kanalB.at ·labournet.tv


animation  // german  // 15,18 Min  // 27.06.2011  // Hits: 2.413
"It was a hard strike. The workers gave no notice to management, they stopped production completely and around 2,000 workers stayed inside the factory for nearly two weeks. The strike 'post-poned' the production of 13,200 cars and caused a loss of about 6 billion Rs. (133 million USD / 100 million Euro). Workers continued the strike despite the police stationed within the factory premises and despite strike having been officially declared illegal by Haryana government on 10th of June.

Despite the young workers' courage and the fact that the company was hit at times of full-capacity the strike ended in a defeat for the mass of workers: they did not enforce any betterment of conditions and wages, which was their main concern. Instead the agreement included a 'punishment wage cut' of two days' wages per day of strike - something rarely seen in industrial relations in India. Another element of the agreement states that the 11 workers (union leaders) sacked during the strike were taken back, though they have to undergo an 'inquiry'.

We are not able to say whether workers at large felt demoralised after the strike, but we can imagine it. "


more information: gurgaonworkersnews.w...onworkersnews-no-937
Team: News Click

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