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Bruessel EU Summit 2001

17 videoclips1 linkcomments

kanalB special edition no 12 about the EU summit in Laeken, Brussels. at the beginning, the story of the belgian airline Sabena is told, from the worker's point of view who are losing their jobs. also: ... more

snippet Brussels (rap)
Brussels (rap)
Mind-j Jizum was arrested after the street party, because he had prevented undercover police to infiltrate the demo the day before.
length: 3 min  | date: 15.12.2001  | video-hits: 303
snippet street party
street party
Brussels, Gare du Midi - hippies and anarchists dance to jungle together through the area around the south train station. they were held up for two hours by the police and there were several arrests.
length: 2min min  | date: 15.12.2001  | video-hits: 450
snippet anarchists demo
anarchists demo
direct action against banks.
length: 1 min  | date: 15.12.2001  | video-hits: 964
snippet direkt action
direkt action
on the way to the street party the anarchists smash up surveillance cameras.
length: 1 min  | date: 15.12.2001  | video-hits: 614
snippet interview - Brussels [en]
interview - Brussels [en]
interview on the peace march: capitalism; doesn"t agree with me.
length: 2 min  | date: 15.12.2001  | video-hits: 264
snippet anarchistInnendemo
um 14 uhr treffen sich die anarchistInnen, polizei wird mit molotowcocktails beworfen. die demo muendet spaeter zusammen mit dem friedensmarsch in die streetparty.
length: 2 min  | date: 15.12.2001  | video-hits: 803
snippet the EU
the EU
an interview at the beginning of the peace march about the EU and it"s origins.
length: 2 min  | date: 15.12.2001  | video-hits: 216
snippet Brussels 11 am
Brussels 11 am
street theatre in the demo "buy air, people!"
length: 2 min  | date: 14.12.2001  | video-hits: 205
snippet trade union demo
trade union demo
big trade union demo with at least 80,000 participants; people from all over Europe marched for an hour through an empty suburb and then were carted off again.
length: 2 min  | date: 13.12.2001  | video-hits: 245
snippet indymediacentre
19 year old indymedia activist about media, the movement and "empire" by hardt/negri.
length: 3 min  | date: 13.12.2001  | video-hits: 230
snippet Sabena angestellte [fr]
Sabena angestellte [fr]
meeting of ex Sabena employees, followed by the occupation of the Sabena head office. info und background ...
length: 5 min  | date: 11.12.2001  | video-hits: 283
snippet congress
interviews with an unempoyed mother about the growing social divide and european unification. Tommy explains to us that the world is full of egos and that real european unification can only happen when there are the same rights for everyone.
length: 3 min  | date: 11.12.2001  | video-hits: 122
snippet Palestina demo
Palestina demo
Brussels - the first allowed Palestina demo since 11.09. in Brussels. at the end an activist gives out flyers for the peace march on the 15.12. "it is all interlinked, the EU is an accomplice"
length: 2 min  | date: 09.12.2001  | video-hits: 301
snippet sleeping in Brussels
sleeping in Brussels
this morning there was a press conference in front of the christmas crib at the town hall.
length: 1 min  | date: 09.12.2001  | video-hits: 226
snippet ms Shiva
ms Shiva
interview with ms shiva. meeting of NGOs.
length: 3 min  | date: 09.12.2001  | video-hits: 283
snippet an algerian, Brussels
an algerian, Brussels
"our government consists of a minority of business people..who have taken power...it was formed in 1988."
length: 1 min  | date: 08.12.2001  | video-hits: 229
snippet Gare Leopold - Brussels
Gare Leopold - Brussels
Gare Leopold, a train station left open right in front of the european parliament has been squatted. the activists fear that the zone is to be made into a permanent red zone.
length: 2 min  | date: 00.00.0000  | video-hits: 157
1 link
Indymedia Belgien IMC Belgien

Summit assault
Climate Conference in Copenhagen -COP 15
G8 in Japan 08
G8 Summit in Heiligendamm 07
G8 Gleneagles-Scotland 05
G8 Evian 2003
Bush in Berlin 2002
G8 Genoa 2001
IMF summit Prague 2000
Brussels (rap)
street party
anarchists demo
direkt action
interview - Brussels [en]
the EU
Brussels 11 am
trade union demo
Sabena angestellte [fr]
Palestina demo
sleeping in Brussels
ms Shiva
an algerian, Brussels
Gare Leopold - Brussels

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