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kanalB  G8 Clips from Saturday 2nd June 2007


short-docu  // german  // 2:45 Min  // 02.06.2007  // Hits: 62.345
During the Demostration on the 2nd of June there was a large masked Black Block taking part. During the demo there where a few small confrontations and some windows of banks got smashed. At the end of the demonstration the police parked a single police car. The plan worked and some people demolished the car giving the riot police a legitime reason for their massive pressence and to have a confrontation with the demonstration.
But why do people wear masks on a demonstration?

more clips: G8 Clips from Saturday 2nd June 2007
more information: de.indymedia.org
Team: block tv

G8 Clips from Saturday 2nd June 2007

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