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The Crisis

21 videoclips1 linkcomments

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short-docu  // english  // 11,62 Min  // 06.11.2011  // Hits: 715
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31.10.2011, Oakland - Auf der Pressekonferez von Occupy Oakland wird der Generalstreik am 2. November und die Blokade des Hafens angekündigt. Oakland ist der viertgrößte Hafen in den USA.

"Es geht nicht um die Krise oder um Wallstreet, es geht um den Kapitalismus, der am Ende ist."

more clips: The Movement • The Crisis
more information: www.occupyoakland.org/strike
Team: niltiacenaj

docu Athens 2012
Athens 2012

Overview of the situation in Greece in October 2012

Many people have reacted to the crisis by turning to self-organization to meet their basic needs. They have been developing alternative economies and networks between the many subsistence initiatives emerging all over the country, e.g. collective kitchens and exchange markets.

length: 10,5 min  | date: 11.11.2012  | video-hits: 411
short-docu M31 in Frankfurt a.M.
M31 in Frankfurt a.M.
Action Day against Capitalism M31 on March 31, 2012 in Frankfurt am Main.
length: 4 min  | date: 02.04.2012  | video-hits: 335
mobilisation 12.12.2011 - Shut Down the West Coast Ports
12.12.2011 - Shut Down the West Coast Ports
The ports play a pivotal role in the flow and growth of capital for the 1% in this country and internationally. For that reason alone it is the ideal place to disrupt their profit machine. The workers on these ports have always understood that; they have consistently staged shutdowns for political reasons, honored community picket lines, and led the labor movement. A general disruption of commerce, in protest ... more
length: 6,67 min  | date: 12.12.2011  | video-hits: 3.992
docu David Harvey spricht zu Occupy London
David Harvey spricht zu Occupy London
12. Nov. 2011 - David Harvey speaks to Occupy London.
length: 31,75 min  | date: 19.11.2011  | video-hits: 297
short-docu Pressekonferez Occupy Oakland
Pressekonferez Occupy Oakland
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31.10.2011, Oakland - Auf der Pressekonferez von Occupy Oakland wird der Generalstreik am 2. November und die Blokade des Hafens angekündigt. Oakland ist der viertgrößte Hafen in den USA.

"Es geht nicht um die Krise oder um Wallstreet, es geht um den Kapitalismus, der am ... more

length: 11,62 min  | date: 06.11.2011  | video-hits: 715
short-docu 15. Oktober, Berlin
15. Oktober, Berlin
15. October 2011, Berlin - five- to tenthousend people rally to show solidarity with protesters around the world, who occupy places to overcome the current economical system.
length: 6 min  | date: 16.10.2011  | video-hits: 5.447
docu Occupy Wallstreet wird größer
Occupy Wallstreet wird größer
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Democracy Now berichtet über die zahlenmäßige und räumliche Ausweitung der Occupy Wallstreet Bewegung. - Beitrag vom 11. Oktober 2011

In Boston wurden die Besetzer geräumt. Vorausgegangen war eine Demonstration mit mehreren Tausend Protestierenden. In Chicago gingen ebenfalls tausende ... more

length: 44,75 min  | date: 12.10.2011  | video-hits: 1.072
short-docu Occupy Wallstreet
Occupy Wallstreet
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Seit dem 17. September 2011 campieren Protestierende vor der Wallstreet. Am 2. Oktober 2011 hat die Bewegung neuen Zulauf und mehr Aufmerksamkeit erhalten, als die Wall-Street-Kritiker_innen die Brooklyn Bridge lahmlegten.

"In New York solidarisierten sich am Wochenende ... more

length: 8 min  | date: 04.10.2011  | video-hits: 2.383
lecture Educational Crisis
Educational Crisis
please translate this description: David Harvey spricht auf englisch in einem Vortrag darüber, warum die "gegenwärtige Krise" auch eine "Krise" der Universitäten ist und wie staatliche (Bildung-)Politiken diese "Krise" produzieren
Berlin, 15.06.2009, HU-Berlin
length: 24:41 min  | date: 18.06.2009  | video-hits: 1.943
short-docu bank robbery
bank robbery
bank robbery
length: 01:13 min  | date: 18.06.2009  | video-hits: 2.426
short-docu Activity infront of Job-Centre in Berlin-Neukoelln
Activity infront of Job-Centre in Berlin-Neukoelln
28 April 2009, Job-Centre in Berlin Neukoelln. Activists offer to accompany the people on social security to their appointments. Everybody can take another person. This way the receivers of welfare get much more seldomly put under pressure or sanctioned by the job-centre.
length: 4:00 min  | date: 29.04.2009  | video-hits: 4.518
short-docu Hunger strike of temporary workers at VW
Hunger strike of temporary workers at VW
In March 2009 VW wanted to dimiss 213 temporary workers. Some went on hunger strike. The point is, that VW would have to give the temporaries a regular contract after 2 years. But the corporation has no interest in that and the staff is still to be seperated.

Shortly after the hunger strike 88 temporaries could pick up work again, and 103 of them switched to the VW dependace Autovision - partly with ... more
length: 7:33 min  | date: 21.04.2009  | video-hits: 1.831
short-docu Occupation Ends
Occupation Ends
Visteon workers in Enfield, having been threatened with mass arrest by a court order, agree to leave peacefully under the recommendation of the union on April 9, 2009. Some workers feel that ending the occupation is a mistake, despite an agreement by the Visteon management to enter into negotiations.
length: 4,42 min  | date: 15.04.2009  | video-hits: 497
short-docu Occupation of Visteon Plant
Occupation of Visteon Plant
April 4th, 2009 - After car parts manufacturer Visteon announced job cuts workers occupied plants in Belfast, Basildon and Enfiled.

In Enfield about 70 workers - men and women from all kinds of backgrounds - are still inside the plant and on the roof. People have the most basic stuff inside, ex-Visteon workers and neighbours from Enfield drop by with food.

Unfortunately the G20 hype ... more
length: 5 min  | date: 06.04.2009  | video-hits: 1.952
short-docu Opinions on demonstration against crisis policies
Opinions on demonstration against crisis policies
please translate this description: Na, Donnerwetter! Wer zahlt denn jetzt, werden sich einige Köpfe angesichts des Mottos “Wir zahlen nicht!” fragen und wer ist eigentlich mit “eure Krise” gemeint? Der freundeskreis videoclips hat zahlreiche Teilnehmer_innen der Demo am 28. März 2009 in Berlin interviewt, um – nicht ganz ... more
length: 15:00 min  | date: 05.04.2009  | video-hits: 309
short-docu We will not pay for your crisis! - Berlin
We will not pay for your crisis! - Berlin
28 March 2009 - 50.000 demonstrated in Berlin and Frankfurt, saying: We will not pay for your crisis! They protested against the fact that the state all of a sudden has billions to spend for broke down banks and climate threatening industries while the majority of the people becomes even poorer.

We are many, and we will beome more.
length: 1:50 min  | date: 30.03.2009  | video-hits: 5.020
short-docu We won't pay for your crisis - Frankfurt
We won't pay for your crisis - Frankfurt
More then 10.000 people took part in a demonstration themed "We won't pay for your crisis" in Frankfurt / Main on saturday, March 28. They were demonstrating for a solitary society and against the unsocial financial politics of the German government. A broad alliance, consisting of labour unions, ecological, christian or organizations criticizing capitalism activated thousands of people to take part in ... more
length: 2:36 min  | date: 28.03.2009  | video-hits: 2.980
short-film Crisis Roulette
Crisis Roulette
Capitalists play the crisis roulette to mobilise for the capilatistic block on the social-revolutionary demonstration of left-wing iniatives on 28 March in Berlin and Frankfurt.

Because also they say "We will not pay for our crisis. Germany must stay tax haven!". Various important political and economical personalities support this demand.
length: 8:30 min  | date: 16.03.2009  | video-hits: 2.542
trailer We will not pay for your Crisis!
We will not pay for your Crisis!
Call for a demonstration in Berlin and Frankfurt a. M. on 28 March 2009: We will not pay for your crisis! There is a world to be won beyond capitalism and crisis. For a solidary community!
length: 1:00 min  | date: 05.03.2009  | video-hits: 697
lecture Capitalism Hits the Fan
Capitalism Hits the Fan
- A Marxian View - Professor Rick Wolff, Department of Economics, UMass Amherst, October 7, 2008
length: 38,54 min  | date: 04.12.2008  | video-hits: 4.286
1 link
counterfire.org british video team focusing on on workers resistance

Athens 2012
M31 in Frankfurt a.M.
12.12.2011 - Shut Down the West Coast Ports
David Harvey spricht zu Occupy London
Pressekonferez Occupy Oakland
15. Oktober, Berlin
Occupy Wallstreet wird größer
Occupy Wallstreet
Educational Crisis
bank robbery
Activity infront of Job-Centre in Berlin-Neukoelln
Hunger strike of temporary workers at VW
Occupation Ends
Occupation of Visteon Plant
Opinions on demonstration against crisis policies
We will not pay for your crisis! - Berlin
We won't pay for your crisis - Frankfurt
Crisis Roulette
We will not pay for your Crisis!
Capitalism Hits the Fan
Debt? Paid by the Government!
What is good for Goldman Sachs is good for America
The origins of the current crisis - 18 April 2009, Robert Brenner
20.10.2009  hits: 16899

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