kanalB.at ·labournet.tv


short-docu  // german  // 4,25 Min  // 12.06.2004  // Hits: 692
The last event of the EU-election campaign of the FPOe (austrias freedom party) under the title `the hour of the patriots´ was placed in vienna. As speakers there were invited Heinz Christian Strache, the leader of the fpoe of vienna, Hans Kronberger, the EU-candidate of the FPOe and the governeur of carinthia, Joerg Haider. For the demonstrators it was rather ´the hour of the idiots´. Just before the beginning of the event all people suspected to be ´left´ -or, actually just ´normal´- were forced to leave or at least to go behind the barriers. Partly, supporters of the FPOe tried again and again to turn on violence.

more information: tatblatt.net/widerst...onik2004.html#040611
Team: kanalB.at

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