
5:45 police go up and down in the front house.
helicopter put into force.
length: 1 min  | date: 07.05.2003  | video-hits: 367
snippet in the morning
in the morning
5:30 in the morning. 50 people are standing in the alley way to the backyard protesting, they finally get pushed out by the police. no arrests.
length: 1,30 min  | date: 07.05.2003  | video-hits: 327
snippet fall-barricade
resident talks a bit about how the house is protected. last year the police got in through the window.
length: 2 min  | date: 07.05.2003  | video-hits: 421
snippet private police
private police
a resident explains the situation:"(...) a private property owner, who can use the state power in his own interest."
length: 0,30 min  | date: 07.05.2003  | video-hits: 250
snippet whilst cooking
whilst cooking
exhausted house resident talks about the situation and the perspectives and all the work that goes into the survival of a left wing house project. "we built, organized a demo, handed out flyers, talked to lawyers, talked to the senate..."
length: 2 min  | date: 07.05.2003  | video-hits: 288
snippet living alone
living alone
why do people actually live in a house project?
length: 1 min  | date: 06.05.2003  | video-hits: 206
snippet rigaer residents
rigaer residents
a resident sums up the situation quickly.
length: 0,30 min  | date: 06.05.2003  | video-hits: 212
snippet the project
the project
the rigaer was squatted in 1990 and today is a house project.
length: 0,30 min  | date: 06.05.2003  | video-hits: 207
short-docu demo rigaer 94
demo rigaer 94
Berlin, 06.05.03: the evening before the planned eviction, 500 people come together to rally for keeping left living projects going in the city.
length: 2 min  | date: 06.05.2003  | video-hits: 532
short-docu eviction
Kaderschmiede, 6am on the 4. 09.2002. the Kadterschmiede, one of the oldest Friedrichshainer house projects in Rigaerstr, 94 ( squatted since 1990 )gets cleared. without explanation, the police is very violent towards sympathisers while clearing the building. a spontaneous demonstration is started on the frankfurther alle, which tries to stop the traffic.
length: 4 min  | date: 04.09.2002  | video-hits: 2.376
7 links
"es gibt keine besetzerInnen in Berlin!" Informationsminister Said al-Sahhaf spricht wieder

fotos der demo seite 2

fotos von der spontandemo

fotos von der demo und vor dem haus

fotos von der demo seite 1

stressfaktor meldungen und news

Rigaer 94 Der grundlegende Dissens um die Rigaer94 ist ungefähr der, dass sich Leute überlegt haben, zusammen ein Hausprojekt klarzumachen. Suitbert Beulker, seit 2 Jahren Eigentümer, erscheint es dagegen logischer, die Leute rauszuschmeißen. Das führt dann zu einem großen Haufen Ärger und Zwist, ist aber nicht weiter kompliziert: mensch sagt ihm, dass das so nicht geht, schickt ihn nach Hause und geht ggf. juristisch gegen ihn vor. Klingt eigentlich ganz einfach - wäre es auch, wenn die RichterInnen immer für uns entscheiden würden, was sie allerdings nicht tun. Allein deshalb sind wir der Überzeugung, dass da was mit dieser freundlichen Gesellschaft nicht stimmt.

Free space
Sink Mediaspree
International Actiondays for Squats
fight for free spaces
EKH stays!
3 flats destroyed
courtyard stormed
front building
in the morning
private police
whilst cooking
living alone
rigaer residents
the project
demo rigaer 94

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