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After a three-year strike at the tire work of Continental in Mexico the factory became the property of the workers. They founded the cooperative Euzkadi. The strike was massively supported by neighbours, ... more

short-film ¡Ni Una Paso Atras! (by cil@s – 2008)
¡Ni Una Paso Atras! (by cil@s – 2008)
film bycli@s, Trabajadores Democraticos de Occidente S.S. de R.l. de C.V., Partido Obreras Socialista + Producciones "El Grito del Pueblo". – version with english subtitles coming soon!
length: 13min min  | date: 25.04.2008  | video-hits: 212
¡Ni Una Paso Atras! (by cil@s – 2008)

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