kanalB.at ·labournet.tv
kanalB  theorie by/for/about global labor Michael Albert


interview  // english  // 3,30 Min  // 02.11.2006  // Hits: 525
Parecon is a set o key institutions for different economics: remuneration for effort and sacrifice, workers and consumers councils, a selfmanaged decision-making, balanced job complexes instead of a corporated division of labor, participatory planning instead of market or central planning. the claim is that this set of institutional features gives you an economy in wich in the act of doing production, consumption and allocation you simultaneosly enhance solidarity, increase diversity, generate equity, and generate self-management, instead of obliterating all of those. it's a classless economy.

more clips: Michael Albert • Michael Albert
more information: www.parecon.de
Team: zen, leroy/laborB*

Michael Albert
Michael Albert

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