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kanalB  U-Berg


short-docu  // german  // 02:08 Min  // 11.09.2007  // Hits: 1.411
In his commemorative speech on Ulrichsberg in 2005 a member of the provincial government, Josef Martinz (ÖVP), mentioned the participation of the Waffen-SS in the community of Ulrichsberg. This was the first time somebody critized this circumstance in public during the festivities. Of course the comparison of "good" Wehrmacht and the "bad" Waffen-SS is weak. Also units of the Wehrmacht were involved in war crime. Taking a democratic self-concept for granted one cannot accept positive associations with the Wehrmacht. Yet this speech on Ulrichsberg was a novelty and stirred up the community, because it attacked the revisionist consensus at least partially.

more clips: U-Berg
more information: www.u-berg.at
Team: kanalB.at


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