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topic John Holloway on global labor

4 videoclips1 linkcomments

Holloway is known for formulating a political theory which is geared to the culture of Zapatism and includes the central notion of »Changing the world without taking power«.
His theory on social tensions between »doing« (work, labor) and »done« (capital) is aiming for a language describing social antagonisms (a dialectic), which corresponds to political realities and therefore is neither wholly descriptive nor purely normative.
Approaching the real metaphor of »The Scream« and the like, he considers the real conflict of supressed subjects and asks questions touching on »creative power«, formulating a theory about the possibility of revolution, which does not reside in the seizure of state apparatuses, but in day-to-day acts of abject rejection of capitalist society.
On a visit to Berlin Holloway answers questions specifically concerning his views on »global labor«.

further infos

team: zen/ols-laborB*
latest clip entry: 27-04-2004 21:35 number of medias in topic: 4
interview Holloway about the working class
Holloway about the working class
Class struggle isn't a fight between the work and funds because work is part of the funds. The working class that we can not see as a group has to overcome their indentity and become an anti-work/anti-class.
length: 1:36 min  | date: 27.04.2004  | video-hits: 1.307
interview Globalistic fights instead of solidly united ones
Globalistic fights instead of solidly united ones
Holloway compares past international fights with the ones up to date. He takes the putsch in Chile and the Zapatists in Mexico as examples.
length: 1:32 min  | date: 27.04.2004  | video-hits: 998
interview Holloway about union fights
Holloway about union fights
The identitary character of labour unions stands opposite to the approach of Holloway that anti-identitary fights are necessary. "All fights have to somehow exceed themselves."
length: 1:51 min  | date: 27.04.2004  | video-hits: 832
interview Antagonistic society
Antagonistic society
"The problem concerning the word civilian society is following: the antagonistic caracter of the society is opressed." The civilian society is only an euphemism for the whole of the different resistance fighters.
length: 1:34 min  | date: 27.04.2004  | video-hits: 1.209
1 link
Reformieren? Umgehen? Stürzen? Über die Linke und den Staat – Alex Callinicos Wie gehen wir mit dem Staat um? Innerhalb der antikapitalistischen Bewegung sind zwei Herangehensweisen üblich. Die erste betrachtet den Staat als möglichen Verbündeten, der dem Kapital Kontrollen auferlegen und das System menschlich gestalten kann. Solch eine Vorstellung liegt indirekt der Forderung nach einer Tobinsteuer auf internationale Finanztransaktionen zugrunde, die der Ausgangpunkt für Attac in Frankreich und seine Ableger in anderen europäischen Ländern ist.«

theorie by/for/about global labor
Was tun mit Kommunismus?
Slavoj Žižek
The young Marx
Michael Albert
Global capitalism and its crisis
Christoph Spehr
Imperialism reloaded?!
John Holloway
Holloway about the working class
Globalistic fights instead of solidly united ones
Holloway about union fights
Antagonistic society

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