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short-docu  // german  // 4,36 Min  // 14.05.2004  // Hits: 2.687
Vienna, may, 8, 2004 -fellows of the old national groups -which still exist on a widespread scale- regret the victory of the allies on may, 8, 1945. Quote: `We commemorate to the strength of the character and the unshakeability of the woman and the man in the bombing and air-raids by the terror of the allies. The military capitulation of the german army on may, 8, 1945 brought peace to the allies. but to millions of germans it brought hell and a military occupation for years to our beloved homeland`. As main speaker there was the head of viennas fpoe, Heinz Christian Strache. When some 500 demonstrators behind the barriers were shouting `nazis out` he repeated ´we are the real preservers of democratie´ and called the demonstrators ´fascists´. it´s really interesting in which different ways people are looking on historical aspects and which meaning they give to ´democracy´.

more information: tatblatt.net/widerst...onik2004.html#040508
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