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kanalB  Ausserparlamentarische Opposition Monday demonstrations


short-docu  // german  // 4,14 Min  // 03.01.2005  // Hits: 2.177
Berlin, 3.1.2005 - Several hundred demonstrators arrive at the employment exchange in Wedding (Berlin) to carry their protest at the employment market reforms, where these will finally take concrete shape.
From now on, people who who have been without work for longer than 12 months (in West Germany) will receive only 345 Euro plus rent allowance per month. The character of employment insurance is therewith de facto abolished. A cheap labour market, instigated by the ruling classes, will now determine employment policy in Germany.
An attempt "as citizens" (Grottian) to enter the employment exchange fails. The police uses routine brutality and sets police dogs on the demonstrators.

Monday demonstrations
Dismantling the welfare state

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