kanalB.at ·labournet.tv
kanalB  G8-Mobilisation


short-docu  // german  // 5:45 Min  // 29.05.2007  // Hits: 30.910
A convoy on the way to build up the anti G8 camp in Wichmannsdorf was stopped and searched by the police. The convoy of 15 trucks, busses and vans with the material for the camp infrastructure was stopped and the ID's of all peple were taken. First the police did not explain their reason, then they came up with one: looking for bicycles which might have been stolen...after 5 hours the convoy was allowed to continue.
May, 29th 2007

more clips: G8-Mobilisation
more information: de.indymedia.org/2007/05/179192.shtml
Team: LKW


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