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kanalB  strike! students protests berlin


short-docu  // german  // 6:00 Min  // 04.12.2003  // Hits: 243
4.12.03, Berlin-Mitte. in front of the hotel Maritim in which, amongst others, the Ruehrup and Hartz men are taking part in the German Employer day, 300-500 people have gathered and are shouting: "we are hungry"; eggs and oranges are thrown. the police attacks the crowd with pepper spray, when they try to break through the police chains. afterwards, everyone walks for 3 hours through Berlin-Mitte. stops: Rotes Rathaus, Banking Corporation Berlin and the foreign ministry. only one police encirclement can stop the active and fast protest.

more clips: students protests berlin
more information: de.indymedia.org//2003/12/68938.shtml
Team: ag video der TU Berlin, jens blatt

students protests berlin

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